古時在中國風箏也稱作“鳶***hawk *** ”。春秋戰國時期***the Spring and Autumn Period ***,東周哲人墨子***Mo-tse***曾“費時三年,以木製木鳶,飛昇天空”,但這隻木鳶只飛了一天就壞了。墨子製造的這隻“木鳶”就是世上最早的風箏, 已有2400多年的歷史。唐代時,風箏傳入朝鮮、日本及其他周邊國家。十三世紀末,風箏的故事首次被義大利探險家馬可·波羅帶到歐洲,至此,中國風箏便逐漸開始傳到世界各地。
In ancient time, kites were also called “Yuan ***a hawk***” in China. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Mo-tse, a philosopher in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty spent three years making a wooden glede that could fly in the sky, but it broke down only in one day. That wooden glede Mo-tse made has a history of over two thousand and four hundred years, which was claimed to be the first kite in the world. In Tang Dynasty, kites were introduced to Korea, Japan and other surrounding countries. Stories of kites were first brought to Europe by Marco Polo, an Italian adventurer, towards the end of the 13th century. Since then, the Chinese kite was gradually introduced to the whole world.
1.鳶:鳶指老鷹。根據短文表達語義,翻譯時“鳶”也可以漢語拼音為譯文, 即:yuan。
3.周邊國家:可譯為neighboring countries 或者surrounding countries。
京劇***Peking Opera***已有200多年的歷史,是中國的國劇。與其他地方戲相比,京劇享有更高的聲譽,但其實京劇融合了多種地方戲的元素。京劇演員的臉譜***facial makeup***和戲服都很精美,相形之下佈景則顯得十分簡單。京劇表演者主要應用四種技能:唱、念、做、打。在古代,京劇大多是在戶外演出的,因此演員們形成了一種極具穿透力的唱腔,以便每個人都能聽到。
Peking Opera, as the national opera of China, has a history of more than 200 years. Compared with other Chinese local operas, Peking Opera enjoys a higher reputation; but actually it absorbs many elements of other local operas. The facial makeups and costumes of the performers are usually very delicate;by contrast, the backdrops are quite plain. During the performance, the performers mainly utilize four skills: singing, speaking, acting and acrobatic fighting. In ancient times, Peking Opera was mostly performed in the open air, so the performers developed a piercing style of singing that could be heard by everyone.
1.享有更高的聲譽:應翻譯為enjoy a higher reputation。
3.相形之下:譯為短語by contrast。這類表示邏輯關係的表達易成為採分點,不要遺漏。
5.唱、念、做、打:要對京劇的這四種技能有所瞭解,不然很容易翻譯錯誤,京劇中,唱指歌唱;念指具有音樂性的唸白;做指舞蹈化的形體動作;打指武打和翻跌的技藝;故“唱、念、做、打”即可譯為singing,speaking, acting and acrobatic fighting。
6.在戶外:有固定表達in the open air。
7.形成了一種極具穿透力的唱腔:“形成”這裡指逐步形成,故譯為 develop,而不用shape或form。“具穿透力的”譯為piercing; “唱腔” 即“歌唱的風格”,譯為style of singing。