The US Federal Reserve raised short-term interestrates for the third time this year despite concernsover rising trade tensions between the US and itstrading partners.
In a statement that marked the end of the era of "accommodative" monetary policy, Fed policymakerslifted the benchmark overnight lending rate by aquarter of a percentage point to a range of 2% to 2.25%.
The US central bank still foresees another rate hike in December, three more next year, and oneincrease in 2020.
That would put the U.S. central bank's benchmark overnight lending rate at 3.4%, roughlyhalf a percentage point above its estimated "neutral" rate of interest.
That tight policy stance is projected to stay level through 2021.
The Fed sees the economy growing at a faster-than-expected 3.1% this year and continuing toexpand moderately for at least three more years, amid sustained low unemployment andstable inflation near its 2% target.
China's household debt reached a record high lastyear, adding to worries the burden of debt servicescould weigh on long-term consumer spending anddrag on growth in the world's second-largesteconomy.
The country's ratio of household debt to grossdomestic product hit an all-time high of 49.1 percent in 2017, marking an increase of nearly 20 perpercentage points over the past five years, German insurer Allianz said in its latest globalwealth report.
"This amounts to an increase of 30 percentage points in just 10 years -- no other country sawits private debt burden rising so fast," Allianz said, with the caveat that "China needed to catchup to some extent, as Chinese private households only obtained access to bank loans in 2003".
The report comes amid concern over the extraordinary increase in Chinese debt since the 2008 global financial crisis.
In China, corporations and local governments were the main drivers of the country's debtaccumulation through to 2016, thanks to stimulus policies that promoted investment infactory capacity and public infrastructure.
But steep increases in house prices have led to an increase in mortgage debt, while the rapidrise of online consumer lending — which barely existed four years ago -- have combined tocause a sharp rise in household debt in the past two years. Regulators have recently crackeddown on risky online lending, causing the flow of loans to slow.
Chinese household consumption as a share of GDP remains low by international standards at 39.1 per cent. In the US and EU, the same ratio is 68.4 per cent and 55.6 per cent, respectively. But consumption has been the biggest driver of China's GDP growth for fourstraight years.
Rising debt and slower growth of household income are sparking concern about the impact onconsumption and growth.
"Consumption decline is the main risk to the economy this year," Jianguang Shen, Chinaeconomist at consumer finance group JD Finance, wrote in a report.
He added that, due to rising wealth inequality, the consumption patterns of different groupshave diverged.
"Rising housing prices have a positive influence on those who already have their own houses. Itshows that they have been spending more on luxury goods, advanced education, advancedmedical care and services, and overseas tourism," wrote Mr Shen.
"But for tenants and those planning to buy a house, rising housing prices will reduce residents'disposable income. They will downgrade their consumption in the short run and pay moreattention to cost."