
General 更新 2025年03月26日



  Stock Market Investment 股市投資

  Stock market investment gives you the unique opportunity to take a direct part in the growth and success of companies. When you buy shares in a company, it means that you actually own a portion of that company. As part owner, you benefit by receiving part of the profits or dividends and sharing in the growth of the value of the company.

  The company benefits by raising funds or capital when your shares and other shares are first sold. These funds are used to operate and expand the business.

  In general, share investments produce better returns than fixed interest investments, particularly when money is invested long term.

  Although there are rises and falls in the stock market, history shows that over the long term, the value of the stock market rises. In the US, which has a long history of deregulated stock market, the average real return per annum after inflation is approximately 10%.

  Direct investment in the stock market also gives you control over where you put your money. You decide which companies you want to invest in and when the time is right for you to see your shares. If you want to be in control, stock market investment is a good option.

  Another attractive feature of stock market investment is the flexibility to change your investments when your personal circumstances change. For example, if you need money for a well-earned break, an extension on our house or your children's education, all you need to do is sell your shares.

  Stock market investment allows you to follow your investment. You'll receive regular information from companies you invest in and can attend meetings. This enables you to gain a unique insight into the results and strategies of the organization and learn a lot in the process.

  Market investment also allows you to follow a particular interest you have. For example, you may have lived all you life in a forestry area and are interested in supporting this industry and benefiting from its success, by investing in listed forestry stocks.










  How To Pick A Stock? 如何選擇股票?

  When technical analysis is mentioned, people often think of analysts plotting price movements of stocks,drawing lines to find trends, support or resistance. Technical analysis is the art of deducing probable future trend from historical records of stock trading. It is the study of the stock market itself rather than the external factors that influence the market. The most familiar indicators used are the price and volume of a stock.

  Advocates of technical analysis believe that information is not immediately reflected in the market prices of stocks. For example, when a piece of good news about a company is available, it is not immediately known to everyone but is slowly passed from one person to another.

  This process takes time and an upward price trend develops for that company as more and more people hear the good news and want to buy the stock and fewer and fewer people are willing to sell the stock. The stock price which has started to move in an uptrend will continue to do so until something happens to change the supply-demand balance.

  For the technical analyst, he does not need to know what the good news or any other information that is affecting the stock price is; the chart will tell him whether the stock price is going to move up or down. He does not need to know the fundamentals of the company because if the price is going up, the fundamentals must be improving.

  On the other hand, fundamental analysis examines all relevant factors affecting the stock price in order to determine an intrinsic value for that stock. If the market price is below the intrinsic value, then the stock is undervalued and should be bought. The factors to consider include balance sheet items, corporate management, business prospects and earnings outlook.

  The fundamental analyst calculates financial ratios based on data available from the balance sheet and income statement of a company. From these ratios, he deduces the financial strength and earnings trend of the company. Then he will meet the company's management to affirm his deductions, to understand the business and to learn of any new development of the company and the industry.

  A widely used tool in fundamental analysis is the price-earnings ratio or PE ratio. It is calculated using the stock price divided by the earnings per share EPS of a company. As a general rule, a stock with a low PE ratio is considered cheap although there are difficulties in applying this principle. PE ratios of two companies can only be compared if the companies are similar.

  It is believed that companies in different industries deserve different PE ratios. For example, Singapore Telecom is believed to deserve a higher PE ratio than many other stocks because of its position in the telecommunication business.

  However, analysts have not yet agreed on what PE ratio each industry or company deserves and there is no one way to determine the right PE ratio. Both approaches attempt to predict the future price movement of a stock. Fundamentalists study the cause of market movement while technicians believe that the effect is all that they need to know.

  Despite their differences, both approaches try to increase your probability of picking up the right stock at a right price. However, these methods only increase your chances but do not guarantee complete success. Some believe that fundamental analysis is good for picking the right stock while technical analysis is appropriate to decide the right price or time to buy.

  For the professional investor, he has to take another step of deciding the sequence of analysis. This will have an impact on how the investor divides his money among different countries and stocks. Basically, the investor decides whether the market as a whole or the company itself is more important in determining stock prices. Both factors definitely influence stock prices but the degree of influence is the issue.

  The top-down approach or sometimes known as the Economy-Industry-Company EIC model emphasises the market over the company. It starts with the analysis of different economies to determine which country could offer the investor better returns.

  In the selected economy, it searches for industries that provide better prospects and it picks the best companies within these industries. The top-down approach offers a systematic and structured way to analyse stocks. It advocates that the economy and industry effects are significant factors in determining the total return for stocks.

  The bottom-up or stock picking approach believes in finding stocks that are undervalued which can provide superior returns irrespective of the market and industry factors. The company effect is the dominant factor in determining stock return.

  There is no overwhelming evidence to suggest which approach offers superior returns to the investors. The most important thing is that an investor is comfortable with a particular method, understands its strengths and limitations, experiments with it, finds that it works for him and abides by the method.






  本益比是基礎分析中最常用的比例,計算方式是股價除每股盈利。一般上,低本益比表示股票便宜。 不過,這個準則有時不太好用。兩家公司從事相同的業務,才能夠比較它們的本益比;不同行業的公司,本益比通常是不一樣的。舉例說,以新加坡電信在電信業的地位,它的本益比會較其他公司高。

  對於每個行業的本益比應是多少,分析員們到目前為止還沒有定論,而且也沒有計算正確本益比的方式。 技術分析和基礎分析都嘗試預測股價今後的走勢。它們的做法雖然不一樣,但都儘可能幫助投資者以合適的價格買入有增值潛能的股票。不過,它們都只能提高可能性,而不能保證成功。有些人認為,基礎分析較適合用於選擇股票,而技術分析則適用於決定買入的時機和價格。







  China’s stock trading fever is spreading to Hong Kong’s job market, as banks and brokersscramble to sign up analysts capable of bridging the gap between China and the globalinvestment community.


  The Shanghai Composite has more than doubled over the past 12 months, making China thebest performing market in the world and drawing the attention of fund managers everywhere.

  上證綜指Shanghai Composite在過去12個月期間上漲逾一倍,使中國成為全球表現最佳的市場,吸引了世界各地基金經理的注意。

  Although some investment banks — such as UBS and Goldman Sachs — have long operatedjoint-ventures that produce both Chinese and English-language research, the opening late lastyear of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect has prompted many others to rethink the waythey cover Asia’s second largest stock market.

  儘管瑞銀UBS和高盛Goldman Sachs等投行長期運營提供中英文研究的合資專案,但去年末開通的“滬港通”促使其它許多機構重新思考其覆蓋亞洲第二大股票市場的方式。

  HSBC is in the middle of hiring 10-15 new analysts to cover Chinese stocks, something WilliamBratton, the bank’s head of Asia-Pacific equity research, believes could be just the beginning asthe dynamics of investing in the region shift more towards China.


  “I struggle to see how you can run a viable equity business in Asia over the next five yearswithout getting China right”, said Mr Bratton.


  The Stock Connect — a cross-border share trading link — has given foreign investors accessto hundreds of Shanghai-listed stocks without the need for a licence. More shares are set tojoin the list with the anticipated launch of a similar tie-up between the Hong Kong andShenzhen stock exchanges later this year.


  Meanwhile, Chinese brokerages, insurers and asset managers are looking to build theircapabilities outside the mainland, creating an extra source of demand for bilingual analystsand bankers with international experience. Huatai Securities recently hired Lu Ting, former Chinaeconomist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, as head of research, just one of a number of newadditions ahead of its planned Hong Kong flotation.

  與此同時,中國的券商、保險公司和資產管理公司都希望在境外構建自己的能力,這加大了對雙語分析師和具有國際經驗的銀行家的需求。華泰證券Huatai Securities最近聘請美銀美林Bank of America MerrillLynch前中國區經濟學家陸挺為研究主管,這是該券商在計劃中的香港上市之前新招聘的多名人才之一。

  The challenge for those looking to hire has been finding the right people — typically juniorstock analysts and equity salespeople, often in their late 20s or early 30s, who have fluentMandarin and English, and are comfortable working outside China.


  “They want to find someone they can put in front of investors in Boston or San Franciscowithout losing any of that Chinese expertise,” said Marlon Sanchez, head of Asia prime financedistribution at Deutsche Bank. “These individuals over the next five years are going to besome of the most important as we try to right-size the amount of time we spend on China.”

  “他們想找到既能面對波士頓或舊金山的投資者、又不會失去中國專長的人,”德意志銀行Deutsche Bank的亞太地區機構經紀銷售負責人馬龍•桑切斯Marlon Sanchez表示。“這些人在未來五年將躋身於最重要的人才之列。我們將努力恰當把握投入中國股票研究的時間。”

  The competition has become so fierce that some in-demand candidates have been able todouble or even triple their basic salaries as rivals outbid one another for their services,according to people familiar with the job market. This has caused some to wonder if frothyvaluations are no longer confined to Chinese stock prices alone.


  “The Chinese banking landscape has gone through these periods of explosion in the pastwhere disproportionate demand has made many people very rich,” said one Asia-basedheadhunter. “These are flashes in the pan.”


