
General 更新 2025年03月12日




  When Katia Beauchamp and Hayley Barna met as twentysomethings on their first day atHarvard Business School they had no plans to create a global beauty business. They had morepressing concerns as they had almost immediately to co-ordinate a spring holiday to Mexico for 50 of their classmates.

  當凱蒂婭·比徹姆Katia Beauchamp和海利·巴爾納Hayley Barna在進入哈佛商學院Harvard BusinessSchool的第一天碰面時,她們還只是二十幾歲的年輕人,從沒想過要創辦一家國際化妝品公司。當時她們手頭有更急迫的任務——兩人幾乎必須馬上為50位同學協調安排一次赴墨西哥的春遊。

  Organising the holiday served a purpose. It helped the women to realise they worked welltogether as a team, “but we didn’t necessarily want to start a business together”, says MsBarna, now 29, a management consultant before going to HBS.


  That all changed less than a year later, when Ms Beauchamp and Ms Barna became the co-founders of Birchbox. Each month the New York-based company sends a box filled with beautysamples to subscribers in the US, the UK, Spain and France.


  From a tiny venture in 2010, Birchbox has now grown to 300,000 worldwide subscribers whoreceive a box for ·13, ?13 or $10 depending on location. One box includes four to fivecosmetics samples such as mascara or hand lotion, some in larger sizes.


  On the Birchbox website users can see how to incorporate the beauty products into a dailyroutine, as well as buy regular sizes of the samples. To date the company has secured $11.9min venture-capital investment.


  Rather than starting a business in parallel to their studies, Ms Beauchamp and Ms Barnaintegrated their beauty business idea into their courses in their last semester.


  “We would negotiate with the professors where the final project would always be aboutBirchbox,” says Ms Beauchamp, 30, who worked in commercial real-estate investmentbanking before going to HBS.


  One class really stood out. Harvard professor Clay Christensen’s course on disruptiveinnovation encouraged the two founders to think of a big idea that is an industry game-changer. “One of our first insights was that the beauty industry – in terms of marketing andretail – had not experienced significant innovation for many years,” says Ms Beauchamp.

  有一門課程給比徹姆和巴爾納留下了深刻印象。在哈佛大學教授克雷·克里斯坦森Clay Christensen有關“顛覆性創新”disruptive innovation的課程啟發下,兩位創始人產生了一個可能改變行業規則的巨集大構想。比徹姆表示:“我們最初的一大感悟是,美妝行業已經連續多年未曾經歷過重大創新了——無論是在市場營銷手段還是零售模式方面。”

  “That concept ties directly [to] what we learnt about examples of successful disruption inestablished industries.”


  The two women were placed second in an HBS business-plan competition, which helped thembuild more confidence in the concept.


  The VCs offered the co-founders money but they turned it down because the company was stillin its infancy, says Ms Barna. Instead, they favoured launching a lean start-up with minimummeans. Going through the process “helped crystallise our approach”, Ms Beauchamp adds.


  They used their student status as a way to get their foot in the door at some of the largestbeauty brands. “We were able to credibly present [the concept] as a test that we wereexploring while in business school to potential partners,” Ms Beauchamp says.


  The winter break of their second year turned into back-to-back appointments as the partnerspresented their idea to beauty companies in New York.


  “We had three very intense days in walking to boardrooms with prototypes,” Ms Beauchampsays. Cosmetics companies including Keihl’s, Nars and Benefit signed, giving Birchboxcredibility with other large beauty companies. Having a tangible box to show companies wasimportant.


  “We had to come in there with something more than just an idea.”


  Without waiting until there was a more concrete plan in place, they used the flexibility oftheir last business school semester to dive in and start the company in its test phase. Impromptu strategy sessions took place before class. “We would wake up every morning, emailing each other about how to make it work,” Ms Beauchamp says.


  Taking two years away from the workforce was key in helping the business grow quickly, say theclassmates.


  “Being on campus was a huge benefit [allowing us] to have the time to start something,” MsBeauchamp adds.


  “By the time we were [graduating], we were not just an idea on paper.”


  Three years later they have 140 employees and Birchbox is growing quickly. However MsBeauchamp is keen to retain the company’s start-up culture as a means of spurring moreinnovation. One of the biggest challenges Birchbox is facing is “growing up and showing ourteam that we are progressing,” she says.


  Since Birchbox’s launch at least half a dozen imitators have come on to the market but itsmonthly box remains one of the most affordable.


  Global growth is one strategy helping the company stay ahead. Last September Birchboxacquired JolieBox, a Paris-based competitor, allowing the partners to move into the Europeanmarket. Expanding worldwide “is a huge focus right now,” says Ms Beauchamp.


  “Many of our beauty brands are global, so it’s the same thing for the customers.”


  They are also expanding the samples. Last year Birchbox started offering Birchbox Man, a $20 box filled with men’s grooming samples and lifestyle products.

  比徹姆和巴爾納目前還在擴充產品種類。去年Birchbox開始提供一款名為“Birchbox Man”的禮盒,這款定價為20美元的禮盒內含適合男士使用的洗漱用品小樣以及時尚產品。

  In December the company also tested a limited edition “home box” for $58 containing productssuch as sea salt, a spatula set and cocktail napkins for the holidays. When it comes toparticipating brands not all make the cut and products are tested in-house before being boxedand posted, the founders say.

  去年12月,該公司還嘗試推出了一款名為“home box”的限量禮盒,這款定價58美元的禮盒內含海鹽、抹刀組合以及假日使用的餐巾紙等產品。兩位創始人表示,不是所有合作品牌的產品都能達到Birchbox的標準,產品在被裝盒付運以前都先通過了公司的內部檢測。

  So far Birchbox has been an attractive proposition for brands eager to stretch theirmarketing budgets. Allowing consumers to test samples is a more hands-on approach toacquiring new customers. As a marketing strategy, the company allows brands to offer sampleproducts “rather than paying for expensive print and advertising campaigns”, says MsBeauchamp.


  “It’s a way [brands] can get close to consumers.”



  Harvard University is expanding its reach in Asia through its online program and by reachingout to students with lesser means, university President Drew Faust said.

  哈佛大學Harvard University校長福斯特Drew Faust說,哈佛大學正打造線上專案,並主動接觸家境困難的學生,以擴大在亞洲的影響力。

  EdX, the nonprofit joint venture started last year by Harvard and the Massachusetts Instituteof Technology, offers university-level classes free online and already has attracted more than 700,000 people. Most of those enrolled are from outside the U.S., and 44,000 are from EastAsia, which includes China, Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan, Dr. Faust said in an interview.

  EdX是哈佛大學和麻省理工學院Massachusetts Institute of Technology去年合作推出的非營利專案,線上免費提供大學課程,已經吸引了超過70萬人。福斯特在接受採訪時說,大部分註冊學生來自美國以外的國家,其中44,000人來自東亞,包括中國大陸、香港、韓國和日本。

  The history scholar said edX is well-received in the region, citing a biostatistics andepidemiology course that had 8,000 students from India.


  'People see almost the miraculous impact [online education] can have and the ways in whichthe kinds of knowledge that people are so hungry for can be made available,' she said.


  Dr. Faust called edX a startup 'in every sense of the word,' adding that the site is searching forits business model, which could involve licensing course content and charging for certainofferings, such as executive business courses. She said the project will remain a nonprofitendeavor, 'but we do understand ourselves that it has to be sustainable, ultimately.'


  Dr. Faust said edX has been producing online courses at a slower pace than competitors─suchas the for-profit Coursera, which produces classes from 62 institutions including DukeUniversity, the University of Pennsylvania and the National University of Singapore─so it canfocus on engagement and quality. She said she hoped the university could learn from theonline experiment and implement parts of it on campus.

  福斯特說,edX推出線上課程的速度一直慢於Coursera等競爭者,這是為了保證該專案專注於互動和課程質量。Cousera是一個以贏利為目的的專案,提供來自62所大學的課程,包括杜克大學Duke University、賓夕法尼亞大學University of Pennsylvania和新加坡國立大學National University of Singapore。福斯特說,她希望哈佛大學能夠從這個線上專案中學習到經驗,在哈佛校園內部分加以運用。

  Some users have had difficulty accessing course material that draws on YouTube─which isbanned in China. Dr. Faust said edX is working to address the issue.


  Dr. Faust, who will also visit South Korea, said China is the 'largest supplier' of internationalstudents enrolled at the university's campus, in Cambridge, Mass., and is becoming a newsource of alumni donors.


  The school is one of the few American colleges that is a household name in China, and manyChinese parents dream of enrolling their children there. Harvard has been linked to thecountry's political elite, with the children of several top leaders attending the university. Thedaughter of Chinese President Xi Jinping is enrolled in Harvard, and the son of disgracedChongqing Communist party chief Bo Xilai was enrolled at Harvard's Kennedy School ofGovernment.

  哈佛大學是在中國家喻戶曉的美國學府之一,把子女送到該學校讀書是許多中國家長夢寐以求的事。哈佛大學已經與中國的政治精英聯絡在一起,數位高層領導人的子女都在該校就讀。中國國家主席習近平的女兒就在哈佛大學求學,已下臺的原重慶市委書記薄熙來的兒子也曾就讀於哈佛大學的肯尼迪政府學院Kennedy Schoolof Government。

  Dr. Faust said political connections don't boost an applicant's chances of getting accepted. 'There are numbers of children of world leaders who get turned down,' she said. Harvard hasinfluenced China's current leaders as well. Li Yuanchao, a member of the powerful Politburo, studied at the Kennedy School in 2002.


  Getting into Harvard is increasingly challenging─only 6% of applicants are accepted.


  'We've been aggressive in recruiting students from lower-income families and indicating thatwe want them,' she said. An undergraduate without financial aid paid $52,652 for tuition, room, board and fees during the 2012 academic year.


  Dr. Faust said the school gave out $15 million in financial aid to Chinese students, $9 million ofwhich went to students in Ph.D. programs.

