
General 更新 2025年03月04日



  1 The wheel turns, nothing is ever new. 時過境遷,爛事依然。

  2 The kiss of love is a deep hug.對愛的人 接吻要深 擁抱要真.

  3 Stay up late and you\'re far away.熬夜的癮和遙遠的你

  4 “I am just fooling soft hearted love want to love”原諒我就是這樣 嘴硬愛逞強 心軟愛多想

  5 Paused lifts the hand in the past's light youth to cancel the recollection.

  6 停留在過去的淡薄少年抬手抹去回憶。

  7 In the memory is pausing under the remote sunlight sunny world.

  8 記憶裡停留著遙遠陽光下的晴朗世界。

  9 The top of the head interlocks, but the antenna, is dividing the unclear not dark sky.

  10 頭頂交錯而過的天線,分割著不明不暗的天空。


  1 Always some wisp sadly belongs to you.

  2 總有一縷悲傷屬於你。

  3 The eye Reamon fault will be can only see the very close future.

  4 眼睛裡蒙著的斷層是隻能看到咫尺的未來。

  5 The long time is a darkness moist sultry cavern likely.

  6 漫長的時光像是一條黑暗潮溼的悶熱洞穴。

  7 It is not cannot love, is only cannot injury.

  8 不是愛不起,只是傷不起。

  9 天亮之前會不會,有人把我的心撿回。

  10 Before dawn, someone will bring my heart back to pick up.

  11 時間久了,才發現已經忘記了原來的自己到底是怎麼樣的。

  12 Time is long, found that have forgotten the original what like.

  13 感情走到最後,既然會變濃,也會變淡。

  14 Feelings to the final, now that would be thick, also can become weak.

  15 有一種愛,明知要等待,卻傻傻的獨自寂寞。

  16 There is a love, knowing it will have to wait for the silly, but lonely alone.

  17 愛情像斷了線的風箏,一下子迷失了方向。

  18 Love is like breaking line kite, suddenly lost.

  19 如果愛是場誤會,誰讓我能回到完美。

  20 If love is misunderstanding, who let I can return to perfect.

  21 我會到另外一個城市,認識不同的人,愛上不同的味道。

  22 I'll to another city, know different people, falls in love with different flavour.

  23 完美的愛情,是無聲的旋律。

  24 Perfect love, it is silent melody.

  25 曾經依靠彼此的肩膀,如今各自在人海流浪。

  26 Once the shoulder, now depend on each other in their respective stray crowd.

  27 我以為我會很好,看見每個人都微笑。

  28 I thought I was good, see everyone smile.

  29 那一抹鮮妍明媚的白色,交雜在人群中。

  30 The XianYan with a bright white, mixed in among the crowd.

  31 你轉身之後,我的淚水悄然滑落,濺起了一地風塵。

  32 If you turn and later, my tears slipped quietly, throwing up a dust.

  33 原來你的世界已經有了愛的人,為什麼還要我的加溫。

  34 So your world have love, why my heating.

  35 陽光會刺痛眼眸,讓我再也看不清方向。

  36 The sunlight will hurt your eyes, let I couldn't clear direction.

  37 看著錯亂的照片,忽然覺得這一切都不重要。

  38 Looking at the pictures, confusion suddenly think all of this is not important.

  39 我會微笑的,但僅僅是對自己。

  40 I will smile, but only to.

