
General 更新 2025年03月05日



  時候與原因 When and why

  WHEN I bring you coloured toys, my child, I understand why there is such a play of colours on clouds, on water, and why flowers are painted in tints--when I give coloured toys to you, my child.當我給你五顏六色的玩具的時候,我的孩子,我明白了為什麼雲上水上是這樣的色彩繽紛,為什麼花朵上染上絢爛的顏色的原因了 -- 當我給你五顏六色的玩具的時候,我的孩子。

  When I sing to make you dance, I truly know why there is music in leaves, and why waves send their chorus of voices to the heart of the listening earth--when I sing to make you dance.當我唱著使你跳舞的時候,我真的知道了為什麼樹葉兒響著音樂,為什麼波浪把它們的合唱送進靜聽著的大地的心頭 -- 當我唱著使你跳舞的時候。

  When I bring sweet things to your greedy hands, I know why there is honey in the cup of the flower, and why fruits are secretly filled with sweet juice--when I bring sweet things to your greedy hands.當我把糖果送到你的貪婪的雙手上的時候,我知道了為什麼在花萼裡會有蜜,為什麼水果裡會祕密的充溢了甜汁 -- 當我把糖果送到你的貪婪的雙手上的時候。

  When I kiss your face to make you smile, my darling, I surely understand what pleasure streams from the sky in morning light, and what delight the summer breeze brings to my body--when I kiss you to make you smile.當我吻著你的臉蛋兒讓你微笑的時候,我的寶貝,我真切地明白了在晨光裡從天上流下來的是什麼樣的快樂,而夏天的微風吹拂在我的身體上的又是什麼樣的涼爽——當我吻著你的臉蛋兒讓你微笑的時候。


  責備 Defamation

  Why are those tears in your eyes, my child?為什麼你眼裡有了眼淚,我的孩子?

  How horrid of them to be always scolding you for nothing?他們真是可怕,常常無謂地責備你!

  You have stained your fingers and face with ink while writing--is that why they call you dirty?你寫字時墨水玷汙了你的手和臉——這就是他們所以罵你齷齪的緣故麼?

  O, fie! Would they dare to call the full moon dirty because it has smudged its face with ink?呵,呸!他們也敢因為圓圓的月兒用墨水塗了臉,便罵它齷齪麼?

  For every little trifle they blame you, my child. They are ready to find fault for nothing.他們總要為了每一件小事去責備你,我的孩子。他們總是無謂地尋人錯處。

  You tore your clothes while playing--is that why they call you untidy?你遊戲時扯破了你的衣服——這就是他們說你不整潔的緣故麼?

  O, fie! What would they call an autumn morning that smiles through its ragged clouds?呵,呸!秋之晨從它的破碎的雲衣中露出微笑。那末,他們要叫它什麼呢?

  Take no heed of what they say to you, my child.他們對你說什麼話,儘管可以不去理睬他,我的孩子。

  Take no heed of what they say to you, my child.他們把你做錯的事長長地記了一筆帳。

  They make a long list of your misdeeds. Everybody knows how you love sweet things--is that why they call you greedy?誰都知道你是十分喜歡糖果的——這就是他們所以稱你做貪婪的緣故麼?

  O, fie! What then would they call us who love you?呵,呸!我們是喜歡你的,那末,他們要叫我們什麼呢?


  審判官 The Judge


  SAY of him what you please, but I know my child's failings.你想說他什麼儘管說罷,但是我知道我孩子的短處。

  I do not love him because he is good, but because he is my little child.我愛他並不因為他好,只是因為他是我的小小的孩子。

  How should you know how dear he can be when you try to weigh his merits against his faults?你如果把他的好處與壞處兩兩相權一下,恐怕你就會知道他是如何的可愛罷?

  When I must punish him he becomes all the more a part of my being.當我必須責罰他的時候,他更成為我的生命的一部分了。

  When I cause his tears to come my heart weeps with him.當我使他眼淚流出時,我的心也和他同哭了。

  I alone have a right to blame and punish, for he only may chastise who loves.只有我才有權去罵他,去責罰他,因為只有熱愛人的才可以懲戒人。
