
General 更新 2025年03月03日


  關於少兒英語故事:The Owl and the Ass

  A blind ass, which had undertaken a long journey, wandered from the road into a forest. As the night came on, our foolish fellow went so far into the thicket***灌木叢*** that it couldn't move either backward or forward; and even one who had eyes would have been unable to get out of that difficulty. But an owl, by good luck, happened to be in the neighbourhood, and offered to act as a guide to the ass.

  We all know how well owls see at night. Hills, hillocks, ditches, precipices***懸崖*** - all these our owl distinguished as if it had been daylight, and, by daybreak, it had made its way with the ass to the level road. Now, how could any one part with such a guide? So the assentreated***懇求*** the owl not to desert it, and de termined to visit the whole world in the owl's company.

  Our owl seated itself like a lord on the back of the ass, and the two friends began to continue their journey, But did it prosper? No. The sun had scarcely begun to glow in the morning sky, when a greater than nocturnal***夜的*** darkness did everything from the owl's eyes, But our owl is obstinate***頑固的***, it directs the ass at random.

  "Take care!" it cries, "We shall tumble into a pool, if we go to the right."

  There was really no pool on the right, but on the left there was even worse.

  "Keep more to the left-another pace to the left!"

  And, the owl and the ass fell into the ravine***山澗,峽谷*** together.

  關於少兒英語故事:The Olive Tree and the Fig Tree

  An olive tree and a fig tree***無花果樹*** were talking one winter day.

  "I feel sorry for you," said the olive tree, "Every year you lose all your leaves and have to shiver through the winter with bare branches. But I stay green and beautiful all the year round. Still,I suppose we can't all be good-looking."

  The fig tree was silent. Later that day the weather turned very cold. Great grey clouds filled the sky and it was very still. It began to snow heavily.

  All that night it snowed, and all the next day. Fields and hedges were thickly covered and people had to dig paths from their houses to the roadside. The snow settled on the olive tree, drifting in little piles in the leaves, weighing down the branches so that they snapped***突然中斷*** and fell to the white ground below. The fig tree was more fortunate. She had no leaves to trap the snow and it drifted harmlessly through the bare twigs.

  When the thaw came she was still standing, ready to put out her new spring leaves; but the olive tree lay broken, a twisted jumble***混亂*** of sticks and brown leaves.

  關於少兒英語故事:The Goose

  The feathers of a goose put the newly-fallen snow to the blush. Proud of this dazzling***耀眼的***gift of nature, she considered herself intended for a swan, rather than for that which she was. Accordingly, separating herself from her companions, she swam, solitarily andmajestically, round the pond. She now stretched her neck, the treacherous***奸詐的***shortness of which she endeavored to obviate***排除*** with all her might. Now she tried to give it the graceful bend, which designates the beautiful swan the bird of Apollo. But in vain, it was too stiff, and with all her pains, she remained a ridiculous goose, without inspiring a singlebeholder with the least idea of her resemblance***相似*** to a swan.

  How many geese are there, without wings, who, for similar assumption, become laughing-stocks to their neighbors!

  關於少兒英語故事:Jupiter and the Sheep

  A sheep was once forced to submit to much harm from the other animals. He therefore appeared before Jupiter, and begged him to lessen***減少*** his misery. Jupiter appeared willing, and said to the sheep, "I see plainly, my pious***虔誠的*** creature, that I have created you too defenseless . Now choose how I had best remedy this fault. Shall I arm your jaws with terriblefangs and your feet with claws?"

  "O, no! " exclaimed the sheep, " I will have nothing in common with the beasts of prey."

  "Or," said Jupiter, " Shall I make your bite poisonous?"

  "Alas!" replied the sheep, " the poisonous snakes are so sadly detested***厭惡***."

  "Well, what shall I do ? Shall I plant horns on your forehead, and give strength to your neck?"

  "Nor that, gracious father; I should then butt like the goat."

  "At the same time you would be able to injure others, if I gave you the means of defending yourself."

  "Should I, indeed? "sighed the sheep. "Oh! Then leave me, merciful father, as I am. For the power of injuring would, I am fearful, awake the desire of doing so; and it is better to suffer harm, than to inflict it."

  Jupiter blessed the pious sheep, who ceased from that moment his complaints.

