
General 更新 2025年03月04日


  五年級英語故事短文:All Bite, No Bark

  A New York City entrepreneur is seeking investors for his “No Bark” startup. With enough investment money, Ty Cobb says, he will be able to discover the melodies that, when played, will instantly quiet barking dogs. Because dogs hear sound frequencies that humans cannot hear, the melodies will be unheard by humans.

  “There’s a huge market for this service,” Cobb declared. “There’s about 30 million dogs in this country, probably 2 million right here in the city. And what do these dogs love to do more than anything? Bark, that’s what! And what do people hate more than anything? Barking dogs, that’s what!”

  Cobb says that he went to India to study how snake charmers control the deadly cobra with music. He figured that if they could use music to prevent a deadly cobra from striking out at humans, he could use the same music to prevent a dog from barking. So he learned how to play the pungi, the snake charmer’s flute. And he learned many of the same tunes that the snake charmers played.

  He returned to New York, where he practiced the tunes on his dog. At first, his dog simply barked along with the music. After hours of modifying tunes, Cobb discovered one that actually caused his dog to stop barking.

  He was jubilant. He had discovered a melody that would shut dogs up. He would be rich beyond his wildest dreams! Unfortunately, the melody worked on his dog, but not on his neighbor’s dog. Nor on several other dogs in the neighborhood.

  Cobb figures that computers will help him find the right melodies at the right frequencies to shut up any dog on Earth. “My dream, of course,” he said, “is to discover one melody that will shut up a whole block of barking dogs. That might rank right up there with the discovery of penicillin!”

  五年級英語故事短文:Red Meat, Gray Water

  See that bright red hamburger meat in the grocery store? It’s bright red because a food processor added carbon monoxide to the package. Most European governments do not allow carbon monoxide in packages that contain beef products. They warn that the gas keeps the beef looking bright red even if the beef has started to decay. This bright red color is attractive, but it’s a cheap trick that allows the processor to sell possibly spoiled beef.

  In the US, however, the Food and Drug Administration ***FDA*** and the Department of Agriculture say not to worry, the gas is completely safe.

  “They might change their mind,” said activist Maureen Downey, “when a lot of people get sick, and it’s all over TV and radio news. These two agencies bend over backward for food companies. Guess what? Processors now want to use gray water in canned soups. Look out, America—your favorite chicken soup will soon be 50 percent gray water.”

  Conan Nolan, head of FDA, said, “Ms. Downey has a vivid imagination. Our primary concern is the health and safety of American consumers. Gray water is simply 'used' household water. It does not include toilet water. We would never allow 50 percent gray water in canned soups—that amount might make people sick. The amount we allow will probably not exceed two or three percent. People have to realize that water is getting more valuable every decade, as the world’s population increases and the amount of fresh water decreases. Just as people’s digestive systems get used to contaminated water in developing countries, Americans will get used to gray water in their canned soups and other products. Look, no processed food is 100 percent sterile. Consider how much rat feces we allow in processed food today. I’ve yet to hear of one American dying from eating too much rat feces, so a little gray water shouldn't be a problem either.”

  五年級英語故事短文:Red Flowers

  “What are these flowers doing here?” Anita asked as she was about to sit in the car’s passenger seat. The towel that covered the leather seat had a couple of small red flowers sitting in a crease. The flowers appeared as she straightened out the towel before she sat down. She always straightened out the towel before sitting down, because Logan sometimes left his glasses, pen, or other items on the passenger seat. She didn’t want to break anything by sitting on it, nor did she want to injure herself by sitting on something sharp.

  “What flowers?” Logan asked. “These flowers!” she said sharply, holding the two little flowers up to his nose. He said he didn’t know. He said he thought they had been there for quite a while. No, they hadn’t, she told him, as she put them into a tissue and then put the tissue in her purse. They weren’t there two days ago when she had last been in his car. Maybe they had been there, but she hadn’t seen them, he suggested. “Maybe you’re lying! Who did you buy flowers for?” she yelled at him. This was not the first time she had “caught” him cheating on her. She had never really caught him, of course, because he had never cheated on her. It was a little game she liked to play, just to remind Logan not to cheat.

  “Well? Who did you buy these flowers for?” she asked again. He was trying to think. He was sure he had seen the flowers lying there for days, but he had no idea where they had come from. He told her that he had driven for a while yesterday with all the windows open, to freshen the car. “You know how windy it was yesterday. Maybe the flowers got blown into the car.”

  “Ha!” she snorted. “If I ever catch you even thinking about cheating on me, we’re through! Got it?” On the one hand, Logan was too much in love with Anita to ever cheat on her. On the other, when she got bossy like this, he did think—however fleetingly—about moving on.

