
General 更新 2025年02月23日



  秦朝是中國歷史上第一個統一的、多民族的、中央集權的、封建王朝***feudal dynasty***。儘管秦朝只持續了15年,但是它在中國歷史上扮演著重要角色,對後續朝代產生了重大影響。為了鞏固國家統一,維持秦朝永傳萬代,秦始皇在政治、經濟、軍事和文化上進行了很多改革。政治上,他宣佈自己就是這個國家的皇帝,手握重權。經濟上,他統一了度量衡***weights and measures***和貨幣。另外,他還統一了文字以及車輪之間的距離。世界奇蹟—萬里長城也是他命令建造的。


  The Qin Dynasty was the first unitary,multi-national and power-centralized,feudal dynasty in Chinese history.Although lasting only for 15 years,it played an important role in Chinese history and exerted a great influence on the foltowing dynasties.To strengthen the unity of the nation and to perpetuate the Qin Dynasty,Emperor Qin Shi Huang carried out many reforms in politics,economy,military affairs and culture.In politics,he declared himself the emperor of the stale in possession of all major powers.In economy,he standardized weights and measures as well as money.In Addition,he standardized the written characters and the distance between two wheels.The miracle of the world,the Great Wall of China was also built under his order.



  唐朝***the Tang Dynasty***是中國歷史上統一時間最長,國力最強盛的朝代之一。唐朝全盛時期在文化,科技,政治,經濟,外交等方面都取得了很高的成就。中國歷史上有大量的科技發明,四大發明中有兩個,即火藥和活字印刷***movable-type printing***,都誕生於唐朝。這一時期文學發展達到高峰,其中詩歌最為興盛,唐詩至今仍家喻戶曉。海外的華僑華人往往稱自己是“唐人”,他們聚居的地方便被稱為“唐人街”。每逢春節,這裡都要耍龍燈***dragon-lantern show***,舞獅子,仍然保留著中國的傳統風俗。


  The Tang Dynasty is one of the dynasties which had been unified for the longest time and had the strongest national power in Chinese history.In its heyday, the Tang Dynasty gained great achievements in culture,science and technology,politics, economy and diplomacy.In histoiy, China had many scientific and technological inventions, among which gunpowder and the movable-type printing of the Four Great Inventions were invented in the Tang Dynasty.Literature reached its peak at that time, especially poetry.And Tang poems are still widely known now.Overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese often call themselves “Tang People”,and the place where they live is called “Chinatown”.During the Spring Festival, traditional Chinese customs, such as dragon-lantern show and lion dance, are still kept there.



  春秋戰國時期是中國歷史上大變革的時代,社會大變革促進了文化的繁榮。這一時期出現了老子、莊子、孔子、孟子、荀子、墨子***Xuncius***、韓非子等大思想家。比如,老子認為各種事物都有對立面,如福和禍、有和無、強和弱等都是對立的雙方,它們之間會相互轉化。墨子開創了墨家學派***Mohism***,主張節約,反對浪費。他們從不同的立場和角度出發,對當時的社會發表主張並逐步形成了眾多派別,在中國歷史上被稱為“諸子百家”***Hundred Schools ofThought***。


  The Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period saw a great transformation in Chinese history which promoted cultural prosperity.Great thinkers such as Laozi,Zhuangzi, Confucius, Mencius, Xuncius, Mozi, HanFeizi all lived in these periods.For instance, Laozi thought that every coin has two sides, such as weal and woe, existence and inexistence, strong and weak, which are opposite and can transform to each other.Mozi set up the school of Mohism, advocating thrift while opposing waste.From different positions and perspectives,they released voices on the social issues,and gradually formed different schools,which were called Hundred Schools of Thought in Chinese history.
