
General 更新 2025年03月12日



  兵馬俑***terra-cotta warriors and horses***即製成兵馬形狀的殉葬品***sacrificial objects***。兵馬俑坑是秦始皇陵的陪葬坑***pit***,其面積有50多個籃球場那麼大。一個有趣的發現是:幾乎我們每個中國人的容貌都能在古老的兵馬俑中找到“模子”。有人曾這樣描述兵馬俑,“世界上有七大奇蹟,兵馬俑的發現可以說是第八大奇蹟。不看兵馬俑,不能算來過中國。”秦始皇兵馬俑博物館是中國最大的古代軍事博物館。秦始皇兵馬俑是世界考古史上最偉大的發現之一。


  The terra-cotta warriors and horses are sacrificial objects in the shape of soldiers and horses.The pit of terra-cotta warriors and horses is the one buried with the First Emperor of Qin,the size of which is equal to 50 basketball courts.It is interesting that almost every Chinese person can find for his/her face a corresponding “mould” in the terra-cotta warriors and horses.Someone once described the terra-cotta warriors and horses in this way, “There have already been seven wonders in the world, and the terra-cotta warriors and horses can be as the eighth.You can never say you have been to China without visiting the cotta warriors and horses.The Museum of Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses of Emperor Qin ShiHuang is the largest ancient military museum in China.The terra-cotta warriors and horses count as one of the greatest discoveries in the world archaeological history.



  據說花木蘭是北魏人,北方人喜歡練武。當時,北方遊牧民族***nomadic people***不斷騷擾,北魏政府規定每家出一名男子上前線***frontline***。木蘭的父親年紀大了,於是木蘭決定替父從軍,從此開始了她長達12年的軍隊生活。這對很多男人來說都是艱苦的事情,但是花木蘭最後完成了自己的使命,12年後勝利還家。千百年來,花木蘭一直是受中國人尊敬的一位女性,因為她既勇敢又淳樸。迪士尼公司***the WaltDisney Company***還將花木蘭的故事搬上了焚幕,受到了全世界的歡迎。


  It is said that Hua Mulan lived in the Northern Wei Dynasty.Northerners liked practicing martial arts.At that time,nomadic people from the north often harassed the Northern Wei Dynasty,so the government ordered that every household should dispatch a man to the frontline.As Mulan's father was aged,she decided to join the army in place of her father, starting her army life lasting 12 years later.For thousands of years,because of her bravery and simplicity, Hua Mulan has always been the most rcspectcd woman in China.The Walt Disney Company made the story of Hua Mulan into a movie,which was warmly welcomed all over the world.



  古人發明風箏主要是為了懷念已故的親友,他們認為放風箏可以將情意寄託於風箏之上,傳送給逝者。唐代晚期,因為有人在風箏上加了琴絃***strings***,風一吹就發出像古箏那樣的聲音,於是就有了“風箏”的叫法。濰坊被稱作 “世界風箏之都”,該地的風箏歷史悠久,做工精巧,造型優美,放飛平穩,易於起飛。濰坊國際風箏節每年四月二十日至二十五日在濰坊舉行,吸引著大批中外風箏專家、愛好者及遊人前來觀賞和競技。


  Ancient people invented kites mainly to commemorate deceased relatives and friends. It is thought that flying a kite can convey love and affection to the dead. In the late Tang Dynasty, someone added strings to kites. When wind blew,those kites would sound like guzheng, thus earning the name of “fengzheng”. Weifang is called the “Home of Kites”. It has a long history of making kites,and kites made here are well-crafted, beautifully shaped, smooth when flying and easy to fly away. Every year,Weifang International Kite Festival is held during 20th-25th April,attracting lots of experts on kites,fans and visitors from home and abroad to view kites and compete with each other in flying kites.
