
General 更新 2024年10月12日



  1. have to 不得不

  2. don’t have to = needn’t 不必,無需

  3. welcome back 歡迎回來

  4. be full of = be filled with 充滿

  5. good luck 好運 bad luck 倒黴

  6. stay with 和…呆在一起

  7. fly to 飛往…

  8. walk to 走著去…

  9. ride to 騎車去 …

  10. drive to 開車去…

  11. have quite a good time = have a very good time = have a great time 玩的開心

  12. go sightseeing 去觀光

  13. go for a walk 去散步

  14. had better ***not*** do sth. 最好***不***做某事

  15. at the end of 在…盡頭, 在…末尾

  16. in the end = at last = finally 最後,最終

  17. plenty of 許多,大量

  18. the school leavers’ party 畢業生派對

  19. take place = happen 發生

  20. look forward to 盼望,渴望

  21. sit in one’s seat 坐某人的座位

  22. be about 關於

  23. with tears in one’s eyes 眼含淚水

  24. dream about /of sth / doing sth 夢到***幹***某事

  25. in front of 在…前面

  26. set off 出發

  27. be able to 能/ be unable to= can’t 不能

  28. at the start of = at the beginning of 在開始的時候

  29. hold sb in one’s arms 擁抱某人

  30. be bad for = do harm to 對…有害

  31. take off 脫衣,起飛

  32. visit relatives 走親戚

  33. in a low/ loud/strong voice 用***低***大聲

  34. with great interest 有極大的興趣

  35. push away 推開

  36. in order 排序,按順序

  37. take a tour to = have a trip to = travel to 去…旅行

  38. be worried about = worry about為 … 擔心

  39. be surprised at 對…感到吃驚

  40. What’s …like? …是什麼樣子?

  41. talk about 談論,談及

  42. Guess what! 猜怎麼著!

  43. That’s fantastic! 太棒了!

  44. have a look at sth 看一看…

  45. swimming pool 游泳池

  46. prefer = like better 更喜歡

  47. prefer… to… 相比…更喜歡…

  48. prefer to do…rather than do… 寧願幹…而不願幹…

  49. I bet! 我打賭,我保證

  50. be pleased to do sth. 高興幹某事

  51. Be pleased with 對…滿意

  52. expect to do sth. 期望幹某事

  53. do well in = be good at 擅長,

  54. 在…方面做得好

  55. ask for 請求,要求

  56. in addition 另外

  57. at least 至少

  58. instead of doing sth. 代替,而不是幹某事

  59. it is+adj +to do sth. 幹某事是…

  60. have been in /at 住在…,呆在…

  61. pass exam 通過考試

  62. secondary school 初中

  63. be away from 離開…

  64. be far away from 離…遠

  65. be present 出席 be absent 缺席

  66. make a speech 做演講

  67. last for 持續

  68. have a rest /break 休息

  69. two more = another two 又兩個,再兩個

  70. stand for 代表

  71. personal health 個人健康

  72. the danger of …的危險

  73. learn to do sth 學習幹某事

  74. as well as 和 ;像…一樣好

  75. as well 也

  76. take exam 參加考試

  77. sport ground 運動場

  78. such as 諸如,如

  79. parents’ meeting 家長會

  80. get good grades 取得好成績

  81. more and more 越來越…

  82. the more… the more… 越…就越…

  83. benefit from 從中…受益

  84. there is something wrong with… …有毛病

  85. get together 相聚

  86. in fact 實際上

  87. speak to 對…說

  88. teach oneself 自學

  89. spend …on sth. 在…上花費…

  90. Spend …***in*** doing sth幹某事花費…

  91. keep …away from… 讓…遠離…

  92. organize a debate 組織一場辯論

  93. in the old days = in the past 在過去

  94. take medicine 吃藥

  95. as … as … 像…一樣…

  96. not so …as… 不像…一樣…

  97. take exercise 做鍛鍊

  98. do one’s best to do sth 盡最大努力幹某事

  99. prevent illness 預防疾病

  100. nearly finished! 快完成了!


  1. be interested to do sth 幹某事有意思

  2. all one’s life 終生

  3. ask sb about sth 關於某事詢問某人

  4. fall off = fall down from 從…掉下來

  5. go shopping 去購物

  6. shopping center 購物中心

  7. borrow … from… 從…借入…

  8. lend… to… 把…借給…

  9. take a look at = have a look at 看一看

  10. on the left / right 在左邊 / 右邊

  11. a bit of 一點

  12. go for 追逐,追求

  13. catch one’s attention / eyes 吸引某人的注意

  14. personal look 個人相貌

  15. a number of 許多

  16. the number of …的數目

  17. care about 關心,在乎

  18. designer clothes 名牌服裝

  19. big name 知名人士,大名鼎鼎

  20. for example 例如

  21. of course 當然了

  22. make money 掙錢

  23. millons of / 數以百萬計的

  24. thousands of/ 成千上萬的

  25. hundreds of/ 數以百計的

  26. show off 炫耀,顯示

  27. the latest way 最新方法

  28. be /get/ become interested in 對…感興趣

  29. be popular with 為…所喜愛

  30. go to collage 上大學

  31. at the moment 此刻,那時

  32. with one’s help 在某人的幫助下

  33. help oneself to sth 隨便吃點…

  34. make up one’s mind to do sth 下決心幹某事

  35. keep to /walk along /go down沿著…走

  36. on one’s own = by oneself 靠自己

  37. lead the way 領路

  38. fall asleep/ be asleep 睡著

  39. something good to eat 好吃的東西

  40. go rock climbing 攀巖

  41. that’s all! 就這些了!

  42. climb up 爬上

  43. take a look across 眺望

  44. come on 快點,加油

  45. go off 行動

  46. in the middle of the night 在午夜

  47. keep together 集體行動

  48. in the tree 在樹上***非樹所生***

  49. on the tree 在樹上***樹所生***

  50. on the hillside 在山坡上

  51. go climbing 去爬山

  52. listen up = listen carefully 仔細聽

  53. watch out = look out 當心,注意

  54. remember doing sth 記得做過某事

  55. remember to do sth 記著去做某事

  56. personal safety 個人安全

  57. the three of us 我們三個

  58. at noon = at midday 在中午

  59. tidy up = clean up 清潔,整理

  60. turn around 轉身

  61. in the tent 在帳篷裡

  62. at all times 一直

  63. on the trip 在旅途中

  64. in bad weather 在壞天氣裡

  65. in the sunshine 在陽光下

  66. be careful of 小心… 當心…

  67. make a huge effort to do sth 努力去做某事

  68. be / get involved in 牽涉,涉及

  69. pass on 傳遞

  70. at the same time 同時

  71. get/ be lost 迷路

  72. look out of 向外看

  73. take good care of = look after well

  74. 好好照顧

  75. catch up with 追上,趕上

  76. fall over 摔倒

  77. bump into 撞上,碰見

  78. be missing 丟失

  79. be hurt 受傷

  80. have an accident 出事故了

  81. call for help 求助

  82. a bit cold 有點冷

  83. get a fever發燒

  84. / have got a high fever 發高燒

  85. nothing serious 沒什麼嚴重的

  86. thanks to 幸好,多虧,由於

  87. plan to do sth 計劃幹某事

  88. give sb sth = give sth to sb 給某人某物

  89. happen to sb 某人發生了什麼事

  90. happen to do sth 碰巧做某事

  91. shoulder by shoulder 肩並肩

  92. come up with = think of 想出,想起

  93. wait a minute 等一會兒

  94. have a wound in 在…有一個傷口

  95. in the countryside 在鄉下

  96. on the couch 在沙發上

  97. keep fit /healthy 保持健康

  98. now and then 時而,不時,一直

  99. put on weight 變胖,增肥

  100. at weekend 在週末


  1. pick up 挑選,迎接

  2. in order to 為了

  3. the sense of taste 味覺

  4. a bowl of 一碗…

  5. be pleased with對…滿意

  6. be pleased to do sth 高興做某事

  7. stay still 保持安靜、靜止

  8. refer to 指的是

  9. kill oneself 自殺

  10. in the front row 在前排

  11. play the role of 扮演…的角色

  12. take one’s life 結束生命

  13. at the back 在後面

  14. the way to do sth 做某事的方法 the way of doing sth

  15. find out 找出,發現

  16. be proud of 為…感到驕傲

  17. take a bus tour to visit 乘公共汽車去訪問

  18. above all 首要的是

  19. in the photo 在照片上

  20. plenty of 大量的

  21. spend a day 度過一天

  22. have a chance to do sth 有機會做某事

  23. have a chance of doing sth

  24. the latest news 最新訊息

  25. be well-known for = be famous for 以…聞名

  26. be well-known as 作為…而聞名

  27. not just …but… 不僅…而且…

  28. not only … but ***also***… 不但…而且…

  29. remember to do sth 記著去做某事

  30. remember doing sth 記得做過某事

  31. at all times of the day or night 24小時不間斷

  32. what…do with…? 如何處理… How…deal with…?

  33. suggest doing sth 建議做某事

  34. in the open air 在野外

  35. That’s all 就這些

  36. make a list of 做…清單

  37. have been to 去過…

  38. have gone to 去了…

  39. What do you think of…? 你認為…怎麼樣? How do you like …?

  40. make much progress 取得很大進步

  41. reach a level 達到…水平

  42. with a low ***high*** level of 有低***高***的水平

  43. be best at 最擅長

  44. continue to do sth 繼續做某事

  45. An English corner 英語角

  46. However = no matter how 無論怎樣

  47. Whenever = no matter when 無論何時

  48. Wherever = no matter where 無論何地

  49. there be / 有

  50. there will be /將有

  51. there have been 已經有

  52. there must be 肯定有

  53. in a few years’ time 幾年後

  54. have difficulties with 在…方面有困難

  55. spoken English 口語英語

  56. a quarter of 四分之一

  57. what’s more. 並且,更有甚者

  58. in recent years 近幾年來

  59. the importance of …的重要性

  60. in place of = instead of 代替

  61. belong to 屬於

  62. 21.enjoy doing sth 喜歡做某事

  63. an opposite idea 相反的想法

  64. in more detail 更詳細地

  65. look into the future 展望未來

  66. show interest in 表現出對…的興趣

  67. express interest in表示對…的興趣

  68. be based on 基於,根據…

  69. make a plan for 為…做計劃

  70. special event 特殊事件

  71. have a … party 舉行…晚會

  72. refuse to do sth 拒絕做某事

  73. pardon=pardon me=

  74. I beg your pardon ***升調***再說一遍

  75. intend to do sth 打算做某事

  76. for long=for a long time 長時間

  77. I hope so. 我希望如此

  78. I think so. 我想是這樣

  79. I suppose so. 我猜是這樣

  80. on the menu 在選單上

  81. stay friends 保持友誼

  82. raise the glasses 舉起酒杯

  83. Here’s to 為…乾杯

  84. make a speech 做演講

  85. more than one 不只一個

  86. as we all know 眾所周知

  87. It’s time to do sth到了做某事的時候了 It’s time for sth

  88. say goodbye to 向…告別

  89. have a lot of fun 有很多快樂

  90. ***keep***stay in touch with sb和某人保持聯絡

  91. owe… to… 把…歸功於…

  92. pay back 償還,回報

  93. be strict with sb 對某人要求嚴格

  94. be strict in sth 對某物要求嚴格

  95. role model 楷模,模範

  96. from the bottom of one’s heart發自某人內心

  97. wish sb sccess 祝某人成功

  98. feel a bit nervous 感到有點緊張

  99. have a haircut 理髮

  100. prepare for 為…作準備

  101. say no to 對…說不

  102. have an effort on 對…有影響

  103. what … for? = why 為什麼

  104. give in 屈服,讓步

  105. in other words 換句話說

  106. an old saying 一個古老的諺語

  107. weight loss 減肥

  108. heat up 加熱

  109. mean to do sth 打算,想做某事

  110. mean doing sth 意味著做某事

  111. in the west 在西方

  112. similar expression 相似的表達

  113. help oneself = serve oneself 自助,隨便

  114. be cross = be angry = be mad 生氣

  115. I’m full = I’ve had enough 我飽了

  116. be used for doing sth 被用於做…

  117. be used to do sth 被用於幹某事

  118. be used as 被用作…

  119. used to do sth 過去經常做某事

  120. be used to doing sth 習慣於做某事

  121. expect to do sth 期望做某事

  122. dress up 打扮,穿衣

  123. the first step 第一步

  124. finish doing sth 完成幹某事

  125. at the end of 在…盡頭

  126. in the end = at last =finally 最後

  127. It’s +adj.+for sb+to do sth做某事對某人來說是…

  128. It’s+ adj. + of sb +to do sth某人是…去做某事




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