
General 更新 2024年10月12日



  1. 坐飛機take the plane

  2. 環遊世界travel around the world

  3. 下週末next weekend

  4. tennis racket 網球拍

  5. baseball bat 棒球球拍

  6. doesn’t=does not 不是***動詞三單形式***

  7. watch TV 看電視

  8. have /play sports 做運動

  9. a good idea 一個好主意

  10. every day/morning/Sunday/… 每天/每個早上/…

  11. watch a game***s*** 看比賽/遊戲

  12. like doing 喜歡做某事***愛好***

  13. like to do 喜歡做某事***特定時間***

  14. Would you like sth to eat? 你喜歡吃什麼?

  15. want to do sth 想做某事

  16. That sounds interesting 那聽起來很有趣

  17. a great collection 偉大的收藏家

  18. be interested in sth=take an interest in 對…感興趣

  19. You’re welcome . 不用謝

  20. welcome to+地點 歡迎來某地

  21. go and find 去找到

  22. French fries 薯條

  23. ice cream 冰淇淋

  24. running star 賽跑明星

  25. lots of = a lot of + ***C***複數/ ***U*** 大量;許多

  26. French chicken leg 炸雞腿

  27. ice stick 冰棒

  28. have+三餐/breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper 吃…餐

  29. movie ***film*** star 電影明星

  30. music star 歌星

  31. healthy food 健康食物

  32. eat food 吃食物

  33. lose weigh 減肥

  34. have a look ***at sth.*** 看一看***某物***

  35. at school/ at home 在學校/在家裡

  36. relax sports 休閒運動

  37. some runners 一些運動員

  38. go out on a picnic 去野餐

  39. fast food restaurant 快餐店

  40. How much are these pants ?

  41. how much + ***U*** 多少/多少錢

  42. how many + ***C***複數 多少

  43. Here you are. 給你

  44. bag for sports 運動包

  45. come down to 到達

  46. I’m sorry. 對不起

  47. can I help you?=What can I do for you? 需要我幫忙嗎?

  48. want sth. /to do sth 想要 sth /想要做某事

  49. what color 什麼顏色

  50. Can you believe it? 你相信嗎

  51. want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事

  52. That’s OK.= It’s my pleasure. 不用謝

  53. That’s not all. 不只這些

  54. black and blue 黑白相嵌

  55. on sale 在出售

  56. at the price of 以…的價格

  57. at a very good price 一個好價錢/價格合理

  58. What’s the price of sth ?=How much … 多少錢

  59. like something cheap 喜歡便宜的東西

  60. that time of year 一年中的那個時候

  61. in all colors 各色

  62. in+顏色 著色

  63. see for yourself 親眼看

  64. boys and girls=class 同學們

  65. clothes store= clothes shop 服裝店 =clothing store= clothing shop 服裝店

  66. ask sb to do sth 叫某人做某事

  67. I don’t think so. 我不這麼認為

  68. national flag 國旗

  69. 出生日期 date of birth

  70. 排隊 line up

  71. 演講比賽 speech contest

  72. 郊遊 school trip

  73. 校慶日 School Day

  74. 生日聚會 birthday party

  75. 籃球比賽 basketball game

  76. 藝術節 Art Festival

  77. 音樂節 music festival

  78. 排球比賽 volleyball game

  79. 去看電影 go to a movie/ go to movies/ go to the cinema

  80. 看一部動作片 see an action movie

  81. 幾種電影 some kinds of movies

  82. 京劇 Beijing Opera

  83. 在週末 on weekends

  84. 和他父親去看恐怖片和紀錄片 go to see thrillers or documentaries with his father

  85. 瞭解中國歷史 learn about Chinese history

  86. 兩部成功的喜劇 two successful comedies

  87. 想要去做 want to do

  88. 彈吉它 play the guitar

  89. 彈鋼琴 play the piano

  90. 拉小提琴 play the violin

  91. 吹喇叭 play the trumpet

  92. 打鼓 play the drums

  93. 下象棋 play chess

  94. 講英語 speak English

  95. 用英語說這個單詞say this word in English

  96. 加入……俱樂部 join the swimming/art/music/ basketball club

  97. 音樂節 music festival

  98. 搖滾樂隊 rock band

  99. 打中國功夫 do Chinese kung fu

  100. 瞭解 learn about


  1. fit sb. very well 非常合某人身

  2. send sth. to sb. = send sb. sth. 給某人郵寄某物

  3. have to = must 必須;不得不;

  4. not have to = needn't 不必

  5. have fun doing sth. 做某事很開心

  6. forget to do sth. 忘記要做某事

  7. forget doing sth. 忘記已做過某事

  8. take a deep breath 做一個深呼吸

  9. on one's way to = on the way to 在去...的路上

  10. on one's way home/on the way home 回家路上

  11. take the/ a bus = go … by bus/ on a bus坐公共汽車

  12. across from=be the opposite of 在...對面

  13. discuss with sb:與某人討論

  14. ask sb***not*** to do sth:要求某人***別***做某事

  15. lose one's way = get/be lost 迷路,走失

  16. walk/ go straight along/ down 沿著……一直走

  17. be careful:小心;當心

  18. No smoking! 禁止吸菸!

  19. point to/ at 指向/著

  20. turn left/ right 向左/右轉

  21. cross the street= go across the street穿過街道

  22. go/ walk past/ by … 走/路過……

  23. go past/ by the park = pass the park 經過公園

  24. at the top of 在……的頂部

  25. at the bottom of 在……的最下面

  26. at the foot of 在……的腳下

  27. in the bottom left corner 在左下角

  28. shopping centre 購物中心 parking lot 停車場

  29. a piece of paper 一張紙

  30. it’s … blocks from… 距… 有… 個街區

  31. Turn right at the second crossing. 在第二個路口向右拐。

  32. keep ***on*** doing sth. 一直/不斷做某事

  33. It takes ***sb.*** …to do sth. ***某人***花一些時間做某事

  34. sth. cost sb. + 錢 某物花某人多少錢

  35. sb. spend…***in***doing sth. 某人花費***時間/錢***做某事

  36. sometime ***將來***某個時候

  37. some time 一段***一些***時間

  38. sometimes 有時,偶爾***頻率***

  39. some times 幾次;幾倍

  40. get to = arrive in/ at = reach 到達

  41. be busy doing sth. 忙於做…

  42. have the flu 感冒

  43. I’m doing well. 我很好

  44. so many books 如此多的書

  45. so much water 這麼多水

  46. hope to do sth. 希望做某事

  47. be easy/ hard to do sth. 做某事容易/ 很難.

  48. no matter what/who/ when/ where/ how 無論什麼/誰/何時/何地/怎樣

  49. tell sb to do sth:告訴某人做某事

  50. have a headache 頭疼

  51. be sure:對...有把握 for sure 肯定地;確實

  52. be sure that + 從句 確信……

  53. be sure of sb./ sth. 對某事/某人有把握

  54. be sure to do 一定/必然做…

  55. when I am a man = when I'm older = when I grow up 當我長大後

  56. be nice to sb. = be good to sb. = be kind to sb. 對某人好***善待某人***

  57. be sick = be ill 不舒服;生病

  58. some advice 一些建議

  59. a piece of advice 一條意見

  60. give advice 提出忠告

  61. take one's advice 接受忠告

  62. give advice to sb. = give sb. advice 給某人提建議

  63. play with sth. /sb. 拿某物來玩/與某人一起玩

  64. so/too many + 複數名詞 如此多/太多的某物 s

  65. o/too much + 不可數名詞 如此多/太多的某物

  66. in ten more years 再過十年

  67. the rich/ poor 有錢人/窮人

  68. the young/ old 年輕人 / 老年人

  69. It doesn't matter! 沒關係!

  70. take small steps to do sth 採取小步驟

  71. write a letter to sb. = write sb. a letter = write to sb.給某人寫信

  72. run a business 經營生意

  73. come true 實現

  74. stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

  75. be strict with sb. 對某人嚴格要求

  76. take the medicine 吃藥

  77. have a good rest 好好休息

  78. lead a team 領導一個團隊

  79. a fear of heights 恐高

  80. have a good talk:又一次愉快的交談

  81. keep doing sth. 繼續做…

  82. keep sb. doing sth.讓某人一直做…

  83. keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做…

  84. in the 1780s 在十八世紀八十年代

  85. over 100 years ago 一百多年前

  86. all over the world = around the world = throughout the world世界各地;全世界

  87. more than = over 多於;超過

  88. at first 一開始; 首先; 起初

  89. at last = in the end = finally最後

  90. the way to do sth.= the way of doing sth.做某事的方法

  91. on the Internet 在因特網上

  92. It is important for sb. to do sth. 對於某人來說,做某事是很重要的。

  93. be ***not ***able to do sth. ***不*** 能夠做某事

  94. thousands of 數以千計

  95. be good for 對… 有好處

  96. get on and off 上下車

  97. seem to do sth. 似乎做某事

  98. stay up late 熬夜

  99. give a presentation 做介紹

  100. a few seconds 幾秒鐘
