
General 更新 2025年03月12日

  愚人節狂歡遊戲典型地反映了中世紀法國 共同體 式的生活狀態,即包括各級教士在內的所有成員都共享著同樣的文化、信仰、生活方式。本文是愚人節英語版故事,希望對大家有幫助!


  The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest


  Spaghetti harvest1957: The respected BBC news show Panoramaannounced that thanks to a very mild winter and the virtual elimination of thedreaded spaghetti weevil, Swiss farmers were enjoying a bumper spaghetti crop.It accompanied this announcement with footage of Swiss peasants pulling strandsof spaghetti down from trees. Huge numbers of viewers were taken in. Manycalled the BBC wanting to know how they could grow their own spaghetti tree. Tothis the BBC diplomatically replied, "place a sprig of spaghetti in a tinof tomato sauce and hope for the best."


  Sidd Finch


  Sidd Finch1985: Sports Illustrated published a story abouta new rookie pitcher who planned to play for the Mets.His name was Sidd Finch, and he could reportedly throw a baseball at 168 mph with pinpoint accuracy. This was 65 mph faster than the previous record.Surprisingly, Sidd Finch had never even played the game before. Instead, he hadmastered the "art of the pitch" in a Tibetan monasteryunder theguidance of the "great poet-saint Lama Milaraspa." Mets fanscelebrated their teams' amazing luck at having found such a gifted player, andSports Illustrated was flooded with requests for more information. In realitythis legendary player only existed in the imagination of the author of thearticle, George Plimpton。

  1985年愚人節,運動畫刊雜誌釋出一條假訊息,稱一個名為Sidd Finch的新人棒球投球手,能投出168mph時速的球,比當時記錄高出65mph;而且這位新人之前都沒有玩過棒球!他在一個西藏的寺廟裡學會了投球的藝術。大批棒球粉絲因此被騙。其實這個只是文章作者瞎編的。

  Instant Color TV


  Image1962: In 1962 there was only one tv channel in Sweden, and it broadcastin black and white. The station's technical expert, Kjell Stensson, appeared onthe news to announce that, thanks to a new technology, viewers could converttheir existing sets to display color reception. All they had to do was pull anylon stocking over their tv screen. Stensson proceeded to demonstrate theprocess. Thousands of people were taken in. Regular color broadcasts onlycommenced in Swedenon April 1, 1970.


  The Taco Liberty Bell


  Taco Liberty Bell1996: The Taco Bell Corporation announced it had bought the Liberty Bell and was renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell. Hundreds of outraged citizens called the National Historic Park in Philadelphia where the bell was housed to express their anger. Their nerves were only calmed when Taco Bell revealed, a few hours later, that it was all a practical joke. The best line of the day came when White House press secretary Mike McCurry was asked about the sale. Thinking on his feet, he responded that the Lincoln Memorial had also been sold. It would now be known, he said, as the Ford Lincoln Mercury Memorial。

  1996年愚人節,塔可鐘快餐公司說他們買下了美國費城獨立廳的大鐘,並重命名為塔可自由鍾。憤怒的市民打電話給費城的國家歷史公園,要求確認這個訊息。幾小時後塔可鐘快餐公司承認這只是個玩笑。當天最烏龍的事件還不在此。白宮記者會祕書Mike McCurry被問到這件事時,隨機應變回答說,林肯紀念碑也被賣了,現在被命名為福特水星汽車紀念碑。

  San Serriffe


  Image1977: The British newspaper The Guardian published aspecial seven-page supplement devoted to San Serriffe, a small republic said toconsist of several semi-colon-shaped islands located in the Indian Ocean. A series of articles affectionately described the geographyand culture of this obscure nation. Its two main islands were named UpperCaisse and Lower Caisse. Its capital wasBodoni, and its leader was General Pica. The Guardian's phones rang all day asreaders sought more information about the idyllic holiday spot. Only a fewnoticed that everything about the island was named after printer's terminology。

  1977年愚人節,英國衛報發行了長達7頁的增刊,全是介紹San Serriffe這個印度洋上的小島國的,據說那裡有好幾個分號形狀的小島。文章中大肆渲染了這裡的風情和民俗,介紹了它的城市和首都,甚至總統的名字。當天衛報編輯室的電話都被讀者打爆了,大家都想知道這樣美好的度假勝地在哪。只有少數人注意到,首都名字Bodoni是印刷術語,是一種印刷字型的名稱。

  Nixon for President


  1992: National Public Radio's Talk of the Nation program announced that Richard Nixon, in a surprise move, was running for President again. His new campaign slogan was, "I didn't do anything wrong, and I won't do it again." Accompanying this announcement were audio clips of Nixon delivering his candidacy speech. Listeners responded viscerally to the announcement, flooding the show with calls expressing shock and outrage. Only during the second half of the show did the host John Hockenberry reveal that the announcement was a practical joke. Nixon's voice was impersonated by comedian Rich Little。


  Alabama Changes the Value of Pi


  1998: The April 1998 issue of the New Mexicans for Scienceand Reason newsletter contained an article claiming that the Alabama statelegislature had voted to change the value of the mathematical constant pi from3.14159 to the 'Biblical value' of 3.0. Soon the article made its way onto theinternet, and then it rapidly spread around the world, forwarded by email. Itonly became apparent how far the article had spread when the Alabama legislature began receiving hundredsof calls from people protesting the legislation. The original article, whichwas intended as a parody of legislative attempts to circumscribe the teachingof evolution, was written by physicist Mark Boslough。

  1998年愚人節:New Mexicans科學技術雜誌宣稱阿拉巴馬州要立法改變圓周率pi的值,很快這事被傳上網,通過***傳遍全世界。阿拉巴馬立法機構因此接到無數抗議電話。

  The Left-Handed Whopper


  1998: Burger King published a full page advertisement inUSA Today announcing the introduction of a new item to their menu: a"Left-Handed Whopper" specially designed for the 32 millionleft-handed Americans. According to the advertisement, the new whopper includedthe same ingredients as the original Whopper ***lettuce, tomato, hamburger patty,etc。***,but all the condiments wererotated 180 degrees for the benefit of their left-handed customers. Thefollowing day Burger King issued a follow-up release revealing that althoughthe Left-Handed Whopper was a hoax, thousands of customers had gone intorestaurants to request the new sandwich. Simultaneously, according to the pressrelease, "many others requested their own 'right handed' version."


  Hotheaded Naked Ice Borers


  Hotheaded Naked Ice Borer1995: Discover Magazine reportedthat the highly respected wildlife biologist Dr. Aprile Pazzo had found a newspecies in Antarctica: the hotheaded naked iceborer. These fascinating creatures had bony plates on their heads that, fed bynumerous blood vessels, could become burning hot, allowing the animals to bore throughice at high speeds. They used this ability to hunt penguins, melting the icebeneath the penguins and causing them to sink downwards into the resultingslush where the hotheads consumed them. After much research, Dr. Pazzotheorized that the hotheads might have been responsible for the mysteriousdisappearance of noted Antarctic explorer Philippe Poisson in 1837. "Tothe ice borers, he would have looked like a penguin," the article quotedher as saying. Discover received more mail in response to this article thanthey had received for any other article in their history。

  1995年愚人節。探索雜誌著名野生動物學家Aprile Pazzo博士在南極洲發現了一種新生物:熱性裸體鑿冰蟲。這種生物的頭上有盤狀骨頭,血液豐富,溫度很高,因此能夠穿透冰層。他們以此來捕食企鵝。Pazzo博士同時聲稱,經過詳細調查,這種動物與1837年南極探險家Philippe Poisson的失蹤有關:“對這種蟲來說,他可能長得像企鵝。”探索雜誌上還從來沒有哪篇文章得到如此多的讀者反饋。

  Planetary Alignment Decreases Gravity


  1976: The British astronomer Patrick Moore announced on BBC Radio 2 that at 9:47 AM aonce-in-a-lifetime astronomical event was going to occur that listeners couldexperience in their very own homes. The planet Pluto would pass behind Jupiter,temporarily causing a gravitational alignment that would counteract  and lessen the Earth's own gravity. Moore told his listeners that if they jumpedin the air at the exact moment that this planetary alignment occurred, theywould experience a strange floating sensation. When 9:47 AM arrived, BBC2 beganto receive hundreds of phone calls from listeners claiming to have felt thesensation. One woman even reported that she and her eleven friends had risenfrom their chairs and floated around the room。

  1976年愚人節,英國天文學家Patrick Moore說,早上9:47時,一個千載難逢的天文現象就要發生:冥王星會從木星後面經過,導致暫時的重力失調,抵消並消減地球上的萬有引力,因此人們能體會到一種奇妙的漂浮感覺。9:47,BBC之聲接到無數電話,人們聲稱感到自己漂浮起來了。一個女人甚至說,她和她的朋友從椅子上飄起來,在房間裡盪來盪去。


  The day began, most believe, in 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII decreed the adoption of the “Gregorian calendar” — named after himself — which moved New Year’s Day from the end of March to Jan. 1. In this version of events, those who continued to celebrate the end of New Year's Week on 1 April were derided as fools.

  關於愚人節還有一種說法,它的前身可能跟古羅馬的嬉樂節***Hilaria***有關,嬉樂節是慶祝阿提斯神復活的節日。而Hilaria這個詞,也容易讓人聯想到英文中的hilarity***歡鬧***,如今嬉樂節也被稱為Roman Laughing Day。值得一提的是,嬉樂節的日期是3月25日,跟4月1日也差不了幾天哦~

  Ancient Romans held a festival known as Hilaria. The occasion was used to celebrate the resurrection of the god Attis. Hilaria, of course, resembles the word hilarity in English. The modern equivalent of Hilaria is called Roman Laughing Day.


  愚人節英語版故事:April fools day 愚人節

  That day I wanted to trick***捉弄,惡作劇*** my teacher. My teacher is Mr.Heinz. He is a nice person.

  I want to play a trick because it is April fools day. I'm going to start the plan. At first it seems like it is like what I'm planning. But after that, things did not go like I planned.

  In short, I think my teacher is mad at me. So I feel like I want to cry too. Then I cry I in front of the class. I'm so shy that I can't stop crying.

  And that day,I'm the one who was fooled. But I like that day because that is the first time I was fooled.

