
General 更新 2025年03月03日




  語言形式上的重複是指在文章中反覆使用同一個詞、片語或句子結構;所謂語言資訊的冗餘是指某一資訊點以同一種或不同形式反覆出現。在此僅舉一例加以說明:在一篇 “Who Is Your Idol”的調查報告中,學生這樣寫道:The other day, we did a survey on “Who Is Your Idol”. Boys and girls have different opinionson it . 接下來寫道:50% of the girls choose film stars and TV stars as their idols while 48% of the boys choose

sports stars as their idols. 上述描寫中的黑體字choose 重複就屬於前者,而其它的黑體字部分就屬於後者。


  一. 替代:替代是英語中最常用的有效避免重複的方法與手段,主要包括以下幾個方面:


  英語中存在著大量的同義詞和表達同類內容的不同句型,這就為有效避免重複提供了物質條件,使避免重複成為可能。比如表達意見和看法的詞有think, consider, find, feel等等;句型有think that…, think\consider it +adj\n to do\that…等等。這類表達方式在各種教材中都有大量的經典範例。現以人教版高三英語為例加以說明:

  1.1There are many different varieties of bee.

  2Among the different kinds of bee, it is the honey-bee that has interested scientists most….

  2.1After working with bees for many years, Professor von Frisch was puzzled by something again and again.

  2 It repeated these circles over and over again .

  3 It kept repeating the “steps” over and over.

  3.1 Things were clear now. It was evident that the circle dance told the bees about the location of the feeding place. It was also apparent that the wagging dance sent another message about the feeding place.

  2 So another astonishing fact came to light.

  以上三組例句選自於人教版高三英語第三冊第十四單元“The Language of the Honey-bees”,不難看出其中的黑體字部分就是通過同義詞的使用而有效的避免了不必要的重複。

  4.People react to advertisements in different ways. Some people find ads useful and entertaining; others think that they are annoying. Defenders of ads say that ads help us make informed choices as consumers by introducing good quality products. On the other hand, critics sometimes accuse companies of using ads to mislead us by making us believe that a certain product is better than it really is or that we will be happier if we buy it.

  仔細閱讀人教版第五單元“Advertising”中的這段文字,我們可以發現作者在表達不同的意見和看法時,除了使用近義詞如find,think,say,accuse的手段避免了重複外,句型結構的變化也是很值得研究和借鑑的,如find ads useful,think that,accuse companies of…。


  1.Translation from English to Chinese is not so easy as that from English into French.英 漢不如英 法容易 用that替代前文中的translation。

  2.We still have many failings . We are not afraid to admit them and are determined to get rid ofthem. 我們的毛病 還很多。我們不怕說出自己的毛病 ,我們一定要改正自己的毛病 。用them替代failings

  3.Ours is still a very poor country . 我們的國家現在還是一個很窮的國家。用ours替代後文中的country。



  The cattle became tired and weak. The animals dragged their legs, too weak to pull their burden, and their tongues hung out in desperate need of water. Yet, our water supply was so low that we dared not share it with the beasts .


  四動詞替代;即用代動詞do、do this\it\that、do so、so do I 、Neither do I 等代替前文中的謂語動詞。如:

  1.However, we actually learn a foreign language much faster than we do our mother tongue.

  2. …in other words, you were studying the language all day long ! You did this for five years,…

  3. You should help him since you have promised to do so .

  4.He promised us that he would do his best to help us, and he did .

  5.You don`t want to go to the cinema tonight, neither do I.

  6.I like reading novels, so does he.


  1.People believe that the American team will win the football game. Peter thinks so , but I believe not .

  2.I`ll probably see you on Sunday; if not , it will be Monday.

  3. Does the President intend to go to Moscow? And if so , when?
