
General 更新 2025年03月15日


  Directions: The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each ofthem there are four choices marked A, B, C, D. You should decide on the best choice and mark thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

  Polyester ***聚酯 *** is now being used for bottles. ICI, the chemicals and plastics company, believesthat it is now beginning to break the grip of glass on

  the bottle business and thus take advantage of this huge market.

  All the plastics manufacturers have been experiencing hard times as their traditional productshave been doing badly world-wide for the last few years. Between 1982 and 1984 the PlasticsDivision of ICI had lost a hundred and twenty million dollars, and they felt that the. most hopeful newmarket was in packaging, bottles and cans.

  Since 1982 it has opened three new factories producing "Melinar", the raw material from whichhigh quality polyester bottles are made.

  The polyester bottle was born in the 1970s, when soft drinks companies like Coca Cola startedselling their drinks in giant two-liter containers. Because of the build-up of the pressure of gas inthese large containers, glass was unsuitable. Nor was PVC, the plastic which had been used forbottles since the 1960s, suitable for drinks with gas in them. A new plastic had to be made.

  Glass is still cheaper for the smaller bottles, and will continue to be so unless oil and plasticbecome much cheaper, but plastic does well for the larger sizes.

  Polyester bottles are virtually unbreakable. The manufacturers claim they are also lighter, lessnoisy when being handled, and can be reused. Shopkeepers and other business people are unlikelyto object to a change from glass to polyester, since these bottles mean few breakages, which arecostly and time-consuming. The public, though, have been more difficult to persuade. ICI'scommercial department is developing different bottles with interesting shapes, to try and makethem visually more attractive to the public.

  The next step could be to develop a plastic which could replace tins for food. The problem hereis the high temperatures necessary for cooking the food in the container.

  26. Plastics of various kinds have been used for making bottles__________.

  A. since 1982

  B. since the 1970s but only for large bottles

  C. since the 1960s but not for liquids with gas in them

  D. since companies like Coca Cola first tried them

  27. Why is ICI's Plastics Division interested in polyester for bottles?

  A. The other things they make are not selling well.

  B. Glass manufacturers cannot make enough new bottles.

  C. They have factories which could be adapted to make it.

  D. The price of oil keeps changing.

  28. Why aren't all bottles now made of polyester?

  A. The price of oil and plastic has risen.

  B. It is not suitable for containing gassy drinks.

  C. The public like traditional glass bottles.

  D. Shop-keepers dislike reusable bottles.

  29. Manufacturers think polyester bottles are better than glass bottles because they

  A. are cheaper B. are more suited to small sizes

  C. are more exciting to look at D. do not break easily

  30. Plastic containers for holding food in the same way as cans______.

  A. have been used for many years

  B. are an idea that interests the plastics companies

  C. are possible, but only for hot food

  D. are the first things being made in the new factories




  26. C 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. B
