
General 更新 2024年07月02日



  I. 聽力技能***兩個部分,共20小題,計20分***



  1. What is Scott’s favorite animal?

  2. What was Lucy doing at nine last night?

  3. What are they talking about?

  4. What does the man want?

  A. Noodles. B. Beef. C. Chicken.

  5. How was Tom’s scho ol trip?

  A. Terrible. B. Boring. C. Wonderful.


  6. What color is Helen’s sweater?

  A. Red. B. Yellow. C. Blue.

  7. How much is the sweater?

  A. 102 yuan.B. 120 yuan. C. 200 yuan.


  8. When did Tina go to Sanya?

  A. Last year. B. Last month. C. Last week.

  9. How did Tina go there?

  A. By tr ain. B. By air. C. By car.


  10. What’s the matter with Mrs. Brown?

  A. She has a headache. B. She has a cold. C. She has a stomachache.

  11. What did she eat yesterday?

  A. Hamburgers and ice cream.

  B. Sandwiches and ice cream.

  C. Hamburgers and sand wiches.

  12. What should she do?

  A. Drink some water. B. Take some medicine. C. Take some rest.


  13. What is Tom’s plan for the future?

  A. To do business in Guangzhou.

  B. To be an English teacher in Guangzhou.

  C. To be a businessman in Chenzhou.

  14. What do the two speakers agree to?

  A. Going to the evening school. B. Practicing business. C. Improving English.

  15. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Teacher and student. B. Classmates. C. Brother and sister.


  Weather Report

  City Weather 17._________ temperature Lowest temperature

  16.____________ Windy 28°C 20°C

  Shanghai 18.___________ 31°C 25°C

  Changsha Sunny 33°C 19._________

  Guangzhou 20.___________ 32°C 28°C



  21. —When is Father’s Day in the United States?

  —It’s on ___________third Sunday in June.

  A.a B. the C. /

  22. —The oranges ____________sweet.

  —Of course. They are from Yongxing, Chenzhou.

  A. taste B. eat C. drink

  23. —What happened to Billy?

  —He ___________ because of his drunk-driving.

  A. is caught B. was caught C. has caught

  24. —Why are you so excited?

  —Nancy invited me ___________ on a trip to Dongjiang Lake just now.

  A. to go B. go C. going

  25. —Look! A woman with three children____________ crossing the street.

  —Let’s help them.

  A. is B. are C. was

  26. —Mum, I’m going climbing. Must I clean the room now?

  —No, you_____________. You can do it this evening.

  A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t

  27. —Mrs. White, can I leave my homework for tomorrow?

  —I’m afraid not. Don’t ___________what you can do today till tomorrow.

  A. put off B. get off C. take off

  28. —I feel upset because I am too heavy.

  —____________ do more exercise to lose some weight?

  A. Why don’t B. Why not C. Why not to

  29. —David, look at the man in black over there. Can you tell me ____________?

  —He is an engineer.

  A. who is he B. who he is C. what he does

  30. Though Betty and Lily are twins, Betty isn’t so ____________ as Lily.

  A. more outgoing B. most outgoing C. outgoing

  31. —The summer vacation is coming. I’m looking forward ___________ it.

  —Me too.

  A. at B. to C. on

  32. Yangjiang, a famous female writer, _____________for abut a month so far.

  A. died B. has been dead C. has been died

  33. The workers will complete the new bridge in ____________.

  A. two and a half months B. two months and half C. two and a half month

  34. —Which invention do you like best?

  —QQ. It is an invention ____________ can help us communicate with others online freely.

  A. what B. that C. who

  35. —I haven’t been back to my hometown for years.

  —______________! Your parents must miss you very much.

  A. Of course B. No problem C. What a shame


  Last week the manager of an old shop received a letter. Because he was very busy, he didn’t read the letter 36 tea time. When he opened it,£10 37 onto his desk. Together with it was a short letter. It read:

  Dear sir,

  In 1935 I got engaged***訂婚***, but 38 I lost my job. At that time a lot of people were out of work. Six months later I got a job again, but of course I was still very 39 .

  I came to your 40 to buy a ring. The salesgirl took out some rings for me to look at, but she was called away for a moment, and I put one of the rings in my pocket. When she 41 back, I said I did not know the size of my girl-friend’s finger. So I left the shop 42 paying.

  My wife died a short while ago and all these years I’ve been feeling 43 that I never paid for her ring. At that time the ring cost £2, so I think 44 may cost £10 now, and I am sending you the money.

  Yours truly,

  A customer

  “Well, well, well,” said the manager. “Life is full of 45 .”

  36. A. until B. when C. since

  37. A. fell into B. fell over C. fell out

  38. A. luckily B. unluckily C. excitedly

  39. A. famous B. poor C. hard

  40. A. factory B. house C. shop

  41. A. came B. gave C. returned

  42. A. for B. without C. by

  43. A. comfortable B. happy C. sorry

  44. A. it B. I C. you

  45. A. jokes B. surprises C. dangers

  III. 閱讀技能***兩個部分,共20小題,計40分***



  In class, Peter put up his hand and said to his teacher, “I lost my baby tooth.”

  “Congratulations,” Mrs. Gilbert said. Then she asked the class if anyone had any advice for Peter.

  Keiko, a Japanese girl, put up her hand first. “If it is a lower tooth, you should throw it over the roof of your house; if it is an upper tooth, you should put it under the floor. Then your new adult tooth will grow properly.”

  “You shouldn’t throw your baby tooth away, Peter. You should keep it and give it to your mother,” said Jack, a French boy.

  “Why should I do that?” asked Peter.

  “She will make it into a necklace***項鍊*** f or you to wear,” said Jack.

  Jorge, who was from Mexico, had some different advice. “You should take your tooth home and put it under your pillow***枕頭*** when you go to sleep,” Jorge said.

  “Why should I do that?” asked Peter.

  “Because the tooth fairy***牙仙*** will come to keep your tooth and give you good luck. Sometimes she even brings a small toy.”

  Peter liked Jorge’s advice the best. Mrs. Gilbert said to him, “Whatever you decide, you should show your mother your tooth when you et home.”

  When Peter got home, he showed his mother his tooth and told her his plan. The next morning, Peter woke up and looked under his pillow. The tooth was gone. In its place, he found a dollar and a letter. This is what the letter said:

  Dear Peter,

  Congratulations! You lost your first tooth. I will keep it forever. You should buy something nice for yourself with this money.


  The Tooth Fairy

  46. Peter put up his hand to ___________.

  A. answer the teacher’s question

  B. ask the teacher a question C. tell the teacher he lost his baby tooth

  47. ____________ is from France.

  A. Keiko B. Jack C. Jorge

  48. What did Peter do with his lost baby tooth?

  A. He threw it over the roof of his house.

  B. He asked his mother to make a necklace for him.

  C. He put it under his pillow

  49. From the passage, we can infer***推斷*** that Peter is a ____________.

  A. primary school student B. high school student C. college student

  50. In fact, who gave Peter a dollar?

  A. Mrs. Gilbert. B. The Tooth Fairy. C. Peter’s mother.


  Nowadays, cell phones are part of our lives. Many people have cell phones. They can help us easily find people anywhere at any time. However, using cell phones too often may cause cancer***癌症***. It’s reported that people who use a cell phone for 10 years or more may get brain cancer.

  The suggestions below may help you reduce***減少*** the risk of cancer:

  When using your cell phone, try to keep it away from your body as much as possible. Don’t put it on the bedside table when you go to sleep.

  When you’re on the cell phone, use the speaker***揚聲器***. In this way, you have just 1/100th of the contact***接觸*** with radiation you have when you hold it to your ear. An earphone is also a good idea.

  Try to keep your conversations short. If you need to talk longer, use an ordinary phone instead.

  Change ears when yo u’re using your cell phone. Before putting it to your ear, wait until the person you are calling picks up the phone.

  Your phone gives out radiation when you talk or send messages, but not when you’re listening or getting messages. Listening more and talking less can lower the risk of cancer.

  Do not use your cell phone when the signal***訊號*** is weak or when moving at a high speed, for example in a car or on a train. At high speeds your phone is trying to pick up signals, and this increases the radiation it gives out.

  51. According to the text, using cell phones too much may cause ___________.

  A. toothache B. cancer C. heart disease

  52. The underlined word “radiation” in Paragraph 4 probably means “____________” in Chinese.

  A. 輻射 B. 電池 C. 網路

  53. You’d better______________.

  A. use your cell phone when the signal is weak

  B. use your cell phone on a high-speed train

  C. change ears when you’re using your cell phone

  54. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

  A. Using an earphone is a good way to reduce the radiation.

  B. You can put your cell phone on the bedside table when you go to sleep.

  C. Listening less and talking more can lower the risk of cancer.

  55. The purpose of the text is to tell us how to properly ____________.

  A. buy a cell phone B. use a cell phone C. repair a cell phone




  April 15th, 2016

  A dictionary was found in the library on the afterno on of April 15th.Please call 0735-2169338 or come to the Lost and Found to get it.

  Tim Sports Club

  For young peop0le from 13 to 18 years old

  Every Sunday 7:30 a.m. ―8:30 p.m.

  Renmin Road 32

  Tel: 0735-2351683/ 2351782

  Just 10 yuan a time

  Basketball, swimming, badminton and skating

  56. Where did Tim find a dictionary?

  A. In the library. B. In the classroom. C. At the Lost and Found.

  57. What can we do in the Sports Club?

  A. Swim and dance. B. Play volleyball and skate. C. Play basketball and swim.


  Chinese Café

  Monday—Saturday Lunch


  Lunch $6 ***Under10 $4*** Take away

  $5 Each Box

  ***Put whatever you want into one box***

  Friday—Saturday Evening


  Dinner $12 ***Under10 $6*** Free Bottle of Wine For Each Table of Four

  ***Evening and over 18 only***

  Sunday Lunch


  Lunch $7 ***Under10 $4*** Enjoy your meal!

  Tel: 4655 9651

  Green Avenue, Londbridge

  58. You can have lunch in this Chinese Café ___________.

  A. at 12:30 on Tuesday B. at 14:30 on Thursday C. at 11:30 on Sunday

  59. Steven and his nine-year-old son go to have dinner in this Chinese Café on Friday evening. They should pay ____________.

  A. $6 B. $12 C. $18

  60. ____________sitting at one table can enjoy a free bottle of wine for dinner.

  A. Four 12-year-old boys B. Four adults C. A couple with their child.


  Once upon a time, in the forest there lived a baby elephant, who ha d no friends. None of the animals wanted to be his friend because he was too large.

  One day, a wild fire happened in the forest. The animals ran to safer places. The dry trees caught fire and the fire was sure to go all around the forest. The baby elephant ran to the nearest river, collected much water in his trunk***象鼻*** and rushed to the burning trees. He sprayed***噴*** the water on the fore. Finally, he put out the fire.

  Later, while he was resting after the hard job, all the animals and birds came to him and expressed their thanks for his kind help in time. They were now ready to regard him as their good friend and their hero. They said, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

  The baby elephant was happy to get so many friends and played games with them. He walked through the forest, carrying several small animals and birds on his back.

  61. Why did the baby elephant have no friends at first?

  62. Where did the wild fire happen?

  63. Who put out the fire in the end?

  64. At last, did all the other animals regard the baby elephant as a good friend?

  65. What can we learn from the story?

  IV. 寫作技能***三個部分,共11小題,計35分***


  A: Hello. May I speak to Bob?

  B: Hello. 66. . Is that Tony?

  A: Yes. Bob, 67.?

  B: I’m just listening to music. What’s up?

  A: I’m going to your city to take part in a competition

  B: Glad to hear that .68. ?

  A: I’m arriving on June 24th. Can you meet me at the airport at 4 p.m. on that day?

  B: 69. , but I’m afraid I can’t. I will ask my brother Henry to meet you.

  A: Oh, but I don’t know Henry. 70. ?

  B: He has brown hair and wears glasses. He looks exactly like me.

  A: OK. See you then.


  My best friend Michael is a 15-year-old boy. We are in the same class. He works very hard. He is never late for school and 71. 他所有功課都學得好。He is always ready to help others. My math is very poor, so he often helps me with it after class. 72. His parents are both teachers and they are really busy, so he ofte n helps do the housework at home.He is a little shorter but he is stronger than me. He likes playing football very much at school. We often play football together and he plays it well. 73. But I’m more interested in art.He gets on well with our classmates. Everyone in our class likes him. But now it’s time to graduate and 74. 我們即將離開學校。 Michael and I are going to different high schools. In the future, he wants to be a policeman and I hope to be a musician. 75. We believe our friendship will be forever.



  要點提示:1. 我們的課堂是開放自由、生動有趣的。

  2. 我們在課堂上經常講故事,做遊戲。

  3. 老師在課堂上經常使用電腦,給我們聽音樂、看錄影等,使我們學到更多知識。

  4. 在課堂上老師給我們足夠的時間進行自主學習和自由討論。

  5. 我們有更多的機會展示自我。




  可能用到的詞彙:study and think for oneself, ability of independent study, discuss in groups freely, show/ express oneself

  Dear Jeff,

  I was glad to receive your letter and I’d like to tell you something about how we study in class.

  Li Hua
