
General 更新 2024年10月03日



  What is pink? A rose is pink 什麼是粉紅色?

  By the fountain's brink. 噴泉邊的玫瑰就是粉紅色。

  What is red? A poppy's red 什麼是豔紅色?

  In its barley bed. 在大麥床裡的***就是豔紅色。

  What is blue? The sky is blue 什麼是蔚藍色?天空就是蔚藍色,

  Where the clouds float thro'. 雲朵飄過其間。

  What is white? A swan is white 什麼是白色?

  Sailing in the light. 陽光下嬉水的天鵝就是白色。

  What is yellow? Pears are yellow, 什麼是黃色?梨兒就是黃色,

  Rich and ripe and mellow. 熟透且多汁。

  What is green? The grass is green, 什麼是綠色?草就是綠色,

  With small flowers between. 小花摻雜其間。

  What is violet? Clouds are violet 什麼是紫色?夏日夕陽裡的

  In the summer twilight. 彩霞就是紫色。

  What is orange? Why, an orange, 什麼是橘色?當然啦!

  Just an orange! 橘子就是橘色。

  :A House Of Cards 紙牌堆成的房子


  A house of cards 紙牌堆成的房子

  Is neat and small; 潔淨及小巧

  Shake the table, 搖搖桌子

  It must fall. 它一定會倒。


  Find the court cards 找出繪有人像的紙牌

  One by one; 一張一張地豎起

  Raise it, roof it,---- 再加上頂蓋

  Now it's done;---- 現在房子已經蓋好

  Shake the table! 搖搖桌子

  That's the fun. 那就是它的樂趣。

  :What Does Little Birdie Say


  What does little birdie say, 小鳥說些什麼呢?

  In her nest at peep of day? 在這黎明初曉的小巢中?

  Let me fly, says little birdie, 小鳥說,讓我飛,

  Mother, let me fly away, 媽媽,讓我飛走吧。

  Birdie, rest a little longer, 寶貝,稍留久一會兒,

  Till the little wings are stronger. 等到那對小翅膀再長硬些兒。

  So she rests a little longer, 因此它又多留了一會兒,

  Then she flies away. 然而它還是飛走了。


  What does little baby say, 嬰兒說些什麼,

  In her bed at peep of day? 在破曉時分的床上?

  Baby says, like little birdie, 嬰兒像小鳥那樣說,

  Let me rise and fly away. 讓我起來飛走吧。

  Baby, sleep a little longer, 乖乖,稍微多睡一會兒,

  Till the little limbs are stronger. 等你的四肢再長硬點兒。

  If she sleeps a little longer, 如果她再多睡一會兒,

  Baby too shall fly away. 嬰兒必然也會像鳥兒一樣地飛走。

  :The Star 星星


  Twinkle, twinkle, little star! 閃耀,閃耀,小星星!

  How I wonder what you are, 我想知道你身形,

  Up above the world so high, 高高掛在天空中,

  Like a diamond in the sky. 就像天上的鑽石。


  When the blazing sun is gone, 燦爛太陽已西沉,

  When he nothing shines upon, 它已不再照萬物,

  Then you show your little light, 你就顯露些微光,

  Twinkle, twinkle all the night. 整個晚上眨眼睛。


  The dark blue sky you keep 留戀漆黑的天空

  And often thro' my curtains peep, 穿過窗簾向我望,

  For you never shut your eye 永不閉上你眼睛

  Till the sun is in the sky. 直到太陽又現形。


  'Tis your bright and tiny spark 你這微亮的火星,

  Lights the traveler in the dark; 黑夜照耀著遊人,

  Though I know not what you are 雖我不知你身形,

  Twinkle, twinkle, little star! 閃耀,閃耀,小星星!

  :At The Seaside 海邊


  When I was down beside the sea 當我到海邊時

  A wooden spade they gave to me 他們給了我一把木鏟

  To dig the sandy shore. 好去挖掘沙灘。


  The holes were empty like a cup 挖成像杯狀般的空洞

  In every hole the sea camp up, 讓每個洞中的海水湧現

  Till it could come no more. 直到它不能再湧現。
