蛋糕 Cake
珍珠奶茶 pearl bubble tea或者pearl milk tea
珍珠奶茶:Tapioca/Pearl Milk Tea
冰紅(綠)茶 :Iced Black Tea / Iced Green Tea
冰奶茶 :Iced Milk Tea
港式奶茶 :Hot Tea, HK Style
巧克力奶茶 :Chocolate Milk Tea
冰巧克力奶茶 :Iced Chocolate Milk Tea
草莓奶茶 :Strawberry Milk Tea
花生奶茶 :Peanut Milk Tea
哈密瓜奶茶 :Hami Melon Milk Tea
椰香奶茶 :Coconut Milk Tea
芋香奶茶 :Taro Milk Tea
熱檸檬茶 :Hot Lemon Tea
冰檸檬茶 :Iced Lemon Tea
菠蘿果茶 :Pineapple Tea
菠蘿冰茶 :Iced Pineapple Tea
黑莓冰茶 :Iced Blackberry Tea
草莓冰茶 :Iced Strawberry Tea
藍莓冰茶 :Iced Blueberry Tea
芒果冰茶 :Iced Mango Tea
蜜桃冰茶 :Iced Peach Tea
香蕉冰茶 :Iced Banana Tea
奇異果冰茶 :Iced Kiwi Tea
百香果汁 :Passion Fruit Juice
冰果汁 :Chilled Juice
菠蘿汁 :Pineapple Juice
蘋果汁 :Apple Juice
橙汁 :Orange Juice
純木瓜汁 :Papaya Juice
鳳梨木瓜汁 :Papaya and Pineapple Juice
哈蜜瓜汁 :Hami Melon Juice
紅莓汁 :Cranberry Juice
火龍果汁 :Dragonfruit Juice
苦檸檬水 :Bitter Lemon Juice
西瓜汁 :Watermelon Juice
葡萄汁 :Grape Juice
酸棗汁 :Wild Jujube Juice
西柚汁/蜜柚汁 (冷/熱) :Grapefruit Juice(Cold / Hot)
時令果汁 :Seasonal Fruit Juice
西檸蜜瓜汁 :Melon and Lemon Juice
椰汁 :Coconut Juice
草莓果茶 :Strawberry Juice
藍莓果茶 :Blueberry Juice
蜜桃果茶 :Peach Juice
鮮榨果汁 :Fresh Juice
鮮榨青檸汁 :Fresh Lemon Juice
鮮榨蔬菜汁 :Fresh Vegetable Juice
番茄汁 :Tomato Juice
胡蘿蔔橙子汁 :Carrot and Orange Juice
胡蘿蔔芹菜汁 :Celery and Carrot Juice
山楂胡蘿蔔汁 :Hawthorn and Carrot Juice
黃瓜汁 :Fresh Cucumber Juice
胡蘿蔔汁 :Fresh Carrot Juice
苦瓜汁 :Bitter Melon Juice
西芹汁 :Celery Juice
牽手南瓜汁 :Together Pumpkin Juice
牽手果蔬汁(胡蘿蔔橙汁) :Together Vegetable and Fruit Juice (Carrot and Orange)
山藥養生汁 :Yam......
milk tea
醇香奶茶:Mellow tea with milk
珍珠奶茶:Pearl milk tea
椰果奶茶:Coconut milk tea
特色奶青:Characteristics of milk green
胚芽奶綠:Germ milk green
檸檬奶綠:Green lemon milk
百香奶綠:Sweet milk, green
仙草奶茶:This product milk tea
仙草奶綠:This product milk green
熱巧克力:Hot chocolate
歐蕾咖啡:Au lait coffee
摩卡椰多多:A lot of mocha coconut
椰香西米露:Coconut tapioca pudding
抹茶紅豆歐蕾:Matcha red bean au lait
香芋牛奶歐蕾:Taro milk au lait
紫薯牛奶歐蕾:Purple potato milk au lait
芒果牛奶歐蕾:Mango milk au lait
鮮奶奧利奧:Milk oreo
抹茶奧利奧:Maccha oreo
椰香奧利奧:Coconut oreo
摩卡奧利奧:Mocha oreo
巧酥奧利奧:Qiao crisp oreo
鮮奶冰旋風:Milk ice storm
摩卡冰旋風:Mocha ice storm
巧酥冰旋風:Qiao crisp ice storm
藍莓蛋蜜:Blueberry egg honey
草莓蛋蜜:Strawberry egg honey
薄荷蛋蜜:Mint egg honey
百香蛋蜜:Passion egg honey
檸檬蛋蜜:Lemon egg honey
芒果蛋蜜:Mango egg honey
奇異果蛋蜜:Kiwi fruit egg honey
冰爽檸檬:Icy lemon
酷夏青橘:summer cool green orange
蜂蜜柚子:honey pomelo
檸檬柚子:lemon and grapefruit
甘蔗蘆薈:sugar cane aloe vera
金桔檸檬: kumquat lemon
草莓奶昔:Strawberry milkshake
藍莓奶昔:Blueberry smoothie
抹茶奶昔:Maccha milk shake
紫薯奶昔:Purple potato milkshake
香芋奶昔:Taro milk shake
百香果奶昔:Passion fruit milk shake
奇異果奶昔:Kiwi fruit milk shake
芒果奶昔:Mango smoothie
特色雙皮奶:Characteristics of double peel milk
意式布丁:Italian pudding
臺式燒仙草:Desktop burning grass fairy
蜂蜜燒仙草:Honey burning grass fairy
蜂蜜八寶飯:Honey, Chinese rice pudding
臺式八寶飯:Desktop eight-treasure rice pudding
原味八寶飯:Original Chinese rice pudding...