
General 更新 2024-10-05


Most people who are homeless have menatl health problems or dual diagnosis alcohol and mental health problems.Neither of these can be their own fault.If you have ever tried to sleep through a night on a park bench you would wonder how anybody did it in the depths of winter.The Medical Model has nothing to give to people with any mental health problems except containment - knock out drugs very similar in effect to alcohol.Socieyt has no cure for its most vulnerable people.Psychiatric institutions will not work with anybody who has an alcohol problem and the alcohol agencies have no way to help unless the person has enough will to help themselves - so they are pushed away from services to spend their lives begging for enough alcohol to commit slow suicide.It happens in front of our noses and disgust makes the barrier.We cannot help them so we hate them.Many young people are on the street because their housing got closed down and they get into a downward spiral of not being able to get a job without an address and not being able to get the money for a deposit for an address.Many young people run away from abuse at home and get sucked into prostitution.We as a society fail so many people with our instant disgust without hearing the story and without understanding that we are failing them.Alcoholism and abuse is everyones issue not just the victims - it disgraces us all.可以嗎?


In my opinion,the government is there to help its people when they are in trouble.

There are lots of people in a society who may be grouped as the rich and the poor. As far as a human being is concerned, he should go to work just to make a living. But very often we see in the streets many beggars who label themselves as poor people, people who are in need of money .they beg whoever passes them for money. To the best of my knowledge,they are not really or truly poor people. Most of them are just too lazy to work. To those "poor" people,the government shouldn't and don't donate any money at all. But when a disaster happens,some people suudenly become poor without any money. In this respect,it is the duty of the government to provide as much money as possible to restore those people to a normal life.When it comes to a people's government,money donation to the poor is a must.


Most people who are homeless have menatl health problems or dual diagnosis alcohol and mental health problems.Neither of these can be their own fault.If you have ever tried to sleep through a night on a park bench you would wonder how anybody did it in the depths of winter.The Medical Model has nothing to give to people with any mental health problems except containment - knock out drugs very similar in effect to alcohol.Socieyt has no cure for its most vulnerable people.Psychiatric institutions will not work with anybody who has an alcohol problem and the alcohol agencies have no way to help unless the person has enough will to help themselves - so they are pushed away from services to spend their lives begging for enough alcohol to commit slow suicide.It happens in front of our noses and ......

關於幫助窮人a plan of help的英語作文

a plan of help

Helping other is a meaningful action and beneficial to all.Help the other just like lifting a finger.You can help the other in addition to have a good reputation.The Bible said “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Its shows that when you are helping the other,you are helping yourself as the same time.Helping others can satisfy the spirit and clean your soul.Although helping people don’t expect returns,the other will help you when you need a help because of your helpful.So,helping others can make you have a better social life.

富人通過把錢放在石頭下面來幫助窮人的英語作文A rich man helps the poor i



計劃。 首先,應該先糾正自己的學習態度。“態度決定一切!”心態是取得成功的一個非常關鍵的環節,擁有好的心態,就會擁有好的成績!



