老鼠的英文 老鼠用英語怎麼說?
mouse n.鼠;滑鼠;青腫;烏青塊;鼠皮色;小哺乳動物;膽怯的人;不聲不響的人;淺棕灰色
rat n.鼠;耗子;卑鄙小人;老是出沒遊逛於某處的人;常客;女用發墊;告密者;坐探
常用 權威
1. 老鼠屎
mouse/rat droppings
2. 老鼠見貓
like a mouse that meets a cat—scared; horrified
3. 老鼠洞
mouse hole
4. 老鼠藥
rat poison
5. 老鼠夾
6. 誘捕老鼠
decoy rats; trap a mouse
7. 捕捉老鼠
catch mice
8. 一隻老鼠
a mouse; a rat
9. 逮老鼠
catch mice
10. 塞老鼠洞
stop up a mouse hole
11. 消滅老鼠
get rid of mice;get rid of rats
12. 老鼠爪兒
mouse paw
13. 老鼠倉
rat trading
14. 用藥毒老鼠
poison rats
15. 老鼠橫行的地方
a rat-infested area
16. 老鼠過街,人人喊打
a rat crossing the street is chased by all―object of public condemnation; extremely unpopular figure [denoting a person or thing hated by everyone]
1. 它使老鼠無法感知何時停止進食。
It renders mice unable to sense when to stop eating.
2. 珍妮特·邦德是個安靜的小老鼠。
Janet Bond was a quiet little mouse of a child.
3. 它能記住其他老鼠的面部特徵。
It can remember other rats' facial features.
4. 觀察到幾隻老鼠在籠子的四周奔跑。
Several of the mice are observed running around the cage walls.
5. 在一項實驗中,老鼠既餓又渴。
In one experiment, the mice were both hungry and thirsty.
6. 這種老鼠檢測方法不依賴專業裝置。
This rat detection method doesn't rely on specialist equipment.
7. 然而,老鼠不久後就開始理解。
However, it's not long before the mice begin to catch on.
8. 首先,它們有助於抑制老鼠的數量。
For one thing, they help control the rat and mouse population.
9. 老鼠、鹿、鳥、蛇和青蛙都是受害者。
Mice, deer, birds, snakes and frogs are among their victims.
10. 老鼠對行為的反應比對外表的反應大。
Rats respond more to actions than to looks.
老鼠(拉丁學名:Muroidea),別名為耗子,齧齒目鼠科的齧齒類動物。 老鼠體型較小,體色以灰、褐色為主;上、下頜各具有一對門齒,大多無齒。它性成熟早,繁殖方式是胎生,一般生下來幾個月後就可開始繁殖,一年可繁殖數次,其除南極洲外全球都有分佈。 消滅老鼠準備大米2把,水泥2勺,還有香油2勺;把大米炒成金黃色,盛出後倒入盒子裡;加入2勺香油、水泥拌勻;放到老鼠經常出沒的地方。
老鼠,又稱老鼠怕,是中藥材名,為爵床科植物老鼠的根及莖。 老鼠全年可採,洗淨切片,曬乾,其主要用於治療痄腮,瘰癧,急、慢性肝炎等。
名詞 mouse; rat
1. 老鼠吱吱叫。
A rat squeaks.
2. 老鼠啃咬
the mice gnaw/nibble
3. 老鼠橫行的地方
a rat-infested area
4. 老鼠洞
mouse hole
5. 消滅老鼠
get rid of rats
6. 捕捉老鼠
catch mice
7. 一隻老鼠
a mouse; a rat