家人的英文 家人用英語怎麼說?
servant n.傭人;僕人;公務員;政府的僱員;熱心追隨者
常用 權威
1. 客家人
Hakka(s); Hakka people
2. 當家人
master/mistress of a household; head of a family;person in charge;husband
3. 出家人
monk; nun
4. 自家人
people on one's own side; one of us
5. 一家人
all of the same family; one family
6. 在家人
7. 牽累家人
embroil one's family
8. 家人團聚
family reunion
9. 渴念家人
miss one's folks
10. 離棄家人
desert one's family
11. 給家人丟臉
disgrace one's family
12. 和家人閒聊
chat with one's family
13. 為家人分憂
share one's family worries
14. 給家人丟醜
bring disgrace upon the family
1. 找一個朋友或家人和你一起鍛鍊。
Find a friend or a family member to exercise with you.
2. 家人的愛幫助我們度過了艱辛歲月。
Love of family helps us survive great hardships.
3. 鼓勵家人用沒吃完的米做米糕。
Encourage family members to use unfinished rice to make rice puddings.
4. 全家人打包了盤子和蠟燭之類的東西。
The family packed things like plates and candles.
5. 對你的親密朋友和家人來說尤其如此。
This is especially true for your close friends and family.
6. 這是讓家人和朋友參與進來的好方法。
This is a great way to involve family members and friends.
7. 我很感激我的家人能幫助我。
I was grateful that my family was there to help.
8. 她希望家人能幫助她減肥。
She hopes her family can help her to lose weight.
9. 享受和家人在一起的時光。
Enjoy time with family members.
10. 鞋子的噪音會讓家人心煩。
Shoes can upset family members with their noise.
家人,是一個漢語詞語,有兩種意思:一指一家的人; 二舊稱僕人。
家人(jiā rén)卦是別卦,是《易經》六十四卦之一,其代號是5:3。家人卦的主卦是5卦離卦,客卦是3卦巽卦,主卦和客卦的陽數比是5:3。家人指家長。主卦是離卦,光明而依附,如家長操勞家務而依賴全家人員配合;客卦是巽卦,有力而順從,如家庭成員順從家長。左圖中,紅色表示當位的爻,天藍色表示不當位的爻,箭頭表示有應。 《易經》64卦中的第37卦。《家人卦》象徵家庭:特別注重女人在家中的作用,如果她能夠堅守正道,始終如一,將會非常有利。《象》曰:風自火出,家人;君子以言有物而行有恆。換成白話就是《象辭》說:《家人卦》的卦象是離(火)下巽(風)上,為風從火出之表象,象徵著外部的風來自於本身的火,就像家庭的影響和作用都產生於自己內部一樣。君子應該特別注意自己的一言一行,說話要有根據和內容,行動要有準則和規矩,不能朝三暮四和半途而廢。
名詞 family (member)
1. 她的婚姻不被家人所接受。
Her marriage was not welcomed by the family.
2. 請替我向您的家人致以親切誠摯的慰問。
Please extend my sincere regards/sympathy to your family.
3. 家人團聚
family reunion
4. 給家人丟臉
disgrace one's family
5. 養活家人
clothe and feed one's family; provide for/raise/support one's family
名詞 servant