希望的英文 希望用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-17



hope v.希望;盼望

wish v.希望;但願;想要;祝願;盼望;許願;默默盼禱;企求;要求…做某事;祝(某人)(成功

expect v.認為…有可能發生;預料;期望;期待;指望;要求;等待;盼望;我猜想;認為……可能做某事

expectation n.期待;預期;期望;希望;指望;繼承遺產的希望

possibility n.可能的事;可能的情況;可能;可能性;發展前景;潛能;可能的途徑;可能的選項

promise n.允諾;諾言;承諾;保證;可能;前途;指望;出息

常用 權威



1. 希望綦切

cherish ardent hopes

2. 希望小學

Hope Primary School [primary school funded by Project Hope]

3. 希望之鄉

promised land

4. 實現希望

realize one's hope

5. 有希望的遠景

promising prospect (for)

6. 大有希望

be promising; be full of promise; have a bright future/prospect; stand a fair/good chance (of)

7. 迫切希望

hope with great eagerness

8. 希望成功

aspire to success

9. 希望工程

Project Hope (in China);Project Hope [a project for helping children from poor families to receive education]

10. 強烈希望

strongly desire to do sth

11. 滿懷希望

be full of hopes

12. 希望渺茫

have slim hopes

13. 一絲希望

a gleam of hope

14. 希望儘早迴音

hope for an immediate reply

15. 希望天氣晴好

hope for good weather

16. 希望的曙光

dawning of hopes

17. 抱有微小的希望

cherish slender hopes

18. 希望奇蹟出現

hope for a miracle

19. 存活的希望

hopes of survival

20. 燃起新的希望

renew hope


1. 我們希望能為您提供更好的服務。

We hope we can give you better service.

2. 她希望能激勵牙買加人放下武器。

She hopes to inspire the Jamaicans to lay down their weapons.

3. 弄清楚你希望產生什麼樣的影響。

Get clear on what impact you're hoping to have.

4. 易建聯覺得參加奧運會充滿希望

Yi felt it hopeful to take part in the Olympics.

5. 他希望被傾聽,而不是傾聽別人。

He wanted to be heard rather than listen.

6. 我希望你能來參加星期六的聚會。

I hope you can come to the party on Saturday.

7. 他失去了視力,但卻找到了希望

He lost his sight but found a vision.

8. 他們希望看到問題得到和平解決。

They hoped to see the problem solved peacefully.

9. 她希望更多的年輕人傳播皮影戲。

She expected more young people to spread shadow puppetry.

10. 我不希望我的學生落後於時代。

I don't want my students to fall behind the times.



希望(xī wàng),漢語詞語,指指美好的願望或理想,或指願望或理想所寄託的物件,也有仰望、瞻望的意思,還可以指揣測別人的意圖而加以迎合等等。





動詞 hope; wish; expect

1. 希望不會/如此。

I hope not/so.

2. 我真希望當時能在場。

I earnestly wish I could have been present.

3. 我希望這活兒明天能完工。

I wish the work (to be) finished tomorrow.

4. 我希望工作時能不受干擾。

I don't wish to be disturbed in my work.

5. 我們從家裡走得早,希望別碰上交通堵塞。

We left the house early in the hope of avoiding traffic jams.

6. 他非常希望能上大學。

He has fervent hopes of going to university.

7. 希望你早日康復。

I wish you an early recovery.

8. 希望你好自為之。

We hope that you will conduct yourself well.

9. 希望你過一個愉快的週末。

I hope you will have a pleasant weekend.

10. 希望你常來做客。

Please drop in whenever you have time.

11. 衷心希望

sincerely desire/hope to do sth

12. 殷切希望

ardently/eagerly/earnestly desire to do sth

13. 希望學業有成

wish for the success of one's studies

14. 希望奇蹟出現

hope for a miracle

15. 希望天氣晴好

hope for good weather

16. 希望當個外交官/寫一本書

hope to be a diplomat/to write a book

17. 希望成功

aspire to success

名詞 wish; hope; expectation; possibility; promise

1. 一切希望都破滅了。

All hopes fled. / All hopes were dashed (into pieces).

2. 我的唯一希望是有朝一日能再次見到我的家人。

My one and only hope was that I would see my family again some day.

3. 我們滿懷希望,展望未來。

We look forward towards the future with hope in our hearts.

4. 她治癒的希望渺茫。

There is faint hope that she may be cured.

5. 他完全寄希望於得到這份工作。

He is attaching/laying/pinning all his hopes on getting the job.

6. 他的希望實現了。

His hopes have come true. / He has attained his wishes.

7. 仍然有希望。

There is still hope.

8. 希望越來越渺茫。

Hopes are fading.

9. 未實現的/虛幻的希望

unfulfilled/illusory hope

10. 破滅/強烈的希望

blighted/fervent hopes

11. 希望的曙光

dawning of hopes

12. 希望落空

fail to attain one's hope/wish

13. 實現希望

realize one's hope

14. 使希望破滅

extinguish/dash/deflate/shatter sb's hopes

15. 使希望成為泡影

scatter/smash/blast/crush/frustrate/undermine/splinter sb's hopes

16. 對未來充滿希望

have high hopes for the future; feel hopeful about the future

17. 把希望變成現實

turn hopes into reality

18. 滿懷希望

be full of hopes

19. 寄予過高的希望

raise one's hopes too high

20. 喚起希望

arouse/stir up/inspire hope

21. 毫無希望

be beyond/past hope

22. 放棄希望

give up/abandon one's hope

23. 帶來希望

bring/give/offer hope (to sb)

24. 抱有希望

cherish/entertain/nurse hopes (of); cherish/entertain expectations (of)

25. 一線希望

a ray/glimmer of hope; a slight hope

名詞 [used to refer to the person or thing on which hope is placed] hope

1. 他是我們隊獲勝的唯一希望。

He is our team's only hope for victory.

2. 她是中國文學的希望所在。

She is the hope of Chinese literature.

名詞 promise; hope

1. 有希望

give/afford/show promise (of)
