祝你好運的英文 祝你好運用英語怎麼說?
good luck 好運;祝好運;加油
常用 重點詞彙
1. “祝你好運,中士,”他說。 。
Good luck, sarge, \ he said.\
2. 如果你要考雅思,那麼祝你好運。
If you're going for your IELTS, good luck.
3. 新的生活從明天開始。祝你好運!
A new life will commence tomorrow. Good luck!
4. 好的,不用謝,謝謝你祝你好運…
Ok, fine You're Welcome, Thank you good luck. . .
5. 休: 祝你好運!埃瑪: 再見。
Thanks. Hugh: Good luck Emma: Bye.
6. 那我祝你好運,也祝你睡得香。
Well i wish you all the luck, and the sleep.
7. 祝你好運,順便說一句,恭喜!
Good luck — and, by the way, congratulations!
8. 祝你好運,小子。祝你們終成眷屬。
Edward: Good luck , boy. I wish you will be lovers.
9. 本頁末有真人圖片連結,祝你好運!
And in the bottom of the page there is a link to the real photos. Good luck!
10. 而你的兄弟也會在其中。祝你好運。
Your brother among them. Good luck.
good luck