小提琴的英文 小提琴用英語怎麼說?
violin n.小提琴
常用 權威
1. 小提琴手
violinist; fiddler
2. 一把小提琴
a violin
3. 小提琴協奏曲
violin concerto;violin concerto
4. 拉小提琴
play the violin
5. 首席小提琴手
concert master; first violinist
6. 為小提琴裝弦
string a violin
1. 他喜歡拉小提琴、游泳和閱讀。
He enjoyed playing the violin, swimming and reading.
2. 露西周五下午在俱樂部練習小提琴。
Lucy practises the violin in the club on Friday afternoons.
3. 想想管絃樂隊中的小提琴手。
Think about violinists in an orchestra (管弦樂團).
4. 米勒夫人會彈吉他、鼓、鋼琴和小提琴。
Mrs. Miller can play the guitar, the drums, the piano and the violin.
5. 蘇努力練習拉小提琴,經常表演得很精彩。
Sue practises playing the violin hard and often gives wonderful performances.
6. 小提琴手透過拉小提琴來發展他們的記憶。
The violinists develop their memories by playing the violin.
7. 弗蘭克,你會拉小提琴。
Frank, you can play the violin.
8. 六歲之前,他不僅會彈鋼琴,還會拉小提琴。
Before he was six, he played not only the piano but also the violin.
9. 鮑勃擅長拉小提琴。
Bob is good at playing the violin.
10. 經過長時間的精心準備,我和拉里一起拉了小提琴。
After a long and careful preparation, I played the violin with Larry.
小提琴是現代管絃樂隊絃樂組中最主要的樂器,總共有四根弦。它是具有高難度演奏技巧的獨奏樂器,與鋼琴、古典吉他並稱為世界三大樂器。 小提琴身長約35.5釐米,由具有弧度的面板、背板和側板粘合而成,靠弦和弓摩擦發出聲音,廣泛流傳於世界各國。
名詞 violin
1. 他用小提琴演奏了一首曲子。
He played a tune on the violin.
2. 拉小提琴
play the violin
3. 一把小提琴
a violin