西紅柿的英文 西紅柿用英語怎麼說?
tomato n.番茄;西紅柿;番茄植株;番茄紅;鮮紅色
常用 權威
1. 西紅柿蛋湯
tomato and egg soup
2. 西紅柿炒雞蛋
scrambled eggs with tomatoes
3. 給西紅柿打杈
prune the tomatoes
4. 給西紅柿整枝
prune tomato plants
5. 在溫室種植西紅柿
grow tomatoes in a greenhouse
1. 在中國,洋蔥和西紅柿使用較少。
In China, onions and tomatoes are used less often.
2. 超市裡有一些西紅柿和雞蛋在打折。
Some tomatoes and eggs are on sale in the supermarket.
3. 冷凍農產品仍然是農產品;罐裝西紅柿仍然是西紅柿。
Frozen produce is still produce; canned tomatoes are still tomatoes.
4. 主要原料是西紅柿、黃瓜、甜椒、橄欖油和不新鮮的麵包。
The main ingredients are tomato, cucumber, bell peppers, olive oil and stale bread.
5. 你正在做的番茄醬是由西紅柿、洋蔥、大蒜、鹽和胡椒製成的。
That tomato sauce you're making is made of tomatoes, onions, garlic, salt and pepper.
6. 有些食物在花盆裡可以生長得很好,包括生菜、西紅柿、土豆和胡蘿蔔。
Some food can grow well in pots, including lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes and carrots.
7. 西紅柿燙一下再去皮就容易多了。
It is much easier to peel a tomato after it’s been scalded.
8. 給我約三斤西紅柿。
Weigh out three jin of tomatoes for me.
9. 他們把西紅柿嫁接在有某些抗病能力的植物上。
They grafted tomatoes onto plants that were resistant to some diseases.
10. 澆西紅柿沙司的義大利麵條。
Pasta in a spicy tomato sauce.
番茄(拉丁學名:Lycopersicon esculentumMill.),早期稱做狼桃,別稱為番柿、西紅柿,是茄科茄屬植物。 番茄體高0.6-2米,全體生粘質腺毛,有強烈氣味,莖易倒伏,葉羽狀複葉或羽狀深裂,肉質而多汁液,種子黃色,花果期夏秋季。原產南美洲,全世界廣泛栽培。番茄含有豐富的胡蘿蔔素、維生素C和B族維生素,營養價值高;具有很強的抗氧化能力,能降低血壓、清熱解毒之效。 番茄既可作為蔬菜也可作為水果。番茄炒蛋準備番茄2個,雞蛋3個,蔥一根,白糖3小勺,鹽和清水適量。
名詞 tomato
1. 西紅柿炒雞蛋
scrambled eggs with tomatoes
2. 西紅柿醬
tomato juice/sauce
3. 西紅柿蛋湯
tomato and egg soup