離開的英文 離開用英語怎麼說?
leave v.離開;離去;讓…留下;使處於某種狀態;離職;剩下;寄存;輟學;遺贈;忘記帶走
常用 權威
1. 離開房間
leave the room
2. 悻然離開
leave resentfully
3. 離開故土
leave one's hometown
4. 悄悄離開
slip away
5. 離開營壘
break out of camps
6. 離開母港
leave one's home port
7. 起身離開
carry one's legs off
8. 離開戰鬥崗位
quit the fighting post
1. 我終於意識到:她永遠地離開了。
It finally hit me: She was gone forever.
2. 他們都崇拜我,懇求我不要離開。
And they all adored (崇拜) me and begged me not to leave.
3. 阿姆拉姆將拒絕離開女王的宮殿。
Amram will refuse to leave the Queen's palace.
4. 她一句話也沒說就悄悄地離開
She left quietly without a word.
5. 他破產了,他的妻子就離開了他。
He went bankrupt (破產) and his wife went away from him.
6. 我們就連吃一頓飯也不能離開手機。
We just cannot leave our mobile phones for simply a meal.
7. 你可能會在六個月後離開這裡。
You will probably leave here in six months.
8. 英國的地景藝術家更喜歡離開城鎮。
British land artists preferred to get away from towns.
9. 訊息人士在兩週內離開了她的職位。
The source left her role within two weeks.
10. 離開罐頭廠:下午5點至7點。
Departing form the Cannery: 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
離開,漢語詞語,拼音lí kāi,注音ㄌㄧˊ ㄎㄞ,指分開。
動詞 leave; depart/deviate from
1. 我忙得一會兒也離不開身。
I'm too busy to leave even for a little while.
2. 請你離開!
Leave here, please! / Be off, please!
3. 請大家離開出事現場!
Keep clear of the accident scene, please!
4. 別離開,等我回來。
Stay here till I return.
5. 離開了你的支援,我是不會成功的。
Without your support, I wouldn't have succeeded.
6. 離不開身
be fully occupied
7. 離開主題
be off the subject; stray/wander from the point/subject; digress (from the subject)
8. 離開家人
be away from one's family members
9. 離開軌道
disorbit; (of a train) go/be off the rails; leave/jump the rails/metals
10. 離開房間
leave the room