發燒的英文 發燒用英語怎麼說?
fever n.發燒;發熱;熱病;焦躁;激動不安;狂熱
have a fever 發燒
run a temperature 發燒
常用 權威
1. 病人咳嗽得很厲害,還發燒。
Patients coughed a lot and got fevers.
2. 看著母親持續發燒、咳嗽、呼吸急促,令人心碎。
Watching my mother continue fever, cough, and shortness of breath was heartbreaking.
3. 我做了一些醫學測試,醫生告訴我,我只是發燒了。
I took some medical tests and the doctor told me that I just got a fever.
4. 她的舌頭被辣椒辣得發燒。
She burned her tongue with red pepper. / Her tongue burned with red pepper.
5. 她感到難堪,臉上發燒。
Her cheeks were hot/burning with embarrassment.
6. 她發燒了,臉熱烘烘的。
She’s running a temperature, and her cheeks are hot.
7. 他在發燒,滿臉通紅。
Fever flushed his cheeks.
8. 他因發燒臥床不起。
He is confined to bed by an attack of fever.
9. 他有一點兒發燒。
He has a touch of fever. / He has a slight temperature.
10. 這孩子渾身發燒。
The child’s body feels feverish.
發熱,醫學症狀名。正常人在體溫調節中樞的調控下,機體的產熱和散熱過程經常保持動態平衡,當機體在致熱原作用下或體溫中樞的功能障礙時,使產熱過程增加,而散熱不能相應地隨之增加或散熱減少,體溫升高超過正常範圍,稱為發熱。 核酸檢測陽性,確定感染新冠奧密克戎病毒時,會出現發熱症狀。通常第1-2天體溫呈上升趨勢,直至38.5度以上,第3-4天體溫反覆,並降到37度以下,最後體溫完全恢復正常。感染者在發熱期間可以服用解熱鎮痛藥物,如布洛芬、對乙醯氨基酚,兒童可選用相應的混懸液。詳細可參考《新冠病毒感染者居家治療指南》《新型冠狀病毒陽性感染者居家康復專家指引》。
動詞 have/run/take a fever; run a temperature; be ill with a fever
1. 這孩子渾身發燒。
The child's body feels feverish.
2. 他有一點兒發燒。
He has a touch of fever. / He has a slight temperature.
3. 他在發燒,滿臉通紅。
Fever flushed his cheeks.
4. 他發燒了。
The fever took hold of him. / He's got a temperature.
5. 發燒的病人
patient with a fever; febrile patient
6. 感到臉上發燒
feel one's face heating up/burning
7. 發燒說胡話
run a fever and babble deliriously
8. 發高燒
suffer from a burning/high fever; have/run a high fever/temperature
9. 發低燒
have/run a low fever/temperature