感冒的英文 感冒用英語怎麼說?
have a cold 感冒了
be interested in 對…感興趣
have an interest in phr.對某事物有興趣
常用 權威
1. 感冒藥
cold cure/remedy/medication
2. 輕微的感冒
slight cold
3. 醫治感冒
cure a cold
4. 染上感冒
contract a cold
5. 抵禦感冒病毒
fend off the cold virus
6. 流行性感冒
influenza; flu;influenza; flu
7. 感冒的前兆
forewarning of a cold
8. 出現感冒症狀
develop signs of a cold
9. 感冒的先兆
forerunner of a cold
10. 預防感冒的藥
preventive medicine for colds
11. 常見的感冒病毒
common cold virus
12. 因感冒而病倒
be down with a cold
1. 穿上你的外套,不然你會感冒的!
Put on your coat, or you will catch a cold!
2. 將找到治療流感和普通感冒的方法。
Treatments will be found for the flu and the common cold.
3. 我昨天感冒了,今天沒去上學。
Yesterday I got a cold and didn't go to school today.
4. 我得了重感冒,得去看醫生。
I've got this terrible cold, and I have to see a doctor.
5. 午飯後,媽媽發覺她感冒了。
Right after lunch, Mother found she had got a cold.
6. 我得了重感冒,頭真的很痛。
I have a bad cold and my head really hurts.
7. 醫生說我得了重感冒。
The doctor said I had a terrible cold.
8. 他們可能更容易感冒。
They may catch a cold more easily.
9. 因為他得了重感冒。
Because he had a bad cold.
10. 感知到更多社會支援的人,患感冒的可能性更小。
People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come down with a cold.
上呼吸道感染簡稱上感,是鼻腔、咽或喉部急性炎症的總稱。常見病原體為病毒,僅少數由細菌引起。本病患者不分年齡、性別、職業和地區,某些病種具有傳染性,有時可引起嚴重的併發症。 核酸檢測陽性,確定感染新冠奧密克戎病毒時,可能會出現上呼吸道感染,新冠上呼吸道感染通常起病較急,潛伏期1~3天不等,主要症狀為主要表現為鼻部症狀,如噴嚏、鼻塞、流清水樣鼻涕,也可表現為咳嗽、咽乾、咽癢或灼熱感,甚至鼻後滴漏感。一般2~3天后鼻涕變稠,常伴咽痛、呼吸不暢、嗅覺障礙等。重症患者多在發病一週後出現呼吸困難,嚴重者可快速進展為急性呼吸窘迫綜合徵。輕症患者臨床上常使用奧司他韋、阿比多爾等藥物進行治療,連花清瘟膠囊和金蓮花膠囊等可在一定程度上緩解新冠上呼吸道感染的症狀,如果患者出現了呼吸衰竭,則需要考慮使用呼吸機並及時就醫。詳細可參考《新冠病毒感染者居家治療指南》《新型冠狀病毒陽性感染者居家康復專家指引》。
《感冒》是中國內地歌手厲娜演唱的歌曲。由S.Y作詞、S.Y作曲,收錄在陸徹珉、RK、CLC、厲娜2018年7月5日發行的專輯《毛丫丫被婚記 影視原聲帶》中。
名詞 (common) cold
1. 這種藥可以治你的感冒。
This medicine can cure your cold.
2. 別靠近我,我得了重感冒。
Don't come near me—I've got a stinking/streaming cold.
3. 預防感冒的藥
preventive medicine for colds
4. 重感冒
bad/heavy/severe cold
5. 輕微的感冒
slight cold
6. 流行性感冒
influenza; flu
7. 因感冒而臥床不起
be in bed with a cold
8. 染上感冒
contract a cold
9. 患感冒
catch cold; have a cold; be attacked with a cold
動詞 catch/take cold; have a cold
動詞 [often used in the negative] be interested in; have an interest in