舊的英文 舊用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-09-23


used adj.用過的;舊的;二手的

second-hand adj.二手的;舊的;間接的;第二手的;經營舊貨的

worn adj.用舊的;用壞的;疲憊的;筋疲力盡的

old adj.年老的;過去的;以前的;…歲的;從前的;老的;古老的;陳舊的;熟悉的;舊時的

past adj.過去的;不復存在的;以前的;剛過去的;過去時的

bygone adj.過去的;以往的;過時的

outdated adj.過時的;老式的

antiquated adj.老式的;過時的

former adj.前任的;曾經當過… 的;前者的;以前的;從前的;早先的

onetime adj.從前的;過去的;一度的

常用 權威



1. 舊雜誌

back number; outdated magazine

2. 舊觀念

outdated ideas

3. 舊報紙

old newspaper

4. 舊硬幣

old coins

5. 舊傷疤

scar from an old wound

6. 舊瘡疤

scar from old wounds

7. 擯棄舊觀念

abandon outdated notions

8. 藐視舊習俗

defy old conventionality

9. 剷除舊習俗

eradicate old customs

10. 破除舊風俗

break an old custom;break an old custom

11. 舊制度的輓歌

elegies on the old system

12. 變革舊制度

transform the old system

13. 刮掉舊牆紙

scrape off the old wallpaper

14. 破除舊觀念

shatter old ideas

15. 收買舊電視

buy a used TV set

16. 向舊習俗挑戰

challenge old conventionality

17. 搖搖欲墜的舊木桌

old rickety wooden table

18. 對舊制度的叛逆

rebel to the old system

19. 外甥打燈籠——照舅(舊

the nephew carrying a lantern to give light to his uncle—the same as before; no change

20. 舊體制遺留下來的問題

legacy of the old system


1. 路燈讓人很難在晚上看到星星。

The old streetlights made it hard to see the stars at night.

2. 除了一些模型飛機,什麼都沒有。

There is nothing but some old model planes.

3. 他們認為傳統意味著過去的事物。

They think tradition means old things from the past.

4. 他說那裡有一座廢棄的農舍。

He said that there was an old, abandoned (廢棄的)farmhouse.

5. 他會設法讓這些腳踏車重新上路。

He would try to get these old bikes back on the road.

6. 蘇菲不想再要她的踏板車了。

Sophie didn't want her old scooter any more.

7. 另一個人的東西可能是你的新東西!

Another person's old stuff could be your new stuff!

8. 客廳的角落裡有一架鋼琴。

There is an old piano in the corner of the living room.

9. 我的腳踏車又又搖搖晃晃,但沒問題。

My bike was old and shaky but did the job.

10. 你身邊一定有一些東西。

You must have some old stuff around.


舊(jiù),漢字結構左右,筆畫5畫。定義為經過長時間使用或放置的,跟“新”相反,如破舊;也指從前的,原先的,如喜新厭舊;也指過去的時光,過去的朋友,如念舊。 相關詩句有清周容《芋老人傳》“與相國有舊。”《詩·豳風·東山》“其舊如之何?”



形詞 used; second-hand; worn; old

1. 舊衣服

worn clothing; old clothes

2. 舊傢俱

time-worn/second-hand furniture

3. 舊房子/文字

old house/text

4. 舊車

old/used car/vehicle

形詞 past; bygone; outdated; antiquated; old

1. 舊雜誌

back number; outdated magazine

2. 舊思想

time-worn ideas

3. 舊時代

past ages

4. 舊社會

old society

5. 舊觀念

outdated ideas

6. 舊風俗/習慣/制度

old custom/habit/system

7. 舊詞新義

old word in a new sense

形詞 former; onetime

名詞 things in the past

名詞 old friendship/friend

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