聽起來的英文 聽起來用英語怎麼說?
sounds n.聲音;嘈雜聲;海峽;音調;聲波;(sound的複數)
sounded v.使發聲;聽起來;迴響;(sound的過去式和過去分詞)
sound n.聲;醫用探子;海峽;海灣;聲音;意味;樂音;聽力範圍;無線電廣播;言外之意
ring n.戒指;指環;圓形競技場;圓形表演場;圍成一圈的人;環形路線;環;鳴鈴;按鈴;敲鐘;鈴聲;鐘聲
1. 聽起來有趣
sound interesting
1. 這可能聽起來像一個你知道的詞。
It might sound like a word you know.
2. \讓我們吃奶奶!\聽起來很瘋狂。
\Let's eat Grandma! \ sounds crazy.
3. 你這邊的背景噪音可能聽起來不大。
Background noises may not sound loud on your side.
4. 聽起來很酷。我也想成為一名志願者。
That sounds cool.I want to be a volunteer,too.
5. 聽起來你並沒有和他或她進行坦誠交流。
It doesn't sound like you had open communication with him or her.
6. 嗯,聽起來真的很糟糕。
Well, it sounds really awful.
7. 聽的時候,注意那些聽起來很奇怪的單詞。
When listening to them, pay attention to words that sound strange.
8. 聽起來一切都很順利。
It sounds like everything goes well.
9. 我口袋裡的第二塊糖聽起來不再是個好主意了。
The second piece of candy in my pocket didn't sound like a good idea any more.
10. 像這樣的陳述會讓你聽起來漫無目的,不知所措。
Statements like these will make you sound aimless and lost.