進入的英文 進入用英語怎麼說?
enter v.進入;開始捲入;參與;寫入;輸入;錄入;加入;上場;穿透
get into 影響;支配;控制
ingress n.進口;入口;初切;進入;進入資格;進入權;入侵;入凌
常用 權威
1. 進入社會
enter the society
2. 進入人體
get inside human body
3. 進入巢穴
enter one's den
4. 進入險區
get into a danger zone
5. 進入機庫
nose into the hangar
6. 進入考場
enter the examination hall
7. 進入社交界
go into society
8. 按次進入
enter in due order
9. 進入視野
come into view
10. 進入陣地
get into position
11. 進入叢林
go into the jungle
12. 自由進入
have a free access (to)
13. 進入時代
enter an era
14. 進入市場
enter the market
15. 未能進入半決賽
unable to reach the semi-final
16. 進入射程之內
come within range
17. 進入實質性對話
enter substantive dialogue (with sb)
18. 進入冬眠狀態
go into hibernation
19. 進入文明階段
reach civilization
20. 進入失速下降狀態
go into a stall
1. 很少有人不拿手機直接進入樹林。
Few of us just walk straight into the woods without a phone.
2. 他被拒絕進入火車站和機場等地。
He was refused to enter places like railway stations and airports.
3. 弗雷德裡克上個月成功進入了決賽。
Frederick successfully entered the final competition last month.
4. 這個傳統現已進入當今的文化。
This tradition has now found its way into present-day culture.
5. 汽車將不被允許進入這個城市。
Cars will not be allowed to enter the city.
6. 我的醫院系統已經禁止含糖飲料進入。
My own hospital system has banned sugary drinks from its facilities.
7. 它標誌著汽車旅行進入了一個新時代。
It marked a new era in motor travel.
8. 你可能最終會進入一個仙境。
You may end up entering a wonderland.
9. 左轉進入新華路,醫院就在你的右邊。
Turn left into Xinhua Road, and the hospital is on your right.
10. 他必須進入前5名才能贏得這項榮譽。
He would have to finish in the top 5 to win that honor.
近義詞:進來 進去 ?反義詞:退出 出來 出去 出處(漢)蔡邕 《黃鉞銘》:“執事無放散之尤,簿書有進入之贏。”(宋)周密《齊東野語·紹熙內禪》:“次日,宰執擬立太子指揮進入。”冰心《晚晴集·我的童年》:“寫到這裡,我覺得我漸漸地進入了角色!”
動詞 enter; get into; ingress
1. 他進入了總決賽。
He is through to the finals. / He made it in the finals.
2. 軍事基地禁止外人進入。
Military bases are off limits to outsiders. / Military bases are out of bounds to unauthorized personnel.
3. 比賽已進入高潮。
The match has reached a boiling-point.
4. 進入陣地
get/go into position
5. 進入新階段
enter a new phase/stage
6. 進入社交界
go into society
7. 進入社會
enter the society
8. 進入人體
get inside human body
9. 進入角色
live one's part; get inside the character that one is playing; enter into the spirit of a character
10. 進入第三輪比賽
get to/reach the 3rd round