模仿的英文 模仿用英語怎麼說?
copy n.仿製品;複製品;複製;副本;本;份;張;原稿;手稿;稿件
imitate v.模仿;仿效;模擬;仿製;仿造;偽造
常用 權威
1. 模仿者
2. 模仿秀
imitation show
3. 模仿聲音
imitate the voice (of sb)
4. 模仿劇
mockumentary; parody show
5. 模仿腔調
imitate sb's tone
6. 極意模仿
try one's best to imitate
7. 刻意模仿
take great pains to imitate
8. 模仿效應
imitation effect
9. 模仿物件
mock object; role model
10. 模仿姿勢
imitate a pose
11. 模仿得惟妙惟肖
mimic perfectly
12. 模仿某人的口音
copy sb's accent
13. 有模仿他人風格的天賦
have a gift for parody
1. 人們總是說孩子喜歡模仿父母。
People always say children like to copy their parents.
2. 風險當然是創新可能經常導致模仿。
The risk is, of course, that innovation may frequently lead to imitation.
3. 模仿男主角和榜樣的生活方式。
Imitating the lifestyles of heroes and role models.
4. 首先,他模仿剛孵出的烏鴉的聲音。
First he imitated the voices of newly hatched crows.
5. 透過模仿有教養的人的行為。
By imitating the behavior of properly brought-up human beings.
6. 在對方不知情的情況下模仿對方的手勢。
Imitate their partners' gestures without their knowing it.
7. 矽谷的文化不應該被模仿。
The culture of Silicon Valley ought not to be emulated.
8. 模仿你最喜歡的游泳姿勢。
Mimic your favorite swimming strokes.
9. 對傳統巴黎設計的模仿。
The emulation of traditional Parisian design.
10. 這指的是當物體試圖模仿人類時並不十分完美。
This refers to the idea that when objects trying to resemble humans aren't quite perfect.
模仿(英文:copy、imitate),讀音mó fǎng,漢語詞語。指照著樣子做。例句有“學習不是純粹的模仿”。 相關句子有“他什麼事情都想模仿我,用我來做比。”出自魯迅《書信集·致母親》。近義詞有借鑑、效仿、效法。反義詞有創新、創造、獨創。
動詞 copy; imitate; model oneself on; do a take-off of sb
1. 他的作品有很重的模仿痕跡。
His works are terribly derivative.
2. 他把那個演員模仿得惟妙惟肖。
He does that actor very well.
3. 模仿效應
imitation effect
4. 模仿物件
mock object; role model
5. 盲目模仿
imitate (sb/sth) blindly
6. 有模仿他人風格的天賦
have a gift for parody
7. 逼真地模仿某人
imitate sb to the life; render a good imitation of sb; do a brilliant imitation of sb
8. 模仿俄羅斯作曲家的做法
copycat what the Russian composers had been doing
9. 模仿鳥叫聲
do/imitate a bird call
10. 模仿某人的衣著和言談
copy sb in dress and speech
11. 模仿某人說話和走路的樣子
imitate/mock the way sb speaks and walks
12. 模仿某人
pattern/model oneself on sb
13. 模仿某人的口音
copy sb's accent
14. 模仿米羅的繪畫風格
paint in/after the style of Milo