然而的英文 然而用英語怎麼說?
but conj.若不;不過;然而;相反
however adv.然而;可是;不過;不管用什麼方式;不管怎麼;無論如何;不管多麼
yet adv.迄今;至此;到那時為止;又;仍然;甚至;然而;儘管如此;現在;此刻
nevertheless adv.仍然;不過
nonetheless adv.儘管如此;仍然
常用 權威
1. 奄然而逝
die suddenly
2. 翩然而至
come trippingly; trip along down
3. 自然而然
naturally; automatically; spontaneously; of oneself
4. 油然而生
arise/appear spontaneously
5. 飄然而過
float past
6. 戛然而止
(of a sound) stop abruptly/suddenly; come to an abrupt stop
7. 俄然而止
cease abruptly
8. 憾然而止
have to cease in disappointment
9. 艴然而返
return angrily
1. 然而,倫茨的建議是沒有必要的。
However, Luntz's recommendation wasn't necessary.
2. 然而,我越看,我就越感到困惑。
However, the more I watched, the more puzzled I became.
3. 然而,太陽能電池板也有其問題。
However, solar panels also have their problems.
4. 然而,Turner想展示日落。
However, Turner wanted to show the sun setting.
5. 然而,沙米姆努力完成她的學業。
However, Shameem struggled to complete her schooling.
6. 然而,這只是傳說中的冰山一角。
However, this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
7. 然而,他們也在學習其他的東西。
However, they're also learning other things along the way.
8. 然而,這些鳥現在沒有商業養殖。
Yet, there's no commercial farming of these birds nowadays.
9. 然而,一些環保主義者感到失望。
Some environmentalists, however, were disappointed.
10. 然而,目前的一個缺點是成本。
However, one disadvantage at the moment is cost.
《然而》(Sarinagara)是法國作家菲利普·福雷斯特創作的一本小說,於2004年首次出版。 該小說在作者的小女兒夭折之後,藉著追溯三位日本藝術家的故事,完成了自身艱難的心路歷程。小林一茶同樣痛失過幼兒,他藉助詩歌來排遣內心的痛苦,寫下許多洞徹人世的俳句;日本現代小說之父夏目漱石也失去過幼小的女兒,在小說裡描述這種失女之痛;還有第一位拍攝長崎原子彈爆炸罹難者的攝影師山端庸介,他用鏡頭記錄垂死的幼童。 該小說曾獲得法國先鋒派“十二月文學獎”,是法國“自我虛構”(auto-fiction)小說的扛鼎之作。
拼音:rán'ér 詞義:連詞。合成詞,附加(字尾)型。書面語。用在句首,連線分句、句子或段落,表示轉折,引出與上文相反的意思,或限制、補充上文的意思。與“雖然”配合使用時,作用相當於“但是。 組句:他離開故鄉多年,~仍有著眷戀之情 我們已經取得了很大的成就,~事業還需要後人繼續努力│老人雖然年過七旬,~容光煥發,精力充沛。 近義:但 但是 可是
連詞 but; however; yet; nevertheless; nonetheless
1. 雖然沒有訊息,然而我們仍抱著希望。
There was no news; nevertheless, we went on hoping.
2. 她死了,然而她的精神永存。
She died, but her values endure.
3. 他病了,然而還是去學校參加了考試。
He fell ill. He went to school, all the same, and took the examination.
4. 這件工作很辛苦,然而很值得幹。
It was hard work, yet it was worthwhile.