猜的英文 猜用英語怎麼說?
suspect v.疑有;察覺;推測;猜想;懷疑;不信任;懷疑…犯罪
guess v.猜測;推測;猜出;猜中;猜一猜;想;認為
speculate v.推測;做投機買賣
conjecture n.推測;猜測;猜想;假設;臆說;揣摩
hypothesize v.假設;假定
常用 權威
1. 猜答案
guess at an answer
2. 猜啞謎
try to guess a riddle
3. 消釋嫌猜
dispel grudge and suspicion
1. 哈\n\t\t\t\t\t\t哈,我猜著了。
Aha, I’ve got it.
2. 我們猜是他偷了我的汽車。
We suspect he stole my car.
3. 沒人能猜摸得透他的心思。
Nobody can surmise his thoughts. / Nobody can figure out what’s on his mind.
4. 你猜得八九不離十。
Your guess isn’t far out.
5. 我猜她不過三十歲。
I guess she is at most 30 years old.
6. 人們普遍猜她可能得到這份工作。
She was widely tipped to get the job.
7. 我猜這可能完全是個惡作劇。
I suppose it could all be a cod.
8. 她猜那孩子約有十四五歲。
She guessed the child's age at 14 or 15.
9. 那就猜我這個謎語(或為我解這個謎)。
Riddle me this then.
10. 我猜他是個很性感的人。
I gather he's quite a dish.
猜(cāi),中國漢字,左右結構,一共11畫。有揣測,推測之意和疑恨,忌恨之意。可組詞為猜測、猜斷、猜中等。 相關詩句有《左傳·昭公七年》“夫子從君,而守臣喪邑,雖吾子亦有猜焉。”
動詞 suspect
1. 我們猜是他偷了我的汽車。
We suspect he stole my car.
動詞 guess; speculate; conjecture; hypothesize
1. 我一下子就猜出了他的年齡。
I guessed his age straight away.
2. 你猜對了!
You've hit it!
3. 胡/亂猜
make a wild/random guess
4. 猜一猜
have/make/take a guess
5. 猜對
guess right/correctly
6. 猜個八九不離十
have a very close guess
7. 猜錯
miss one's guess; guess wrong(ly); make a bad shot
8. 猜出心思
guess sb's thoughts
9. 猜謎語
guess a riddle
10. 猜答案
guess at an answer