關係的英文 關係用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-10-06



relationship n.關係;關聯;兩性關係;親屬關係;浪漫關係;姻親關係;往來

relation n.關係;關聯;親戚;姻親;講述;敘述;往來;性關係

connection n.聯絡;關係;衛理公會團體;連線;連線點;聯結;通電;關係戶

tie-in n.關聯;關係;相互關聯的書;搭賣;搭配銷售的商品

influence n.影響;作用;勢力;權勢;磁感應;具影響(或權勢)的人;電感應

importance n.重要性;重要價值

bearing n.站相;步態;關係;關聯;寬容;容忍;軸承;支承;承座;支軸;方位;方向角;方位角;象限角;圖案

reason n.理由;原因;誘因;理智;理性;判斷力;推理力;道理;充分理由;前提

credentials n.證件;證書;(credential的複數)

concern v.涉及;關於;使擔憂;使煩惱;使不安;關心;影響;關係到;從事;喜愛

affect v.影響;對…有影響;對…起作用;假裝;感動;打動;侵襲;感染;做作地使用;故作姿態地模仿

常用 權威



1. 質能關係

mass-energy relation

2. 關係戶


3. 關係網

relationship network; connections; network of relationships; web of relationships

4. 大國關係

major-country relationship

5. 產供銷關係

production-supply-marketing relation

6. 關係學

art/skill of cultivating good relations with people

7. 脫離關係

break off relations; cut ties

8. 關係緊張

be at daggers (with)

9. 工資關係

salary credentials

10. 對稱關係

symmetric relation

11. 搞好關係

foster good relations (with)

12. 對應關係

corresponding relationship

13. 親屬關係

family ties; kinship; kindred

14. 關係友好

be on friendly terms with

15. 統屬關係

subordinate relations

16. 姻親關係

relationship by marriage; affinity

17. 婆媳關係

relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

18. 租佃關係

tenancy relationship

19. 對外關係

foreign relations

20. 友好關係

amity; friendly relations


1. 他們強調要與員工保持良好關係

They make it a point to be on good terms with their employees.

2. 但真正的夥伴關係必須是雙向的。

But a genuine partnership must be a two-way street.

3. 這些也是我們熒幕外關係的核心。

Those were also at the core (核心) of our relationship off the screen.

4. 年輕人熱衷於建立有意義的關係

Young people are keen on building meaningful relationships.

5. 這也有助於改善人與人之間的關係

It also helps to improve the relationship among people.

6. 這應該關係到學生自己和整個社會。

It should matter to the students themselves and society at large.

7. 對,我認為發簡訊和年齡有點關係

Yeah, I think text messaging actually sort of has to do with your age.

8. 來自信任關係的支援至關重要。

Support from trusted relationships is vital.

9. 相反,他們關注有意義的關係

Instead, they focus on meaningful relationships.

10. 它有助於創造更好的人際關係

It helps to creat better interpersonal relations.



關係(guanxi),是指人與人之間,人與事物之間,事物與事物之間的相互聯絡。 市場營銷中的關係是指精明的市場營銷者為了促使企業交易成功而與其顧客、分銷商、經銷商、供應商等建立起長期的互利互信關係。它促使市場營銷者以公平的價格,優質的產品,良好的服務與對方交易,同時,雙方的成員之間還需加強經濟,技術及社會等各方面的聯絡與交易。 人際關係是人與人之間在活動過程中直接的心理上的關係或心理上的距離。人際關係反映了個人或群體尋求滿足其社會需要的心理狀態,因此,人際關係的變化與發展決定於雙方社會需要滿足的程度。人在社會中不是孤立的,人的存在是各種關係發生作用的結果,人正是透過和別人發生作用而發展自己,實現自己的價值。





名詞 relationship; relation; connection; tie-in

1. 他和妻子關係破裂了。

He and his wife broke up.

2. 那件事與你一點兒關係都沒有。

That doesn't concern you at all. / That has nothing to do with you. / That is of no concern of yours.

3. 科學家認為某些疾病與吸菸有直接關係。

Scientists believe that certain diseases are directly connected with cigarette smoking.

4. 藝術與道德的關係

relations of art to morality; relationship between art and morality

5. 血緣關係

relation/relationship by blood; blood relationship

6. 私人關係

personal relations

7. 師生關係

student-faculty/student-instructor/teacher-pupil relations

8. 社會關係

social relationship/connection

9. 家庭關係

family relation; domestic relations

10. 法律/邏輯關係

legal/logical relations

11. 關係密切

be intimately related (to); have close ties (with)

12. 關係緊張

be at daggers (with)

13. 和某人斷絕關係

break off (all) relations/connections with sb; discontinue/finish relations/connections with sb

14. 修補關係

mend/repair relations

15. 損害關係

hurt/impair relations

16. 解除婚姻關係

dissolve marital connection

17. 建立業務/商業/外交關係

establish business/commercial/diplomatic relations/connections/ties (with)

18. 恢復關係

resume relations (with)

19. 鞏固關係

cement/consolidate the relations (between)

20. 跟某人發生關係

have sex with sb; sleep with sb

21. 改善關係

improve/strengthen/intensify relations

22. 發展關係

develop the relations (between)

23. 促進兩國間的關係

encourage/further/facilitate the relations between the two countries

24. 保持友好關係

maintain friendly relations

名詞 influence; importance; bearing

1. 那些細節對主要問題關係不大。

Those details have little bearing upon/on the main issue.

2. 對他關係重大

be of no small concern to him; make great difference to him

名詞 reason

1. 由於天氣關係,比賽不得不延期進行。

The match has to be postponed on account of the weather.

2. 由於時間關係,我們今天就到這兒吧。

Owing to the lack of time, we have to stop here today. / Since time is limited, we have to stop here today.

3. 因年齡/健康關係而辭職

resign on account of advanced age/feeble health

動詞 concern; affect; bear (on/upon)

1. 中國的繁榮關係到整個亞洲的繁榮。

The prosperity of China bears upon that of all Asian countries.

2. 關係國民經濟命脈

concern the life-blood of the national economy

3. 關係國計民生

involve the interests of the state and the people

名詞 credentials

1. 組織關係

Party membership credentials

2. 工資關係

salary credentials

名詞 backdoor connection; illicit personal relation

1. 拉關係

try to form ties (with sb for personal gains); try to establish underhand relations (with sb for personal gains)


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