萬的英文 萬用英語怎麼說?
ten thousand 一萬
myriad n.無數;極大數量;一萬
absolutely adv.完全地;無保留地;非相對地;獨立地;的確;極其;對極了;非常;一點也;毫
extremely adv.非常;極端地;極其;很
by all means 一定, 無論如何
常用 權威
1. 萬把人
about ten thousand people
1. 在英國,可能有50萬A類吸毒者。
In the UK there are possibly 500,000 Class A drug users.
2. 如今,英國的人口已增至六千五百萬。
Now the population of the United Kingdom has increased to sixty-five million.
3. 超過1500萬的美國人接受了遠端醫療。
More than 15 million Americans received some kind of medical care remotely last year.
4. 世界上產生了約4200萬公噸的電子廢物。
The world produced some 42 million metric tons of e-waste.
5. 共有100萬年輕人回答了有關幸福感的各種問題。
In total, 1 million young people answered various questions related to their wellbeing .
6. 美國有500萬學生,許多人將靠借錢來資助自己上大學。
5 million students in America, and many will be funding their college on borrowed money.
7. 每個月未開封的成本在900萬歐元到1000萬歐元之間。
Every month it remains unopened costs between €9m and €10m.
8. 該數字目前比一年前同期水平增長了83萬(增長率為4.4%)。
This figure is now 830,000 (4.4 percent) above its year ago level.
9. 懸停相機用一個1300萬畫素的攝像頭記錄運動,並拍攝4K影片。
Hover Camera records movements with a 13MP camera and takes 4K videos.
10. 一位名叫Elsa的12歲使用者在Tik Tok上擁有約270萬粉絲。
A 12-year-old user called Elsa has about 2.7 million fans on Tik Tok.
萬姓,中國百家姓之一,得姓始祖為芮伯萬。周初,成王封同姓族人姬良夫於芮(今山西省芮城和陝西大荔一帶),遂建芮國。芮國是一個諸侯國,其國君人稱芮伯,芮伯傳至春秋時,出芮伯萬,因其寵姬眾多,風流成性,致使母親芮姜極度不滿,將其驅至魏城(今山西省芮城)。其子孫有以萬為氏者,稱萬姓,並奉芮伯萬為萬姓得姓始祖。 芮國在周襄王姬鄭十二年(公元前640年),為秦穆公嬴任好所吞滅,其王族後裔子孫中有以先祖的字為姓氏者,稱萬氏,世代相傳至今,史稱萬氏正宗。 萬,讀音作wàn。
數詞 ten thousand
1. 百萬
2. 萬米跑
ten-thousand-metre race
3. 萬把人
about ten thousand people
數詞 very great number; myriad
1. 萬事萬物
myriads of things; all nature
2. 萬里長空
vast clear skies
3. 一萬
ten thousand
4. 十萬
a hundred thousand
副詞 absolutely; extremely; by all means
1. 此事萬不可洩漏出去。
Be sure not to let it out.
2. 萬沒想到他會變心。
His betrayal of her was beyond all expectations.
3. 萬難拒絕
be extremely difficult to refuse