勞累的英文 勞累用英語怎麼說?
toilworn adj.勞累的;疲憊不堪的
run-down 破敗的;破舊的;破敗不堪
overworked v.工作過度;(overwork的過去式)
常用 權威
1. 因過度勞累而形容憔悴
be a wreck from overwork
1. 由於過度勞累,她的身體完全垮了。
Due to overwork, her health completely broke down.
2. 過度勞累使她顯得過早蒼老。
Overwork made her look older than her age.
3. 一路顛簸,他感到十分勞累。
As he had a long journey on the bumping road, he felt quite exhausted.
4. 他近來有點兒勞累過度了。
He has been rather overdoing it lately.
5. 她的病是勞累過度所致。
Her illness is the result of overexertion.
6. 人一勞累就容易發脾氣。
Being tired makes one short-tempered.
7. 前一天晚上勞累後,她顯得很疲勞。
She looked tired after her exertions of the previous evening.
8. 因過度勞累而佈滿他嘴巴四周的皺紋。
The lines of exhaustion bracketing his mouth.
9. 勞累開始影響蘇的健康。
The physical exertions began to catch up with Sue.
10. 有10或11個捱餓孩子的勞累過度的母親們。
The overdriven mothers of ten or eleven hungry children.
勞累(英文:tired),讀音為láo lèi,漢語詞語,指的是勞動過度而疲倦。也用作煩勞別人的敬辭。例句為“媽媽又上班,又幹家務,太勞累了。” 相關近義詞有疲憊、勞碌、辛勞。相關反義詞有繁冗、清閒。
形詞 exhausted for one's overwork; toilworn; run-down; overworked
1. 一路顛簸,他感到十分勞累。
As he had a long journey on the bumping road, he felt quite exhausted.
2. 人一勞累就容易發脾氣。
Being tired makes one short-tempered.
動詞 trouble (sb to do sth); put sb to the trouble (of doing sth)
1. 勞累您了。
Sorry to have troubled you.