辛苦的英文 辛苦用英語怎麼說?
hard adj.堅實的;牢固的;堅硬的;猛烈的;沉重的;難以忍受的;困苦的;可靠的;確鑿無疑的;真實的;有力的;強烈的;含無機鹽的;軟顎爆破音
strenuous adj.費勁的;費力的
toilsome adj.辛苦的;勞累的
laborious adj.費時費力的;造作的;不流暢的
常用 權威
1. 辛苦費
pay for the trouble sb has taken; service charge
2. 辛苦錢
hard-earned money
3. 不辭辛苦
take pains/the trouble (to do sth); spare no effort(s)/pains (to do sth); not shrink from hardships; go to the trouble (of doing sth)
4. 掙倆辛苦錢
make some honest money
5. 辛苦的工作
hard work
1. 我還記得第一天的辛苦。
I still remember how hard my first day was.
2. 即使不做任何辛苦的工作,他們也筋疲力盡。
They are exhausted even without doing any heavy work.
3. 當我辛苦工作一天回到家時,經常感到疲憊。
When I come home from a hard day's work, I often feel tired.
4. 但是也有很多又可憐又瘦弱的馬,因為辛苦勞作而疲憊不堪。
But there were also a lot of poor, thin horses, tired from hard work.
5. 這件工作很辛苦,然而很值得幹。
It was hard work, yet it was worthwhile.
6. 他辛苦了整整一年,高低成功了。
After a whole year’s hard work, he at last succeeded.
7. 辛苦工作一天之後她感到十分累乏。
She felt extremely tired after a day’s hard work.
8. 一切辛苦都付諸東流了。
All that hard work done has been in vain. / All the efforts have been to no avail.
9. 買這所房子花去了我們所有辛苦得來的積蓄。
It took all our hard-earned savings to buy the house.
10. 你辛苦了,非常感謝。
Thank you for all the trouble you’ve taken.
形詞 hard; strenuous; toilsome; laborious
1. 別太辛苦了。
Don't overwork yourself.
2. 辛苦的工作
hard work
動詞 go to great trouble; take great pains
1. 能不能辛苦你跑一趟?
May I trouble you to go and see about it?
2. 你辛苦了,非常感謝。
Thank you for all the trouble you've taken.