有益的英文 有益用英語怎麼說?
profitable adj.有利可圖的;有贏利的;有益的;有用的
beneficial adj.效果好的;有好處的;有利的;權益的;有財產使用權的;受益的
useful adj.有用的;實用的;有效的;勝任的;有能力的
常用 權威
1. 有益菌
beneficial bacterium
2. 有益無損
have profit but no loss
3. 有益於人類
benefit humanity
4. 有益於社會
benefit society
5. 開卷有益
reading is rewarding; reading enriches the mind
6. 有益元素
beneficial element
7. 有益的借鑑
salutary lesson
8. 健康有益的活動
healthy and beneficial activities
9. 做出有益的貢獻
make valuable contributions
1. 但科爾蒂納說,早期接觸是有益的。
However, Cortina said, early exposure is beneficial.
2. 看電視對老年痴呆症患者有益。
Television watching is beneficial to Alzheimer's patients.
3. 首先,他們認為素食有益健康。
First, they believe that a vegetarian diet (飲食) is good for health.
4. 用肥皂洗手有益於公眾健康。
Washing hands with soap is good for public health.
5. 午夜前的睡眠時間被認為是最有益的。
The hours of sleep before midnight are thought to be the most helpful.
6. 學會對別人微笑也是有益的。
Learning to smile to others is also beneficial.
7. 這將有益於其他亞洲國家。
It will benefit other Asian countries.
8. 總之,學習音樂是有益的。
In a word, to learn music is beneficial(有益的).
9. 五顏六色的水果和蔬菜對您的健康有益。
Colorful fruits and vegetables are good for your health.
10. 它並不像人們曾經認為的那樣有益健康。
It is not as healthy as once thought.
形詞 profitable; beneficial; useful
1. 許多細菌對人是有益的。
Many bacteria are beneficial to human beings.
2. 有益的經歷/談話
profitable experience/talk
3. 有益健康的空氣/環境
wholesome air/surroundings
4. 做出有益的貢獻
make valuable contributions
5. 有益身心
have a happy effect both mentally and physically
6. 有益人民
be of value to the people
7. 有益健康
beneficial to health; good for one's health