做的英文 做用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-10-19


do v.做;實現;完成;行動;行事;合適的;可接受的;痛打;殺死;起訴;宣告…有罪

act v.行動;做某事;行為;充當;擔任;起作用;見效;扮演角色

engage in 從事, 參加;忙於…

make v.做;製作;製造;建造;創造;使存在;使形成;帶來;迫使做;組成;合計;共計;掙得;賺得;趕上;及時到達;朝…走去;求歡;誘姦;贏;漲;退

produce v.生產;製造;引起;產生;招致;出示;製作;導演;播放;播送;使(線段)延長

manufacture n.生產;製造;產品;製造業;製成品

write v.寫;書寫;寫…給;寫作;編著;用文字形式表達;寫入;承保;寫字;函告

compose v.創作;組成;構成;使平靜;使鎮定;排版;排稿;佈置;撰寫;寫作

hold v.抓住;拿著;托住;夾住;拘留;穩定;容納;能裝;擁有;為(人)保留;控制;防止;舉行

act as 充當

become v.開始變得;適合…穿;變成;成長為;有資格擔任;成為;取得…資格;發生於;臨到…身上;適合

use as 用作;用作為;使作

be used as 被用作;用作;作為

pretend v.偽稱;佯稱;假裝;佯裝;自稱;自封;自誇;裝作;裝扮;模仿

pose v.形成;構成;擺出姿態;把…難住;使為難;冒充;裝腔作勢;假裝;賣弄;提出

常用 權威



1. 做棉被

make a cotton-wadded quilt

2. 做生活

do one's work

3. 做惡夢

have a nightmare

4. 做晨操

do morning exercises

5. 做部署

make dispositions

6. 做表率

set an example to sb

7. 做驗算

make a checking calculation

8. 做義工

do voluntary work

9. 做陪襯

serve as a foil (to)

10. 做饅頭

make mantou

11. 做菜湯

make vegetable soup

12. 做社工

do social work

13. 做偽證者


14. 做零活兒

do odd jobs

15. 做佛事

engage in a Buddhist service

16. 做外調

be on an investigation mission

17. 做手工

do handwork

18. 做夜活

work at night

19. 做拼盤

prepare assorted hors d'oeuvres

20. 做大事

do great things


1. 使用5磅重的啞鈴一組10次。

Use 5-pound dumbbells for one set of 10 reps.

2. 我認為人們再也不到那一點了。

\I don't think people are capable of that anymore.\

3. 他用樹皮和舊布了便宜的金枝。

He made cheap Jinzhi out of tree bark and old cloth.

4. 下面社群的海報會告訴你怎麼

The following poster in the neighbourhood will tell you how to do it.

5. 自願兼職工作的人數大幅增加。

There was a big jump in the number of people who report voluntarily working part-time.

6. 最初,Leah仍在會計工作。

Initially Leah stayed with her accounting job.

7. 多讀多練習,你會得到提升的。

Read a lot and do exercises, and you'll get improved.

8. 很多兼職的人其實都想全職。

Many people who work part-time jobs actually want full-time jobs.

9. 等你長大了,你必須的足夠多。

You'll have to do it enough when you're grown up.

10. 剛才攪拌機是用來香蕉奶昔的。

The blender was used for making a banana milk shake just now.


做是動詞,使用範圍非常廣泛,由沒有到存在之間的過程;做就是造,產生這個東西的意思——如做生意、做飯、 做工、做鬼臉,做系統等。

《做》是中國內地歌手符龍飛、楊迪、馮宣元、張敬豪演唱的歌曲。由符龍飛作詞,符龍飛、馮宣元@耀樂團作曲,收錄在華語群星2018年7月8日發行的專輯《無限歌謠季 第14期》中。



動詞 do; act; engage in

1. 做針線活

do needlework

2. 做實驗

do experiment; experiment on/with

3. 做算術

do sums

動詞 make; produce; manufacture

1. 做一套傢俱

make a set of furniture

2. 做條裙子

make a skirt

動詞 write; compose

1. 做表面文章

put on a show

動詞 hold

動詞 act as; become

動詞 be combined; be closely associated; have family connection

動詞 use as; be used as

動詞 pretend; pose

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