恢復的英文 恢復用英語怎麼說?
resume v.重新開始;繼續;重新使用;接著說;重佔;重選;重穿
renew v.重新開始;繼續進行;更新;重申;更換;恢復;重複;使獲得新生;振奮;使更生
recover v.恢復;找回;重獲;康復;復原;使(自己、體力或精神)恢復常態;賺回;取得;挽回;彌補
regain v.重新獲得;恢復使用;再次到達;返回;回到
restore v.恢復;使恢復原樣;使復位;使復職;修復;歸還
reinstate v.使…恢復原職;使…恢復原狀
rehabilitate v.使康復;使恢復正常生活;恢復… 的權利;恢復…的名譽;為…平反;恢復…的原狀
restitute v.歸還;復原
常用 權威
1. 恢復系
restorer line
2. 恢復期
convalescence; recuperation period; recovery
3. 恢復主權
resume sovereignty (over)
4. 恢復名譽
rehabilitate sb's reputation;rehabilitate a person's reputation
5. 恢復正常
return to normal
6. 恢復資料
recover (lost) data
7. 恢復機能
regain the function (of)
8. 恢復信任
restore confidence (in)
9. 恢復自信
restore one's self-confidence
10. 恢復體質
rebuild a constitution
11. 恢復談判
renew negotiations; resume talks
12. 恢復理性
come to one's senses
13. 恢復生機
regain one's vitality
14. 恢復公民權
restitute civil rights
15. 恢復和平
restore peace
16. 恢復交通
resume traffic
17. 恢復邦交
resume diplomatic relations
18. 恢復自由
regain freedom
19. 恢復視力
restore sight
20. 恢復軟體
recovery software
1. 孩子出生後,她可能會恢復健康。
She will probably get well again after the birth of the baby.
2. 人們應該努力恢復軍隊的鮮豔色彩。
People should try to bring back the army's bright colors.
3. 滿足患者恢復認知能力的需求。
Cater to the needs of patients for recovering their cognitive capacity.
4. 恢復正常的生活是很困難的。
Resuming to a normal life can be difficult.
5. 鍛鍊是恢復精力的最好方法。
Taking exercise is the best way to get energy again.
6. 經過多年的定期治療,她恢復了健康。
After years of regular treatment, she became healthy.
7. 我們必須恢復森林和土壤。
We must restore forests and soils.
8. 警察來了,高速公路又恢復了正常執行。
The police arrived and the motorway ran normally again.
9. 這無疑會幫助你恢復活力!
It will undoubtedly help you get refreshed!
10. 他試圖幫助這棵樹恢復。
He tried to help the tree recover.
動詞 resume; renew
1. 恢復友誼
renew one's friendship
2. 恢復業務關係
resume business relationship (with sb)
3. 恢復談判
renew negotiations; resume talks
4. 恢復交通
resume traffic
5. 恢復國際航班/南北對話
resume international flights/the north-south dialogue
6. 恢復邦交
resume diplomatic relations
動詞 recover; regain
1. 從疲倦中恢復過來
recover from fatigue
2. 恢復自由
regain freedom
3. 恢復知覺
come to consciousness; regain one's consciousness
4. 恢復元氣
recuperate; recover one's energy/strength
5. 恢復體力
recover one's strength; regain one's strength/vigour
6. 恢復資料
recover (lost) data
7. 恢復視力
recover/regain one's eyesight
8. 恢復失地
retake/recover lost territory
9. 恢復健康
recover one's health; regain one's form; recuperate
10. 恢復地位
recover/regain one's position
動詞 restore; reinstate; rehabilitate; restitute
1. 他成功地使企業恢復贏利。
He successfully restored the enterprise to profitability.
2. 恢復正常
return to normal
3. 恢復原狀
return to/restore the original state/condition
4. 恢復原職
reinstate sb to his old post
5. 恢復名譽
rehabilitate a person's reputation
6. 恢復國民經濟
restore the nation's economy
7. 恢復公民權
restitute civil rights
8. 恢復公共秩序
restore public order
9. 恢復法紀
restore law and order