站的英文 站用英語怎麼說?
stand v.站立;站;坐落於;位於;處於特定狀態;抵擋;抵禦;當候選人;參加競選;擔任…裁判員;請…吃喝;為…付賬
take a stand 表明立場;站隊;表態
stop v.結束;停止;填塞;處於;表現;停下來;阻擋;總是;中止
halt v.使突然停止;突然停止;跛行;停止行進
station n.火車站;站;所;局;臺;電臺;直立位置;崗位;站位;生境;產地
常用 權威
1. 截聽站
intercept station
2. 纜車站
cable car station
3. 選舉站
polling station
4. 月球站
moon station
5. 高山站
high-altitude station
6. 收聽站
listening station
7. 超限站
weigh station
8. 水泵站
pumping station
9. 換乘站
transfer station
10. 站出來
step forward
11. 星際站
extraterrestrial bases
12. 批發站
wholesale station
13. 採血站
blood-collecting centre
14. 過境站
border-crossing point
15. 坐過站
miss one's stop
16. 發運站
dispatching station
17. 長途站
coach station; long-distance bus station
18. 訊號站
signal station
19. 修配站
repair station/centre
20. 沿途站
stop station
1. 託比過來幫我站起來:安全,夥計。
Toby came over, helping me up: Safe, man.
2. 中國已經在許多城市建立了5G站。
China has set up 5G stations in many countries.
3. 一座奶牛形狀的太陽能發電站。
A solar power station in the shape of a cow.
4. 就站在一邊,讓人出去,然後再進去。
Just stand aside, let people out, and then get in.
5. 她切斷了煩人的噪音,從床上站起來。
She cut off the annoying (討厭的) noise and rose from her bed.
6. 不是每張照片都要讓你站著。
Not every photo needs to have you stand.
7. 我乘地鐵,在市中心站下車。
I took the subway and got off at the downtown station.
8. Yuki突然站起來,戴上她的草帽。
Yuki suddenly stood up and put on her straw hat.
9. 她還為站在她身後排隊的人買了一頓飯。
She also bought a meal for the person standing in line behind her.
10. 他會站在那裡擺動他的耳朵,趕走蒼蠅。
There he will stand swinging his ears, to drive away the flies.
動詞 stand; be on one's feet; take a stand
1. 他一動不動地站著。
He stood still/motionless.
2. 讓學生罰站
stand pupils as punishment
3. 站直
stand straight
4. 站在時代前列
stand at the forefront of the times
5. 站在黨的立場上
uphold the stand of the Party
6. 站在某人一邊
side with sb
7. 站起來
stand up; rise/get to one's feet
8. 站出來
step forward
動詞 stop; halt
1. 不怕慢,只怕站。
It's better to move on slowly than just to mark time.
名詞 stop; station
1. 火車到站了。
The train has arrived at the station.
2. 拉美之行的第三站
on the third leg of a Latin America visit
3. 火車站
railway station
4. 公共汽車站
bus stop/station
5. 長途汽車站
coach station; long-distance bus station
6. 北京/上海站
Beijing/Shanghai Railway Station
7. 坐過站
miss one's stop
8. 進站
pull into a station
9. 出站
pull out of a station
名詞 station/centre for rendering certain services
1. 新兵徵募站
recruiting station
2. 維修/修配站
service station
3. 雷達站
radar station
4. 供應站
supply centre
5. 跟蹤站
tracking station