分離的英文 分離用英語怎麼說?
sever v.切斷;切割;中斷;斷絕
常用 權威
1. 分離點
point of separation; separation point
2. 分離器
3. 同位素分離
isotope separation
4. 性狀分離
segregation of character
5. 級間分離
stage separation
6. 棉籽分離機
gin saw
7. 重力分離
gravity separation
8. 分離面
separation surface
9. 旋風分離器
cyclone separator
10. 奶油分離器
cream separator
11. 體細胞分離
somatic segregation
12. 電解分離
electrolytic isolation;electrolytic separation/dissociation
13. 分離過程
separation process
14. 油氣分離器
oil-gas separator
15. 氣體分離器
gas separator
16. 分離能力
separating power
17. 油田分離器
oilfield separator
18. 分離電路
separation circuit
19. 分離運動
disengaging movement
20. 無性分離
asexual split
1. 透過分離相關和不相關的資料。
By separating relevant from irrelevant data.
2. 從棉籽中分離出來的棉纖維。
Cotton fibres that have been separated from cotton seeds.
3. 親密感是與某人的親密、分離、聯絡的感覺。
Intimacy is the feeling of closeness, of disconnectedness, with someone, of bonding.
4. 與部落分離,或者更糟的是,被趕出部落,是一種死亡判決。
Becoming separated from the tribe—or worse, being cast out—was a death sentence.
5. 與部落分離——或者更糟的是,被驅逐——無異於被判了死刑。
Becoming separated from the tribe—or worse, being cast out—was a death sentence.\
6. Farrant正試圖分離復活植物中的基因,並在作物中繁殖它們。
Farrant is trying to isolate genes in resurrection plants and reproduce them in crops.
7. 與朋友分離使他很難過。
Separation from his friends made him sad.
8. 黑色液體被離心機分離成油和水。
The black liquid is centrifuged into oil and water.
9. 父母與子女分離可能產生的傷害。
The damage that might arise from the separation of parents and children.
10. 搖滾樂是從流行音樂中分離出來的。
Rock was a breakaway from pop.
分離(Breakaway),自由人/博派反抗軍戰士,脫逃專家、爆破高手和空戰專家。前塞伯坦空軍----遊擊軍(Seeker)特工兼前塞伯坦科學院公共事務部成員。 在變形金剛2遊戲版中出現。
動詞 (of things) separate (from); sever
1. 電解分離
electrolytic isolation
2. 分離過程
separation process
3. 分離電路
separation circuit
4. 用機器分離奶油
separate cream by machinery
5. 使政教分離
separate church and state; divorce/dissociate church from state
6. 把氫從空氣中分離出來
separate hydrogen from air
動詞 (of people) leave; part/separate (from)
1. 與朋友分離使他很難過。
Separation from his friends made him sad.