背的英文 背用英語怎麼說?
bear v.攜帶;拿;支援;支撐;忍受;生育;拐彎;不能忍受;表現;經得起
shoulder n.肩;肩膀;肩胛;肩狀物;上背部;山肩;谷肩;肩背
break v.打破;打斷;違反;不執行;壓垮;變化;進入新狀態;突然傳開
violate v.違反;違背;性侵犯;擾亂;侵犯;褻瀆;玷汙;強姦
go away 離開, 帶走
leave v.離開;離去;讓…留下;使處於某種狀態;離職;剩下;寄存;輟學;遺贈;忘記帶走
recite v.背誦;朗誦;當眾吟誦;歷數;列舉
learn by heart 背誦;心記;記在心裡
turn away 拒絕, 棄用;轉過去;走開;改變方向
back n.背;背部;背面;反面;後面;衛;劍橋大學後園;背後;椅背;船體
dorsum n.背部;背面
unlucky adj.倒黴的;不幸的;不祥的;不吉的;運氣不好的
hard of hearing 聽不清楚
out-of-the-way adj.偏僻的;非凡的;偏遠的;少有的;不合常規的
常用 權威
1. 背風波
lee wave
2. 背歌詞
learn the lyrics by heart
3. 背口訣
memorize a formula
4. 背風潮
lee tide
5. 細腰乍背
(of a man) fine build; graceful and healthy body shape
6. 把背挺直
straighten one's back
7. 平紋背燈芯絨
tabby-back corduroy
8. 油氈襯背
felt backing
9. 傴著背
bend one's back
1. 大多數中國孩子都能背得很好。
Most Chinese children can recite it very well.
2. 背上揹包,每次背一個肩膀。
Put on the pack, one shoulder at a time.
3. 因為他們要背大量的字元。
Because they have to memorize a large number of characters.
4. 男性渴望炫耀自己的六塊腹肌,也就是他們的v型背。
Men aspire to be able to show off their six packs, or their V-shaped backs.
5. 他背剪雙手, 在一邊看熱鬧。
He stood on the side and watched with his hands crossed behind his back.
6. 她把學過的詩背得滾瓜爛熟。
She rattled off the poems she had learnt.
7. 他蜷曲而臥,背朝著我們。
He was lying curled up with his back to us.
8. 那小偷雙手背剪給抓走了。
The thief was taken away with his hands trussed behind him.
9. 今天打麻將,我手氣很背。
I am very unlucky at mahjong today. / I get lousy hands at mahjong today.
10. 他氣得差點兒背過氣去。
He nearly choked with rage.
背,中國漢字,讀音為bēi或bèi。讀作bēi時表示人用背馱(tuó)東西,引申為負擔:“揹負”“揹債”“揹包”。讀作bèi時表示人體後面從肩到腰的部分:“背脊”“揹包”等;用背部對著,與“向”相對:“背光”等。 甲骨文中的“北”,是兩個人背靠背站立著,即“背”的初文,不過由於讀音相近,甲骨文中就將其假借作為南北之北,而另造了“背”來表示其本義。 羅鄴《雁》:“早背胡霜過戍樓,又隨寒日下汀州。”
動詞 carry on the back; give a piggyback
1. 揹我走!
Give me a piggyback/ride!
2. 背孩子
carry a child on one's back; carry a child pickaback
3. 背柴火/石頭
carry firewood/rocks on one's back
動詞 bear; shoulder
1. 替別人背惡名
bear the blame for somebody else
2. 背了一屁股債
be heavily in debt; be up to one's ears in debt
量詞 amount one can carry on his back
1. 一背麥子
a bundle of wheat
名詞 back; dorsum
1. 彎背
bent back
2. 拍拍背
pat/slap sb on the back
3. 背痛
one's back aches; have a pain in the back; backache; back pain
4. 背靠著牆
lean one's back against the wall
名詞 back of any object
1. 椅背
back of a chair
2. 手背
back of a hand
動詞 (sit, stand, move, etc) with the back towards; back on(to)
1. 我們的房子背靠著河。
Our house backs on a river.
2. 揹著風走
walk with one's back to the wind/with the wind at one's back
3. 背山面水
facing/fronting a river and backing on a mountain
動詞 act contrary to; break; violate
1. 揹著良心做事
act against one's conscience
形詞 unlucky
1. 今天打麻將,我手氣很背。
I am very unlucky at mahjong today. / I get lousy hands at mahjong today.
2. 運氣背
have hard/bad luck; be jinxed; be down on one's luck
動詞 go away; leave
動詞 do sth behind sb's back; hide sth from
動詞 recite; learn by heart
動詞 have one's hands crossed (or tied) behind
形詞 hard of hearing
形詞 out-of-the-way
動詞 turn away