劍的英文 劍用英語怎麼說?
sword n.劍;破壞;暴力;武力;塔羅紙牌中一組牌中的一張
常用 權威
1. 佩上劍
gird on a sword
2. 耍劍
flourish a sword
3. 鋒利的劍
keen-edged sword
4. 劍函
case for a sword
5. 把劍入鞘
sheathe a sword
1. 劍是強權的象徵。
A sword is emblematic of power gained by violence.
2. 這一威脅仍舊像一把懸在我們頭頂上的達摩克利斯劍
This threat still hangs over us like a sword of Damocles.
3. 他劍走直立,擋開了那一擊。
He parried the blow by holding his sword vertically.
4. 品種繁多的精細金屬製品,包括一把劍。
A wealth of fine metalwork, including a sword.
5. 劍被交叉地掛在他的背上。
The swords were strung criss-cross on his back.
6. 他用劍刺向對手。
He thrust at his opponent with his sword.
7. 他用劍猛擊水。
He smites the water with his sword.
8. 他們因穿著厚重的長大衣和佩戴著劍而行動非常不便。
They were cumbered with greatcoats and swords.
9. 一個年輕人放下手中的筆,拿起劍為他的祖國而戰
A young man lays down his pen and takes up a sword to fight for his homeland.
10. 這隻野獸由人,馬,刀,劍組成。
This beast is made of men and horses, swords and spears.
劍是一種兵器,分為劍身和劍柄兩部分,由金屬製成,長條形,兩邊都開了刃,有著筆直的劍身和尖銳的劍尖,素有“百兵之君”的美稱。 其舞動時向正反兩邊施展都具有殺傷力,用劍尖攻擊可以輕易穿透甲衣,非常危險。其中,長劍便於戰鬥,短劍利於護身。
《劍》是由舒適執導,趙青、姬麒麟等主演的電影。該片於1982年在中國上映。 影片講述了很久以前,古西域的沙漠綠洲上有個能歌善舞的民族,他們過著安居樂業的生活。一位老鐵匠帶著孫女到集市賣劍,孫女和化裝為平民的王子相遇後一見鍾情。
名詞 sword
1. 吞劍表演者
sword swallower
2. 鑄劍
cast a sword
3. 佩劍
carry a sword
4. 磨劍
sharpen a sword
5. 揮劍
wield a sword
6. 把劍入鞘
sheathe a sword
7. 拔劍
draw/unsheathe a sword
8. 一把/口劍
a sword