評論的英文 評論用英語怎麼說?
comment on 評論;對......評論;評述
discuss v.討論;談論;論述;著述
review n.審查;評估;檢閱;閱兵;中止快速倒帶重放裝置;回顧;評論;回顧報告;評論期刊
comment n.意見;評論;註釋;註解;評註;議論;解說
commentary n.評論;解說;解說詞;集註;實況報道;註釋
常用 權威
1. 評論家
critic; reviewer; commentator
2. 評論員
3. 特約評論員
special commentator
4. 評論詩歌
criticize poetry
5. 電視評論
TV commentary
6. 網路評論員
Internet commentator
7. 藝術評論
criticisms (up)on art
8. 電影評論
film review
9. 評論文章
critical article;commentary; critique
10. 網上評論
comment online; post comments online;online comment/commentary
11. 戲劇評論
dramatic criticism/review
12. 評論時事
comment on current events
13. 一篇評論
a commentary
14. 署名評論
signed commentary
15. 評論影片
review a film
16. 時事評論
news commentaries;comment on current affairs
17. 新聞評論
news review;news commentary
18. 文藝評論
art and literary criticism
19. 不予評論
refrain from making comments
20. 簡要評論
make pithy comments
1. 他們不準備對香菸研究發表評論。
They were not prepared to comment on the cigarette study.
2. 自嘲式評論顯示出一個人的自信。
Self-deprecating comments show one's assurance.
3. 換句話說,不要看網上的評論。
In other words, don't read online comments.
4. 麥格勞·希爾沒有回應評論的請求。
McGraw Hill didn't respond to a request for comment.
5. 溫暖人心的評論紛至沓來。
Heartwarming comments (評論) poured in.
6. 這是一條對你的產品的艱難的商業評論。
It's a hard business review of your product.
7. 有人在評論區諷刺地說到。
One person ironically put it in the comments section.
8. 他的評論使我感到奇怪。
His comment struck me as strange.
9. 她是軍事著作的評論家。
She is a critic of works on military affairs.
10. 家長可以一路評論,然後在最後解釋資訊。
Parents can comment along the way and then explain the message at the end.
評論,讀音píng lùn,漢語詞語,釋義批評、斟酌、猶言商榷之處,例句有“這篇評論著墨不多,但是十分貼題”。 相關句子有“辯論結束後,他歸納起大家的意見,做了一篇出色的評論。”出自《古城的憂鬱》,相關近義詞有挑剔、批判,反義詞有沉默。 “評”是“論”的前提和基礎,它為“論”提供必要的價值判斷。“論”則是“評”的補充和延展,它是為“評”服務的,為其尋找一定的理論參考或事實依據。
動詞 comment on; make/give comment on; discuss; review
1. 發言人拒絕公開評論這些要求。
The spokesperson refused to comment publicly on these claims.
2. 評論是非
discuss about the rights and wrongs of sth; discuss who is right and who is wrong
3. 評論時事
comment on current events
4. 評論詩歌
criticize poetry
5. 評論好壞
decide the strength and weakness of; comment on sb's merits and demerits
名詞 comment; commentary; review
1. 報紙常在社論裡發表新聞評論。
Newspapers often give comment on the news in the editorials.
2. 媒體對此事件未加評論。
There was no comment about the incident in the media.
3. 藝術評論
criticisms (up)on art
4. 新聞評論
news review
5. 戲劇評論
drama/dramatic criticism
6. 文藝評論
art and literary criticism
7. 時事評論
comment on current affairs
8. 電影評論
film review
9. 給月刊寫評論
write reviews for monthly magazines
10. 發表評論
make a comment (about sth); make comments on sth; publish a review
11. 不加評論
make no comment (about/on sth)
12. 一篇評論
a commentary