病的英文 病用英語怎麼說?
disease n.病;疾病;弊端;弊病
illness n.疾病
sickness n.生病;患病;噁心;嘔吐;某一特定疾病
malady n.病;疾病
evil adj.邪惡的;壞的;有害的;討厭的;代表邪惡勢力的;與邪惡勢力有關的;易造成傷害的;使人極不舒服的
ill adj.生病的;不舒服的;壞的;差的;次的;惡意的;有害的;不順的
fault n.缺點;毛病;不足;責任;斷層;故障;錯誤的行為;錯誤;過失
defect n.缺點;缺陷;缺乏
fall ill 生病;患病;得病
be sick 生病, 噁心;厭煩
be taken ill 突然生病
sicken v.使厭惡;使驚駭;生病;厭惡;恐懼;顯露(某種疾病)的症狀
harm n.傷害;損失;損害;壞處;危險
injure v.傷害;損害;受傷;冤枉
blame v.認為…應該負責;歸咎於;責怪;把…歸咎於
reproach v.責備;責怪;責備……;斥責;指責
常用 權威
1. 胱氨酸病
2. 微血管病
3. 休閒病
leisure sickness
4. 膽汁病
5. 昆蟲病
6. 貧困病
disease of poverty
7. 脊髓病
8. 結腸病
9. 軍團病
10. 斑點病
spot disease
11. 眼肌病
ocular myopathy
12. 毛滴蟲病
13. 室管膜病
14. 血小板病
15. 突發病
sudden illness
16. 囊蟲病
17. 糖原病
18. 產褥病
19. 空調病
air-conditioning disease
20. 文明病
lifestyle diseases; diseases of longevity; diseases of civilization ( referring to diseases that appear to increase in frequency as countries become more industrialized and people live longer, including Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, asthma, some kinds of cancer, chronic liver disease or cirrhosis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, chronic renal failure, osteoporosis, stroke, depression and obesity)
1. 看來你患上了\害怕有更好的選擇\病。
It seems you suffer from \Fear of Better Options.\
2. 他治好了王子兒子的病,並被邀請到朝廷做官。
He cured the son of the Prince and was invited to be an official in that court (宮廷).
3. 他的嚴重的病從未阻止他過上有意義和豐富多彩的生活。
His serious illness never stopped him from living a meaningful and colorful life.
4. 她的病已經好了,飯也吃得下了。
Now that she’s recovered, she has an appetite again.
5. 打他能記事兒的時候起媽媽就有病。
His mother has been ill since his memory began.
6. 很難確診她到底患的是什麼病。
Her case defies exact diagnosis.
7. 兩位醫生對我的病做出了不同的診斷。
The two doctors gave/made different diagnoses of my disease.
8. 這種病最初的症狀是發高燒。
The first symptom of the disease is a very high temperature/fever.
9. 女兒的病使他心裡沉甸甸的。
His daughter’s illness weighed heavily on his mind.
10. 有了這藥,你的病就有救了。
With this medicine, your illness can be cured.
病( bìng)基本字義:1. 生物體發生不健康的現象:疾~。~症。~例。~痛。~情。~源。~愈。~變。~危。~逝。~榻。~殘。2. 缺點,不貼切:語~。通~。弊~。3. 損害,禍害:禍國~民。4. 不滿,責備:詬~。5. 煩躁,擔憂:“鄭人~之”。
名詞 disease; illness; sickness
1. 這種病最初的症狀是發高燒。
The first symptom of the disease is a very high temperature/fever.
2. 這病傳染很快。
The disease spread very quickly.
3. 他的病治好了。
He is cured of his disease.
4. 久病之後逐漸康復
recover after a long illness
5. 重病
serious illness; severe disease
6. 小病
mild disease; slight/minor illness
7. 先天病
congenital disease
8. 突發病
sudden illness
9. 腦/血液病
brain/blood disease
10. 寄生蟲病
parasitic disease
11. 怪病
mysterious illness; strange sickness
12. 地方病
endemic disease
13. 常見/罕見/難以治癒的病
common/rare/incurable disease
14. 病牛/豬
diseased cow/pig
15. 病重
be seriously/critically ill
16. 病好了
be recovered (from illness); get over an illness; the illness is gone
17. 診斷病
diagnose a disease
18. 有病
be ill; be taken ill
19. 染上病
contract a disease
20. 愁出病來
be sick/ill with worry
名詞 malady; evil; ill
名詞 fault; defect
動詞 fall ill; be sick; be taken ill; sicken
動詞 harm; injure
動詞 blame; reproach