超越的英文 超越用英語怎麼說?
overstep v.超越;逾越;違反
outdo v.勝過;超過;比…做得更好
outshine v.比…更亮;比…更出色
outperform v.做得比…好;比…回報更高
常用 權威
1. 超越自我
transcend oneself; rise above self;exceed one's limitations; excel oneself
2. 超越時空
transcend time and space
3. 超越界線
get across the boundary line
4. 超越障礙
surmount an obstacle
5. 超越凡塵
transcend the mortal world
6. 超越黨派偏見
stand above narrow partisan views
1. 它超越了聯邦移民法的許可權。
It overstepped the authority of federal immigration law.
2. 我們需要超越對合法和非法的嚴格定義。
We need to look beyond strict definitions of legal and illegal.
3. 製糖業在創造利潤方面正在超越菸酒業。
The sugar industry is overtaking alcohol and tobacco business in generating profits.
4. 超越對錯的文化戰爭邏輯意味著開放中間地帶。
Looking beyond the culture war logic of right or wrong means opening up the middle ground.
5. 但是我們想超越一個人,探索天才本身的本質。
But we want to go beyond one man and explore the nature of genius itself.
6. 那需要的情感智慧超越了 Musk 想象中機器的能力。
That required emotional intelligence beyond the power of Mr. Musk's imagined machine.
7. \他表現出了超越他年齡的勇氣,\保羅談到他的兒子時說。
\He acted with courage beyond his years, \Paul said of his son.
8. 君主可能超越\純粹的\政治,成為國家統一的精神\象徵\。
Monarchs can rise above \mere\ politics and \embody\ a spirit of national unity.
9. 他們早已超越了友情的界限。
They have far overstepped the boundary of friendship. / Their relationship has gone beyond friendship.
10. 伏爾泰的思想遠遠超越了他所生活的時代。
Voltaire’s ideas were well in advance of the age in which he lived.
《超越》是由鄭愷、李昀銳、曹炳琨、張藍心、張榕容領銜主演,李晨、金靖特別主演,韓博文執導的電影,於2021年6月12日在中國內地上映。 該片講述了曾獲獎無數的“百米飛人”郝超越(鄭愷 飾)在經歷人生轉型之後陷入低谷,因為與昔日摯友的再聚被喚醒熱血回憶,並重新振作,實現自我超越的故事。
專輯:超越 歌手:楊普評 語言:國語專輯1CD 公司:音網唱片 日期:2003.03.14
動詞 transcend/surpass/exceed/outstrip (sb in sth); overstep; outdo; outshine; outperform
1. 伏爾泰的思想遠遠超越了他所生活的時代。
Voltaire's ideas were well in advance of the age in which he lived.
2. 超越自我
exceed one's limitations; excel oneself
3. 超越障礙
surmount an obstacle
4. 超越時空
transcend time and space
5. 超越許可權
exceed one's authority/power/duty; overstep/overreach one's authority; go beyond one's term of reference; act outside one's jurisdiction
6. 超越前人
outdo/surpass one's predecessors
7. 超越歷史條件
go beyond what historical conditions allow
8. 超越界限
overstep the boundaries/limits/bounds; go beyond the limits/bounds; surpass/transgress the bounds
9. 超越極限
exceed the maximum/limit
10. 超越對手
outstrip/outdo/surpass one's rivals
11. 超越黨派偏見
stand above narrow partisan views