威脅的英文 威脅用英語怎麼說?
threaten v.威脅;揚言要;威脅要;恐嚇;恫嚇;對…構成威脅;使有危險;構成威脅;可能產生不良後果;似將發生
menace n.威脅;危險;他暗含威脅說了這番話;威脅性言行
imperil v.使處於…危險
常用 權威
1. 核威脅
nuclear threat
2. 戰爭威脅
threat of war
3. 制止核威脅
deter a nuclear threat
4. 屈服於威脅
surrender to intimidation
5. 面對威脅
confront the threat
6. 死亡威脅
death threat
7. 首要威脅
overriding challenge
8. 非傳統安全威脅
non-traditional security threats
9. 對威脅無動於衷
be apathetic to the threat
10. 核戰爭的威脅
threat of nuclear war
11. 受到消亡的威脅
be threatened with extinction
12. 露骨的軍事威脅
flagrant military threat
13. 虛張聲勢的威脅
empty threat
14. 威脅某人做某事
intimidate sb into doing sth
15. 在疾病威脅下
under the threat of disease
1. 國有化的威脅目前可能已經消除。
The threat of nationalisation may have been seen off for now.
2. 它可能對其他海洋物種構成威脅。
It could pose a threat other marine species.
3. 一位顧客威脅著要用刀攻擊主管。
A customer threatening to attack a supervisor with a knife.
4. 查爾斯,對即將到來的威脅反應遲鈍。
Charles, Slow to React to the Coming Threats.
5. 這是對我們個人自由最有惡意的威脅。
Here is the most malignant threat to our personal freedom.
6. 他們表現出威脅、愉快和中立的表情。
They showed threatening, pleasant and neutral expressions.
7. 緩慢應對即將到來的威脅。
Slow to react to the coming threats.
8. 社交媒體成癮對我們的健康是一種威脅。
Social media addiction is a threat to our health.
9. 我們的水供應面臨的另一個威脅是汙染。
Another threat(威脅)to our water supply is pollution.
10. 森林可能成為潛在的威脅。
Forests may become a potential threat.
威脅(拼音:wēi xié),漢語詞語,指用武力、權勢脅迫。
動詞 threaten; menace; imperil
1. 以武力相威脅
resort to threats of force; try threats of force
2. 以解僱相威脅
threaten to fire (sb); threaten sb with dismissal; menace sb with the sack
3. 以辭職相威脅
carry out a threat to resign; threaten to resign
4. 嚴重的威脅
grave/dire/serious threat
5. 死亡威脅
death threat
6. 潛在的威脅
covert/potential/latent threat
7. 核戰爭的威脅
threat of nuclear war
8. 核威脅
nuclear threat
9. 非傳統安全威脅
nontraditional/unconventional security threats
10. 屈服於威脅
surrender to intimidation
11. 構成威脅
constitute/pose a threat (to)
12. 威脅某人做某事
intimidate sb into doing sth
13. 威脅某人
make/utter threats (against sb); pose a threat to sb; threaten sb
14. 威脅地區安全
threaten/menace/jeopardize regional security