意思的英文 意思用英語怎麼說?
meaning n.意義;意思;含義;內涵;目的;隱含(或明白無誤的)意思
idea n.想法;主意;念頭;目標;目的;理念;觀念;概念;看法
opinion n.意見;見解;輿論;評價;鑑定;專家意見;理由
view n.視力;視野;視線;看法;意見;想法;觀點;檢視;景色;影象
wish v.希望;但願;想要;祝願;盼望;許願;默默盼禱;企求;要求…做某事;祝(某人)(成功
desire n.渴望;慾望;願望;強烈的性慾
suggestion n.建議;意見;暗示;提議;聯想;細微的跡象;想像;心理暗示
hint n.暗示;提示;線索;細微跡象
trace v.找到;發現;映描;描摹;跟蹤;追蹤;追溯;描繪;查考;追究
interest n.好奇;關注;利息;好處;利益;福利;股本;股份;關聯;利益集團;同業;同行
fun n.享樂;娛樂;樂趣;風趣;頑皮;娛樂(或樂趣)的來源;有趣的人;純娛樂行為;逗樂
常用 權威
1. 沒意思
be boring
2. 猜中意思
hit the meaning
3. 不好意思再問
hesitate to ask again
4. 有點兒不好意思
be somewhat embarrassed
5. 好多層意思
many layers of meanings
6. 解釋自己的意思
explain oneself
7. 從字裡行間體會隱含的意思
read between the lines
1. \搭橋\的意思應該是\來見我\。
The message \bridge out\ would actually mean \Meet me.\
2. 我們應該創造條件來猜測它的意思。
We should create situations to guess its meaning.
3. 請解釋第4段中劃線詞的意思。
Please explain the meaning of the underlined word in Para.4.
4. 它很有意思,而且是預選的。
It is interesting and pre-selected.
5. 我們不明白你的意思,先生!
We don't understand you, sir!
6. 但它們真的是同一個意思嗎?
But do they really mean the same thing?
7. 在日語中,\aibo\的意思是夥伴。
In Japanese aibou means \buddy\.
8. 他說這句話的意思可能是\瘋狂的學員\。
He said it probably meant \the trainee like mad\.
9. 是的,我明白你的意思。
Yeah. I can see what you mean.
10. 中間一張圖比較有意思。
A central picture is more interesting.
名詞 meaning; idea
1. 這個單詞有幾個意思。
This word has several meanings.
2. 你聽懂他的意思了嗎?
Did you get his meaning/idea ?
3. 你明白我的意思嗎?
Do you know/see/perceive/understand what I mean?
4. 你是什麼意思?
What do you mean? / What are you driving at? / What do you want to say?
5. 意思表示真實。
The intention expressed is genuine.
6. 好多層意思
many layers of meanings
7. 掌握文章的中心意思
grasp the meaning of the article
8. 誤解意思
misapprehend/misunderstand sb's meaning
9. 曲解意思
distort/twist sb's meaning
10. 明白意思
seize/understand sb's meaning
11. 領會意思
take/grasp sb's meaning
12. 猜中意思
hit the meaning
13. 表達/闡明意思
convey/clarify one's meaning
名詞 opinion; view; wish; desire
1. 我的意思還是不去為好。
In my opinion, it's better not to go.
2. 他一點也沒有表示出要度假的意思。
He had not the slightest desire to go on holiday.
3. 那根本不是我的意思。
That isn't what I meant at all.
名詞 token of affection, appreciation, gratitude, etc
1. 這是對你好心相助所表示的一點小意思。
This is a slight acknowledgement of your kind help.
2. 區區薄禮只不過是我們的一點兒小意思,請收下吧。
Please take this little humble gift in token of our gratitude to you.
動詞 express one's gratitude, friendship, congratulations, etc
1. 他們要結婚了,我們應該買件禮物意思意思。
They are going to get married. Let's buy a wedding present as a token of our congratulations.
名詞 suggestion; hint; trace
1. 聽你的意思是我錯了。
It appears from your statement that I'm wrong.
2. 她瞅了一下表,意思是我該走了。
She glanced at her wristwatch to give me the hint that I should go.
3. 天有點要下雨的意思。
It looks like rain.
名詞 interest; fun
1. 那事沒多大意思。
That is rather boring.
2. 有意思
be good/great fun
3. 沒意思
be boring